Subject: | NSA/AETH/X1 - Detector board problem |
DataStreams: | nsaaosaeth2spotX1.a1, nsaaosaeth1spotX1.a1
Description: | The detector board stopped working after a power outage. Returned to the manufacturer for
repair. |
Suggestions: | Use CLAP data |
Measurements: | nsaaosaeth2spotX1.a1: - time
- sample_intensity_spot_1
- tape_advances
- base_time
- sample_intensity_spot_2
- system_flags
- reference_intensity
- wavelength
- equivalent_black_carbon_spot_2_uncorrected
- equivalent_black_carbon_spot_1_uncorrected
- alt
- sample_flow_rate_spot_2
- power_supply_temperature
- sample_flow_rate_spot_1
- lat
- time_offset
- sample_flow_rate_combined
- instrument_flags
- equivalent_black_carbon
- control_temperature
- loading_correction_factor
- lon
- specific_attenuation_sigma
- spot_size_area
nsaaosaeth1spotX1.a1: - specific_attenuation_sigma
- sample_dark
- base_time
- reference_dark
- time_offset
- alt
- time
- spot_size_area
- reference_intensity
- optical_attenuation
- bypass_fraction
- lat
- sample_flow_rate
- wavelength
- sample_intensity
- equivalent_black_carbon
- lon