Description: | No data were collected from 6/7/2006 0000 to 6/14/2006 1612 due to hardware problems.
When data resumed on 6/14, ALL calibration coefficients and serial numbers were for
different instruments possibly due to incorrect program loaded on storage module. Correct
program reloaded by PM/CM techs on 7/12 1830GMT
Shortwave data can be corrected with a simple multiplier as shown below. Longwave data
must be reprocessed from temperature and netIR data.
The data can be recalibrated as follows:
First divide value by incorrectly applied cal coeff (first number) then multiply by
correct cal coeff (second number).
down_short_diffuse_hemisp 109.52 110.31
up_short_hemisp 111.61 109.80
short_direct_normal 115.73 118.82
down_short_hemisp 122.47 117.34
up_long_netir 0.26525 0.2564
down_long_netir 0.27173 0.2695
Reapply cal coeffs below using up_long_netIR(uV), inst_up_long_dome_temp(K),
inst_up_long_dome_temp(K) using procedure described in SIRS instrument manual.
k0 0.00 W/m^2
k1 0.2564 W/(m^2*uV)
k2 1.00 unitless
k3 -4.00 unitless
kr 0.000 K/uV
Reapply cal coeffs below using down_long_netIR(uV),inst_down_long_dome_temp
k0 0.00 W/m^2
k1 0.2695 W/(m^2*uV)
k2 1.00 unitless
k3 -4.00 unitless
kr 0.000 K/uV |
Measurements: | sgpsirs20sE3.a0: - Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile Voltage, Shaded Pyrgeometer(inst_down_long_hemisp_shaded_tp)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Hemispheric Shortwave, Unshaded Pyranometer Thermopile
Voltage(inst_global) - Instantaneous Direct Normal Shortwave Irradiance, Pyrheliometer Thermopile
Voltage(inst_direct_normal) - Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Resistance, Shaded
Pyrgeometer(inst_down_long_shaded_case_resist) - Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Resistance, Pyrgeometer(inst_up_long_dome_resist)
- Instantaneous Upwelling Shortwave Irradiance, Inverted Pyranometer Thermopile
Voltage(inst_up_short_hemisp) - Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Resistance, Shaded
Pyrgeometer(inst_down_long_shaded_dome_resist) - Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Resistance, Pyrgeometer(inst_up_long_case_resist)
- Instantaneous Uncorrected Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse, Shaded Pyranometer
Thermopile Voltage(inst_diffuse) - Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile Voltage, Pyrgeometer(inst_up_long_hemisp_tp)
sgpsirsE3.b1: - Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer,
Minima(up_long_hemisp_min) - Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer(inst_up_long_case_temp)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Minima(short_direct_normal_min)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer, Maxima(down_short_hemisp_max)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer, Standard
Deviation(down_short_hemisp_std) - Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Shaded Pyrgeometer(down_long_hemisp_shaded)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Shaded Pyrgeometer, Minima(down_long_hemisp_shaded_min)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer, Minima(down_short_hemisp_min)
- Upwelling Longwave Hemispheric Net Infrared(up_long_netir)
- Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer(down_short_diffuse_hemisp)
- Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer(inst_up_long_dome_temp)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Maxima(up_short_hemisp_max) - Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Standard Deviation(short_direct_normal_std)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Minima(up_short_hemisp_min) - Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Maxima(short_direct_normal_max)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature, Shaded
Pyrgeometer(inst_down_long_shaded_case_temp) - Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Shaded Pyrgeometer, Maxima(down_long_hemisp_shaded_max)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer(up_long_hemisp)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Shaded Pyrgeometer, Standard
Deviation(down_long_hemisp_shaded_std) - Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer,
Standard Deviation(up_long_hemisp_std) - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Minima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_min) - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Standard Deviation(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_std) - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Maxima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_max) - Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer(short_direct_normal)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Net Infrared(down_long_netir)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Standard Deviation(up_short_hemisp_std) - Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature, Shaded
Pyrgeometer(inst_down_long_shaded_dome_temp) - Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer(down_short_hemisp)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer(up_short_hemisp)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer,