DQRID : D990310.1
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time Data Quality Metric
01/01/1999000001/31/19992359Does not affect quality
SGP/OKM - Overview of Automated QA - January 1999
DataStreams:sgp05okmX1.00, sgp15okmX1.00, sgp15okmX1.a1, sgp05okmX1.a1
Below is an overview from Chris Fiebrich, the Mesonet QA manager
of the automated quality assurance results for the January 1999
Oklahoma Mesonet data.

There are a few special events that were flagged by the automatic 
QA that you may want to be aware of:

Date    Station  Parameter(s)       
----    -------  ------------   
01/06   CHEY     TAIR        - Station poked above the cold inversion
                               layer; disregard the flags.

01/12   SALL     TAIR        - Cold-air drainage at this low-lying
                               site caused it to be spatially inconsis-
                               tent with neighboring stations; ignore
                               the flags.

01/18   MEDI     TAIR        - Station poked above the cold inversion
                               layer; disregard the flags.

01/19   WIST     RELH,TAIR   - Cold-air drainage at this low-lying
                               site caused it to be spatially inconsis-
                               tent with neighboring stations; ignore
                               the flags.

01/24    CHEY     TAIR       - Station poked above the cold inversion
                               layer; disregard the flags.

01/28    BBOW     WS2M       - Completely calm conditions held the wind
                               speed at 2-m at 0.0 m/s all day long;
                               this caused our persistence program to
                               flag the data.  Disregard the flags.

01/30   CHAN,MIAM PRES       - Wind gusts to 45+ mph caused pressure 
                               spikes; ignore the flags.

-Chris Fiebrich
 Mesonet QA Manager


       for the month of January, 1999

       Based upon observations taken at 1800 UTC each day

       Prepared by Chris Fiebrich (qamgr@redrock.ocs.ou.edu)



After a fairly long dry spell, the last weekend of January brought 1 to 2 
inch rainfall totals to most sites in the Mesonet.  This event brought
to our attention an under-reporting gauge at NOWA. 

Along with the rainfall, the Panhandle stations got quite a bit of 
freezing rain and snow.  The 10-m wind sensors were most affected 
     this time around.  GOOD, BEAV, HOOK, and SLAP all had their 
freeze solid as the ice accumulated. 

And now, on to the report...

TAIR    Current:        #2189 SLAP Long-term QA indicates possible 1.5 C
                                   warm bias
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2181 ALV2 Sensor reporting frequent -7999

RELH    Current:        #2151 RING Sensor sporadically reporting ~30% too 
        Added:          None 
        Resolved:       #2144 MANG Sensor reporting low Max RH replaced
                        #2173 SEIL Replaced erratically reporting sensor
                        #2190 PRYO Replaced sensor with 1 C warm TDEW bias
                        #2206 PRES Sensor replaced after vandalism

WDIR    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2205 PRES Sensor replaced after vandalism

WSPD    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2178 BREC Sensor with lose bearings replaced
                        #2180 ALV2 Repaired lose wire and corrosion
                              which was causing frequent 0.0 m/s reports
                        #2204 PRES Sensor replaced after vandalism
                        #2209 CHAN Replaced sensor shot with rifle 

PRES    Current:        #2186 SLAP Long-term QA indicates possible low 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

SRAD    Current:        None
        Added:          #2212 SPEN Sensor consistently reports lower than
                              neighboring sites
        Resolved:       None

RAIN    Current:        #2211 NOWA Gauge reported 0.00" during heavy 
                              rainfall event
        Added:          None 
        Resolved:       None

TA9M    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

WS2M    Current:        None 
        Added:          None 
        Resolved:       #2203 PRES Sensor replaced after vandalism

TS10    Current:        #2161 FAIR Sensor reporting constant -219.3 C
        Added:          #2188 HINT Monthly QA indicates 2-3 C cool bias
        Resolved:       None

TB10    Current:        None
        Added:          #2213 GUTH Monthly QA indicates 2-3 C warm bias
        Resolved:       #2183 WYNO Replaced sensor with sporadic low bias
                        #2200 BREC Added soil removed by erosion
                        #2208 PRES Sensor replaced after vandalism

TS05    Current:        #2160 FAIR Sensor reporting constant -57.3 C
                        #2187 HINT Long-term QA indicates 2 C cool bias 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TB05    Current:        #2015 ELRE Sensor reporting 2 C warmer than 
                              neighboring sites
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2185 BRIS Replaced sensor with 5.5 C warm bias
                        #2199 BREC Added soil removed by erosion
                        #2205 PRES Sensor replaced after vandalism

TS30    Current:        #2157 TIPT Sensor reporting constant -56.0 C
                        #2184 FTCB Long-term QA indicates 1-2 C cool bias 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

                                ARS QA REPORT

TAIR    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

RELH    Current:        #2179 A155 Sensor reports as high as 105 0uring
                              conditions of hight relative humidity
        Added:          None 
        Resolved:       #2196 A124 Replaced sensor with 1.8 C high TDEW 
                        #2202 A164 Replaced sensor with 1.5 C high TDEW

SRAD    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

RAIN    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None
TS05    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2194 A164 Replaced sensor with 4 C warm bias
TS10    Current:        None
        Added:          #2214 A110 Monthly QA indicates 4 C warm bias
        Resolved:       None

TS15    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2201 A164 Replaced sensor with slight warm bias
                              and biting in insulation

TS30    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None


TAIR    Air Temperature measured at 1.5 meters
RELH    Relative Humidity measured at 1.5 meters
WDIR    Wind Direction measured at 10 meters
WSPD    Wind Speed measured at 10 meters
PRES    Pressure
SRAD    Incident Solar Radiation
RAIN    Rainfall
TA9M    Air Temperature measured at 9 meters
WS2M    Wind Speed measured at 2 meters
TS10    Soil Temperature measured at 10 cm under native sod
TB10    Soil Temperature measured at 10 cm under bare soil
TS05    Soil Temperature measured at 5 cm under native sod
TB05    Soil Temperature measured at 5 cm under bare soil
TS15    Soil Temperature measured at 15 cm under native sod
TS30    Soil Temperature measured at 30 cm under native sod

Users of these data should obtain the detailed quality
assurance information from ARM
  • alt
  • prec_amt
  • wvec_10m
  • time_offset
  • pres
  • wspd_sigma
  • wspd_10m
  • wdir_10m
  • tdry_1_5m
  • base_time
  • lon
  • wspd_max
  • wspd_2m
  • rh
  • tdry_9m
  • srad
  • wdir_sigma
  • lat
  • Raw data stream - documentation not supported
  • leaf_ind
  • alt
  • tsoil5
  • tsoil10
  • tbare5
  • vbat
  • base_time
  • lon
  • tbare10
  • tbare30
  • time_offset
  • lat
  • Raw data stream - documentation not supported

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