Subject: | NSA/MMCR/C1 - Receiver failure |
DataStreams: | nsammcrpowC1.00, nsammcrmomentsC1.a1, nsammcrmonC1.a1, nsammcrmonC1.00, nsammcrmomentsC1.00, nsammcrpowC1.a1
Description: | The receiver failed during this period of time. Cause is unknown as it recovered on its
own. |
Suggestions: | Do not use the data during this periond. |
Measurements: | nsammcrpowC1.a1: - base_time
- TransmittedRFPower
- alt
- lat
- lon
- TimeNanoSeconds
- time_offset
nsammcrpowC1.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported
nsammcrmomentsC1.a1: - SignalToNoiseRatio
- time_offset
- lon
- NumFft
- Heights
- GateSpacing
- Noise
- Switch
- MeanDopplerValue
- StartGateDelay
- PulseWidth
- base_time
- Delay
- NyquistVelocity
- lat
- SpectralWidthValue
- InterPulsePeriod
- NumHeights
- NumSpectraAveraged
- NumCoherentIntegrations
- alt
- NumCodeBits
nsammcrmomentsC1.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported
nsammcrmonC1.a1: - 16GHzPhaseLock
- lat
- PulseWidthFault
- UPSOutputCurrent
- DMSPCPlus5Volts
- InterfaceBoxMinus15Volts
- base_time
- alt
- RFCUDPlus15Volts
- RFCUDRecPlus12Volts
- DMSPCMinus5Volts
- IFModMinus15Volts
- XAxisTilt
- ExtIFModPlus15Volts
- IndoorHumidity
- time_offset
- InterfaceBoxPlus15Volts
- ADCalVoltage
- 2GHzPhaseLock
- DMSPCMinus12Volts
- UPSInputVoltage
- RadarPCPlus12Volts
- SwitchFault
- InterfaceBoxPlus5Volts2
- InterfaceBoxPlus5Volts1
- OutdoorTemperature
- RadarPCPlus5Volts
- UPSBatteryCurrent
- RadarPCMinus5Volts
- IndoorTemperature
- DMSPCPlus12Volts
- ExtIFModPlus12Volts
- InterfaceBoxMinus5Volts
- YAxisTilt
- TempCirc2
- TempCirc1
- UPSBatteryVoltage
- lon
- InterfaceBoxPlus28Volts
- RFCUDTxPlus12Volts
- UPSBatteryTime
- TimeNanoSeconds
- RadarPCMinus12Volts
- IFModPlus15Volts
- UPSOutputVoltage
nsammcrmonC1.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported