Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time | Data Quality Metric |
07/12/2013 | 0601 | 07/13/2013 | 1218 | Suspect |
06/06/2013 | 1240 | 06/08/2013 | 1125 | Suspect |
09/20/2012 | 1327 | 09/22/2012 | 1223 | Suspect |
10/25/2012 | 0612 | 10/26/2012 | 0650 | Suspect |
08/15/2013 | 1312 | 08/17/2013 | 1902 | Suspect |
11/22/2012 | 0615 | 11/24/2012 | 1105 | Suspect |
09/26/2013 | 1319 | 09/28/2013 | 1135 | Suspect |
08/22/2013 | 0907 | 08/23/2013 | 1747 | Suspect |
05/16/2013 | 0535 | 05/17/2013 | 1704 | Suspect |
06/27/2013 | 0650 | 06/28/2013 | 1759 | Suspect |
12/06/2012 | 0842 | 12/07/2012 | 0820 | Suspect |
09/27/2012 | 0533 | 09/28/2012 | 0952 | Suspect |
06/20/2013 | 1303 | 06/22/2013 | 1205 | Suspect |
05/23/2013 | 1323 | 05/25/2013 | 1204 | Suspect |
08/08/2013 | 0459 | 08/09/2013 | 1040 | Suspect |
10/03/2013 | 0545 | 10/04/2013 | 1038 | Suspect |
12/13/2012 | 1440 | 12/15/2012 | 1351 | Suspect |
12/27/2012 | 2334 | 12/29/2012 | 1306 | Suspect |
11/15/2012 | 1430 | 11/17/2012 | 1315 | Suspect |
10/18/2012 | 1318 | 10/20/2012 | 1128 | Suspect |
09/19/2013 | 0536 | 09/20/2013 | 1150 | Suspect |
08/29/2013 | 1248 | 08/31/2013 | 1220 | Suspect |
08/01/2013 | 1247 | 08/03/2013 | 1410 | Suspect |
11/01/2012 | 1314 | 11/03/2012 | 1757 | Suspect |
11/08/2012 | 1330 | 11/09/2012 | 1732 | Suspect |
01/03/2013 | 0635 | 01/05/2013 | 0523 | Suspect |
11/30/2012 | 0130 | 12/01/2012 | 1332 | Suspect |
05/30/2013 | 0538 | 05/31/2013 | 1148 | Suspect |
10/04/2012 | 1359 | 10/06/2012 | 1132 | Suspect |
06/13/2013 | 0545 | 06/14/2013 | 1705 | Suspect |
09/12/2013 | 1340 | 09/14/2013 | 1305 | Suspect |
07/18/2013 | 2232 | 07/20/2013 | 1252 | Suspect |
09/12/2012 | 1255 | 09/14/2012 | 2326 | Suspect |
12/20/2012 | 0738 | 12/22/2012 | 0847 | Suspect |
07/25/2013 | 0507 | 07/26/2013 | 1342 | Suspect |
07/03/2013 | 2232 | 07/07/2013 | 1800 | Suspect |
09/05/2013 | 0548 | 09/06/2013 | 1248 | Suspect |
10/11/2012 | 0600 | 10/12/2012 | 0850 | Suspect |
Subject: | MAG/AOS/ALL/M1/S1/S2 - Ship in port |
DataStreams: | magkazrspeccmaskmdcopolM1.a0, magaospsap3wM1.a1, magassistsummaryM1.b1, magaosnephdryM1.a1, magaosnephwetM1.a1, magnavM1.a1, magsaszevisM1.a1, magmarinemetM1.b1, mag1290rwpwindconM1.a1, magaosmetM1.a1, magaosuhsasM1.a1, magsondewnpnM1.b1, magsaszenirM1.a0, magassistengineerM1.b1, magmarinemetM1.00, magassistch1M1.b1, magkazrspeccmaskhicopolM1.a0, mag1290rwpwindmomM1.a0, magsaszenirM1.a1, magkazrgeM1.b1, magnavgpsM1.a1, magsaszefilterbandsM1.a1, magaoscpcuM1.a1, mag1sprpradM1.a1, magtsiskyimageM1.a1, magprpgpsM1.a0, mag6sprpfrsrM1.a0, magmwacrM1.a1, magmwrlosM1.b1, magmwr3cM1.b1, magmwrtipM1.a1, magaoscpcfM1.a1, magkazrmdM1.a1, magpars2M1.b1, magprpradM1.a0, magkazrgeM1.a1, mag1290rwpM1.00, magassistauxM1.b1, magmplpolfsM1.b1, magtsiskycoverM1.b1, magaoshumidgrM1.00, magmarinemet1sM1.b1, magkazrhiM1.a1, magprpfrsrM1.a0, magkazrspeccmaskgecopolM1.a0, magsaszevisM1.a0, mag1sprpradS1.a1, magirtM1.b1, magmwacrspeccmaskcopolM1.a0, magprptcmM1.a0, magaospsap3wM1.b1, magtsicldmaskM1.a1, maghsrlM1.00, mag5sprpgpsM1.a1, magaosnephwetM1.b1, magirt200msM1.a1, magaosnephdryM1.b1, magcsphotaotM1.a1, magcsphotaotfiltM1.a1, magaoshtdmaM1.00, magkazrauxM1.a0, magaosozoneM1.a1, magcsphotppM1.a1, magmwacrauxM1.a0, magcsphotalmM1.a1, mag1290bsrwpwindavgM1.b1, maghsrlM1.a1, magaoshtdmaM1.a1, mag1290bsrwpprecipavgM1.b1, mag1290rwprawM1.00, mag1290rwpwindspecM1.a0, magassistch2M1.b1, magaosccn100M1.a1, mag1sprptcmM1.a1, magprpradS1.a1 |
Description: | The ship was in port during these periods and the measurements may be affected by various sources (overhead cranes, anthropogenic sources, etc). Note: Dates and times were found by looking at the NAV datastream. The standard deviation of pitch, roll, and surge velocity were used to determine when the ship was slowing down to enter port or speeding up to leave port. Thresholds used; pitch (0.01), roll (0.01), surge velocity (3.0) |
Suggestions: | |
Measurements: | magprpfrsrM1.a0: more
magaosccn100M1.a1: more magaoshtdmaM1.00: more magtsiskycoverM1.b1: more magcsphotppM1.a1: more magmplpolfsM1.b1: more magkazrauxM1.a0: more mag1290rwpwindconM1.a1: more magirt200msM1.a1: more mag1290rwpwindmomM1.a0: more magaosnephdryM1.a1: more magaosuhsasM1.a1: more magmwacrauxM1.a0: more magprpgpsM1.a0: more magaoshtdmaM1.a1: more magaospsap3wM1.b1: more mag1sprpradS1.a1: more maghsrlM1.00: more magprpradM1.a0: more magaosozoneM1.a1: more magassistch1M1.b1: more magtsicldmaskM1.a1: more magaosnephwetM1.a1: more magmwr3cM1.b1: more magtsiskyimageM1.a1: more magsaszenirM1.a1: more magmwacrM1.a1: more magkazrspeccmaskgecopolM1.a0: more magkazrgeM1.b1: more magassistsummaryM1.b1: more mag5sprpgpsM1.a1: more maghsrlM1.a1: more magaosnephdryM1.b1: more mag1290bsrwpprecipavgM1.b1: more mag1sprpradM1.a1: more magprpradS1.a1: more magnavgpsM1.a1: more magmwacrspeccmaskcopolM1.a0: more magkazrmdM1.a1: more magaoshumidgrM1.00: more magmarinemet1sM1.b1: more magmwrtipM1.a1: more magnavM1.a1: more magmarinemetM1.00: more magassistengineerM1.b1: more magpars2M1.b1: more magassistch2M1.b1: more mag1290bsrwpwindavgM1.b1: more mag1290rwpM1.00: more magaosnephwetM1.b1: more magprptcmM1.a0: more magmwrlosM1.b1: more magsaszenirM1.a0: more magkazrspeccmaskhicopolM1.a0: more magkazrgeM1.a1: more magmarinemetM1.b1: more magaosmetM1.a1: more magcsphotalmM1.a1: more magkazrhiM1.a1: more magcsphotaotM1.a1: more mag1sprptcmM1.a1: more magirtM1.b1: more magaoscpcuM1.a1: more mag1290rwprawM1.00: more mag1290rwpwindspecM1.a0: more magsondewnpnM1.b1: more magaoscpcfM1.a1: more magassistauxM1.b1: more magaospsap3wM1.a1: more magsaszefilterbandsM1.a1: more magcsphotaotfiltM1.a1: more mag6sprpfrsrM1.a0: more magsaszevisM1.a0: more magsaszevisM1.a1: more magkazrspeccmaskmdcopolM1.a0: more |