DQR ID | Subject | Data Streams Affected |
D040127.5 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Timestamp problems and intermittent data gaps | sgpecorE10.00, sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D040720.1 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Sensor failure | sgpecorE10.00, sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D041025.3 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Sensor failure | sgpecorE10.00, sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D050413.5 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Incorrect H2O, CO2 | sgpecorE10.00, sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D050421.1 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Incorrectly flagged (marked as "bad") H2O/CO2 data | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D051024.3 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Data Missing | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D060531.3 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Wind Direction Incorrect | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D060619.2 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - LI-7500 Pressure and Temperature missing | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Sensor failure |
DataStreams: | sgpecorE10.00, sgp30ecorE10.b1
Description: | Due to sensor failure all the parameters measured by the Infrared Gas Analyzer (water
vapor density, CO2 concentration, fluxes of latent heat and CO2, etc.) are incorrect for the
period of 18:30 Oct. 22, 2004 to 22:00 Dec. 14, 2004. The data is irrevocably lost. |
Measurements: | sgpecorE10.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported(raw)
sgp30ecorE10.b1: - rotated covariance vq(cvar_rot_vq)
- rotated covariance wc(cvar_rot_wc)
- skewness of variable c(skew_c)
- covariance wc(cvar_wc)
- covariance vq(cvar_vq)
- number of samples with bad sonic status flag(n_bad_son_ic)
- CO2 flux(fc)
- number of q samples removed due to spikes(n_spk_q)
- specific heat of moist air(cp)
- number of samples with IRGA optical path blocked flag(n_bad_irga_light)
- covariance uc(cvar_uc)
- number of valid c samples(n_good_c)
- variance of variable c(var_c)
- rotated covariance vc(cvar_rot_vc)
- kurtosis of variable q(kurt_q)
- number of bad or out of range c samples(n_bad_c)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of mr(real_mr)
- number of valid q samples(n_good_q)
- mean value of out of range values and spikes of q -9999 if no spikes(mean_spk_q)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of rho(real_rho)
- number of c samples removed due to spikes(n_spk_c)
- average atmospheric pressure (IGRA internal sensor)(atm_pres)
- rotated covariance uc(cvar_rot_uc)
- mean water vapor concentration (q)(mean_q)
- covariance vc(cvar_vc)
- rotated covariance wq(cvar_rot_wq)
- covariance of tc(cvar_tc)
- covariance uq(cvar_uq)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of lv(real_lv)
- average voltage of IRGA cooler(mean_cooler)
- rotated covariance uq(cvar_rot_uq)
- mean value of out of range values and spikes of c -9999 if no spikes(mean_spk_c)
- mixing ratio(mr)
- variance of variable q(var_q)
- latent heat flux(lv_e)
- covariance of tq(cvar_tq)
- number of bad or out of range q samples(n_bad_q)
- Retrieved water vapor density profile(rho)
- skewness of variable q(skew_q)
- average temperature (IGRA internal sensor)(temp_irga)
- covariance of qc(cvar_qc)
- covariance wq(cvar_wq)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of cp(real_cp)
- number of samples with \IRGA hardware problem\ flag(n_bad_irga)
- kurtosis of variable c(kurt_c)
- mean co2 concentration (c)(mean_c)
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Incorrect H2O, CO2 |
DataStreams: | sgpecorE10.00, sgp30ecorE10.b1
Description: | Due to failure of analog output circuitry in the Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA), CO2 and
water vapor parameters measured by the IRGA (water vapor density, CO2 concentration, fluxes
of latent heat and CO2) were incorrectly recorded in sonic raw data files for the period
of 22:30 Dec. 14, 2004 to 22:00 Jan. 11, 2005. The data could be recovered from IRGA raw
serial files (00 level). |
Measurements: | sgpecorE10.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported(raw)
sgp30ecorE10.b1: - rotated covariance vq(cvar_rot_vq)
- rotated covariance wc(cvar_rot_wc)
- latent heat of vaporization(lv)
- skewness of variable c(skew_c)
- covariance wc(cvar_wc)
- covariance vq(cvar_vq)
- CO2 flux(fc)
- number of q samples removed due to spikes(n_spk_q)
- specific heat of moist air(cp)
- covariance uc(cvar_uc)
- number of valid c samples(n_good_c)
- variance of variable c(var_c)
- rotated covariance vc(cvar_rot_vc)
- kurtosis of variable q(kurt_q)
- number of bad or out of range c samples(n_bad_c)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of mr(real_mr)
- number of valid q samples(n_good_q)
- mean value of out of range values and spikes of q -9999 if no spikes(mean_spk_q)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of rho(real_rho)
- number of c samples removed due to spikes(n_spk_c)
- rotated covariance uc(cvar_rot_uc)
- mean water vapor concentration (q)(mean_q)
- covariance vc(cvar_vc)
- rotated covariance wq(cvar_rot_wq)
- covariance of tc(cvar_tc)
- covariance uq(cvar_uq)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of lv(real_lv)
- rotated covariance uq(cvar_rot_uq)
- mean value of out of range values and spikes of c -9999 if no spikes(mean_spk_c)
- mixing ratio(mr)
- variance of variable q(var_q)
- latent heat flux(lv_e)
- covariance of tq(cvar_tq)
- number of bad or out of range q samples(n_bad_q)
- Retrieved water vapor density profile(rho)
- skewness of variable q(skew_q)
- covariance of qc(cvar_qc)
- covariance wq(cvar_wq)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of cp(real_cp)
- number of samples with \IRGA hardware problem\ flag(n_bad_irga)
- kurtosis of variable c(kurt_c)
- mean co2 concentration (c)(mean_c)