Description: | The VAP was incorrectly ingesting precipitation data from the co-located MET/SMET
datastreams and all precip values are missing.
Also, in all mergesonde files with process_version vap-mergesondemace-1.0-0.sol5_10, the
qc_precip indicate the data are missing data while the precip values are set to 0. Given
the description in the qc_precip field, these precip values should be set to -9999.
Here is a breakdown of the problems:
20090101-20110101, no version listed, all precip values flagged as missing and correctly
set to -9999
20110101-20111129, vap-mergesondemace-1.0-0.sol5_10, qc_precip flagged as missing but
values set to 0
The VAP has been corrected and the data will be reprocessed shortly. |