DQRID : D020228.9
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time Data Quality Metric
08/01/1999000008/31/19992359Does not affect quality
SGP/OKM/X1 - Overview of Automated Data Quality - August 1999
DataStreams:sgp05okmX1.b1, sgp15okmX1.b1, sgp05okmX1.a1, sgp15okmX1.a1
Below is an overview from Chris Fiebrich, the Mesonet QA manager
of the automated quality assurance results for the August 1999
Oklahoma Mesonet data.
There are a few special events that were flagged by the automatic 
qa in August that you may want to be aware of:

Date    Station  Parameter(s)       
----    -------  ------------   
8/02     TALI     TAIR         Localized storm caused this station
                               to be MUCH cooler than neighbors. 
                               The data failed the spatial test, but 
                               you can disregard the flags.
8/04     MEDI     TAIR         Same
8/10     BOWL     TAIR         Same
8/12     PAWN     TAIR         Same
8/13     CLOU     TAIR         Same
8/23     CLAR     TAIR         Same
8/26     MTHE     TAIR         Same
8/27     ARNE     TAIR         Same

-Chris Fiebrich
 Mesonet QA Manager


       for the month of August, 1999

       Based upon observations taken at 1800 UTC each day

       Prepared by Chris Fiebrich (qamgr@redrock.ocs.ou.edu)


The ARS site of A137 was vandalized on August 23.  The solar panel
and battery were damaged there.

VINI was struck by lightning on August 11.  Fortunately, damage was
contained to only the T/RH sensor.  In addition to replacing the
damaged sensor, some of the other hardware were replaced at VINI 
to be on the safe side.  

And finally, 12 Mesonet sites received OASIS upgrades during the month.  

TAIR    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2808 HINT Replaced faulty sensor
                        #2920 VINI Replaced lightning-damaged sensor

RELH    Current:        None 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2394 BRIS Replaced sensor with erratic 
                        #2669 WALT Replaced sensor with open RH switch
                        #2807 HINT Replaced faulty sensor
                        #2919 VINI Replaced lightning-damaged sensor
WDIR    Current:        #2711 HOOK Sensor reporting E-NE'ly during 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2718 DURA Replaced logger can

WSPD    Current:        #2736 BBOW Sensor suspected of under-reporting 
                              strong winds/severe weather
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2632 WEST Replaced sensor stuck at 0.0 m/s
                        #2670 DURA Replaced logger can to correct WSPD 

PRES    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

SRAD    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

RAIN    Current:        #2640 ANTL Gauge appears to be double-tipping
                        #2681 BURB Switch found to be sticking
                        #2797 CHER Gauge stuck at 0 mm during heavy 
        Added:          None 
        Resolved:       #2798 PAWN Repaired wiring problem causing
                              reporting of rainfall
                        #2809 ADAX Removed spider web that was clogging
                              tipping bucket

TA9M    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2792 MIAM Installed sensor when it became 

WS2M    Current:        #2946 STIG Sensor again stuck at 0.0 m/s 
        Added:          None 
        Resolved:       #2536 STIG Wired sensor during OASIS upgrade
                        #2671 DURA Replaced logger can to correct under-
                              reporting of WS2M

TS10    Current:        #2260 BOWL Sensor reporting data spikes and 5 C
                              warm bias
                        #2673 BURB Sensor appears to be biased 5 C warm
                              since lightning strike
                        #2831 IDAB Wiring problem
                        #2839 PAWN Wiring problem
                        #2840 TIPT Wiring problem
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2656 WALT Replaced lightning-damaged sensor

TB10    Current:        #2799 MIAM Sensor reporting continuous -7999.
                        #2833 IDAB Wiring problem
                        #2837 PAWN Wiring problem
                        #2864 FREE Sensor stuck at -73 C
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2735 STUA Found gopher damage and replaced 
                        #2794 BURN Fixed wiring problem

TS05    Current:        #2604 HOBA Sensor stuck at -273.1 C
                        #2832 IDAB Wiring problem
                        #2838 PAWN Wiring problem
                        #2841 TIPT Wiring problem
                        #2993 PRYO Sensor reporting below -100.0 C 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TB05    Current:        #2538 CATO Sensor biased 5-10 C warm
                        #2719 LAHO Sensor reports erratically every 
                        #2734 SKIA Reporting data spikes in the
                              as much as a 10 C warm bias
                        #2789 STIG Sensor reporting out of range (over
                        #2834 IDAB Wiring problem
                        #2994 PRYO Sensor reporting below -100.0 C 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2793 BURN Fixed wiring problem

TS30    Current:        #2274 SALL Sensor damaged by lightning
                        #2391 HOLL Reported 15 C warm bias for one
                              data seems to be ok 
                        #2674 BURB Sensor biased 12 C cool since
                        #2836 PAWN Wiring problem
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

                                ARS QA REPORT

TAIR    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

RELH    Current:        #2539 A149 Monthly QA indicates 1.0 C low TDEW
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

SRAD    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

RAIN    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None
TS05    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS10    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS15    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2790 A159 Corrected wiring problem

TS30    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2791 A159 Corrected wiring problem


TAIR    Air Temperature measured at 1.5 meters
RELH    Relative Humidity measured at 1.5 meters
WDIR    Wind Direction measured at 10 meters
WSPD    Wind Speed measured at 10 meters
PRES    Pressure
SRAD    Incident Solar Radiation
RAIN    Rainfall
TA9M    Air Temperature measured at 9 meters
WS2M    Wind Speed measured at 2 meters
TS10    Soil Temperature measured at 10 cm under native sod
TB10    Soil Temperature measured at 10 cm under bare soil
TS05    Soil Temperature measured at 5 cm under native sod
TB05    Soil Temperature measured at 5 cm under bare soil
TS15    Soil Temperature measured at 15 cm under native sod
TS30    Soil Temperature measured at 30 cm under native sod

  • srad
  • wspd_2m
  • wspd_sigma
  • rh
  • wvec_10m
  • tdry_1_5m
  • prec_amt
  • wdir_sigma
  • wdir_10m
  • wspd_10m
  • tdry_9m
  • wspd_max
  • pres
  • prec_amt
  • wvec_10m
  • pres
  • wspd_sigma
  • wdir_10m
  • tdry_1_5m
  • wspd_10m
  • wspd_max
  • wspd_2m
  • rh
  • tdry_9m
  • srad
  • wdir_sigma
  • tbare10
  • tsoil30
  • tsoil10
  • tbare5
  • tsoil5
  • tsoil5
  • tsoil30
  • tsoil10
  • tbare5
  • tbare10

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