Subject: | TWP/CSAPR/I10 - Transmitter Intermittently Down |
DataStreams: | twpcsaprsurI10.00, twpcsaprvertI10.00, twpcsaprsecI10.00, twpcsaprrhiI10.00
Description: | The transmitter was intermittently down during this period. |
Suggestions: | Inspect data to make sure there are meteorological echo before using. |
Measurements: | twpcsaprsurI10.00: - dp_phase_shift_unf
- power_vertical
- reflectivity_horizontal_unf
- power_vertical_unf
- power_horizontal
- reflectivity_vertical_unf
- diff_reflectivity_unf
- reflectivity_horizontal
- power_horizontal_unf
- doppler_spectral_width
- dp_phase_shift
- mean_doppler_velocity_unf
- reflectivity_vertical
- diff_phase
- diff_phase_unf
- copol_coeff
- copol_coeff_unf
- norm_coherent_power_unf
- norm_coherent_power
- diff_reflectivity
- mean_doppler_velocity
- doppler_spectral_width_unf
twpcsaprsecI10.00: - reflectivity_vertical_unf
- doppler_spectral_width
- diff_phase
- norm_coherent_power_unf
- dp_phase_shift_unf
- power_vertical
- power_horizontal
- power_vertical_unf
- reflectivity_horizontal_unf
- copol_coeff_unf
- mean_doppler_velocity_unf
- diff_reflectivity_unf
- doppler_spectral_width_unf
- norm_coherent_power
- copol_coeff
- reflectivity_vertical
- reflectivity_horizontal
- dp_phase_shift
- power_horizontal_unf
- mean_doppler_velocity
- diff_reflectivity
- diff_phase_unf
twpcsaprrhiI10.00: - norm_coherent_power_unf
- copol_coeff
- diff_reflectivity_unf
- doppler_spectral_width_unf
- reflectivity_vertical_unf
- reflectivity_vertical
- norm_coherent_power
- power_vertical_unf
- power_horizontal
- power_vertical
- dp_phase_shift
- reflectivity_horizontal
- mean_doppler_velocity
- diff_phase_unf
- power_horizontal_unf
- diff_reflectivity
- reflectivity_horizontal_unf
- dp_phase_shift_unf
- mean_doppler_velocity_unf
- copol_coeff_unf
- diff_phase
- doppler_spectral_width
twpcsaprvertI10.00: - norm_coherent_power_unf
- mean_doppler_velocity_unf
- norm_coherent_power
- power_vertical_unf
- dp_phase_shift_unf
- power_vertical
- doppler_spectral_width
- dp_phase_shift
- power_horizontal_unf
- reflectivity_horizontal
- reflectivity_vertical
- diff_phase
- mean_doppler_velocity
- reflectivity_vertical_unf
- diff_phase_unf
- reflectivity_horizontal_unf
- doppler_spectral_width_unf
- power_horizontal
- copol_coeff
- diff_reflectivity
- diff_reflectivity_unf
- copol_coeff_unf