DQRID : D170405.6
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time Data Quality Metric
SGP/RADFLUXANAL/E22 - Reprocess: Input data 5 minute averaged data reported as 1 minute
Some data from the input datastream (qcrad1long.c2) that was expected be 1-minute averages 
reported each minute was actually a 5-minute average assigned to a 1-minute interval.  
Thus for those measurements, a value is written for the first minute in each 5-minute 
cycle with the remaining 4 values set to missing value. The input data will be reprocessed to 
correct this error, after which this data product will be reprocessed.

Additionally, some LW irradiance QC checks are only applied once every 5 minutes, so not 
all data has been screened because of the missing meteorological values. There is not 
necessarily anything wrong with these irradiance measurements, there is just less information 
about the quality.
If users want to use the affected measurements the simplest method is to assign the 

first 1-minute average provided value to the next 4 missing samples.
  • wind_direction
  • air_temperature
  • wind_speed
  • precipitation
  • relative_humidity
  • pressure

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