Subject: | SGP/AOS/S01 - Reprocess: aostap raw data correction |
DataStreams: | sgpaostapS01.a0, sgpaostapS01.00
Description: | The raw column headings for the aostap has a duplicate column heading. |
Suggestions: | Wait for reprocessed sgpaostapS01.a0 data |
Measurements: | sgpaostapS01.a0: - ch2_dark
- ch2_green
- alt
- filter_id
- sample_volume
- ch8_dark
- ch6_red
- ch7_blue
- status_flags
- ch1_blue
- record_type
- ch7_red
- lat
- base_time
- ch7_dark
- ch5_green
- ch3_dark
- ref9_dark
- ref9_green
- ch8_green
- ch8_blue
- lon
- ch3_red
- ch6_green
- ch6_dark
- ch1_dark
- ch3_blue
- ch6_blue
- ref9_blue
- ch5_red
- time_offset
- ch4_red
- ref0_green
- ch1_red
- ch5_dark
- time
- ch7_green
- ch4_blue
- case_temperature
- ref0_dark
- ref0_blue
- active_spot_number
- ch4_dark
- ch2_red
- tap_flow_rate
- ch3_green
- sample_air_temperature
- ch5_blue
- ch1_green
- ch8_red
- ch2_blue
- ref0_red
- ref9_red
- elapsed_time
- ch4_green
sgpaostapS01.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported