Incorrect programs were used in Skyrad at the beginning of the PVC
Deployment. The Skyrad program was corrected 2012-09-05 approx 20:00GMT.
Reprocessing was completed 2012-12-17. It involved applying the following
corrections for the specified time range.
Serial numbers(incorrectly applied):
PIR1-DIR: 34306
PIR2-DIR: 34303
Diffuse PSP: 34284
NIP: 34097
PSP-DS: 34293
Serial numbers(corrected):
PIR1-DIR: 34303
PIR2-DIR: 34306
Diffuse PSP: 35751
NIP: 37285
PSP-DS: 37302
Longwave required reprocessing using the 20second datastream and applying
the following k1
coefficients (note: the longwave instruments were swapped according to
down_long_hemisp1 (old cal) = 0.23041
down_long_hemisp1 (corr cal) = 0.24750
down_long_hemisp2 (old cal) = 0.24750
down_long_hemisp2 (corr cal) = 0.23041
Shortwave only required application of the following corrections to 1min and
20 second data.
down_short_diffuse_hemisp(corr) = down_short_diffuse_hemisp(old
cal)/120.91(incorr cal))
short_direct_normal(corr) = short_direct_normal(old value)*(117.25(new
up_short_hemip(corr) = up_short_hemip(old value)*(119.21(new
cal)/108.48(incorr cal)). |