Description: | Data quality for this site is good this month: 100% of the daytime data are present, and
89.8% of the present daytime data earn passing or low-level flags. Another 8.8% of the
present daytime data are assigned strange-but-true flags. Low-level flags seen early on
clear or partly cloudy mornings indicate that the DS is too low or the DD or NIP too high by
the three-component test. Overcast conditions force the DS and DD below twilight or
daytime empirical limits on a number of occasions, and the NIP repeatedly falls below daytime
empirical limits on the afternoon of the 13th. On the afternoon of the 14th the 10m tower
was removed for upgrade, so the US and UIR signals read 99999: missing data. On the
morning of the 22nd the suntracker failed, but was returned to proper operation that same
morning. No other problems noted. |