DQR ID | Subject | Data Streams Affected |
D040920.2 | GEC/TOMS/X1 - Reprocess: Retrieval algorithm version 7 | gectomsX1.a1, gectomsreflX1.00, gectomsozoneX1.00, gectomsaerosolindexX1.00 |
D060112.2 | GEC/TOMS/X1 - Calibration Error | gectomsX1.a1, gectomsreflX1.00, gectomsozoneX1.00, gectomsaerosolindexX1.00 |
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
07/25/1996 | 0000 | 08/31/2004 | 2359 |
Subject: | GEC/TOMS/X1 - Reprocess: Retrieval algorithm version 7 |
DataStreams: | gectomsX1.a1, gectomsreflX1.00, gectomsozoneX1.00, gectomsaerosolindexX1.00 |
Description: | A new set of TOMS retrievals are available since 2004-09-01 using the revised algorithm version 8. The existing files in the ARM archive were all processed using the prior algorithm version 7. For details about the differences see http://toms.gsfc.nasa.gov/version8/version8_update.html |
Measurements: | gectomsaerosolindexX1.00:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
01/01/2002 | 0000 | 12/31/2005 | 2359 |
Subject: | GEC/TOMS/X1 - Calibration Error |
DataStreams: | gectomsX1.a1, gectomsreflX1.00, gectomsozoneX1.00, gectomsaerosolindexX1.00 |
Description: | For data beginning in year 2000, the calibration has been stabilized relative to NOAA-16 SBUV/2 in the equatorial zone. Because of continuing changes in the optical properties of the front scan mirror that are not well understood, we are now seeing a latitude dependent error that cannot be corrected by a simple calibration correction. The calibration appears to be stable near the equator. But by 50 degrees latitude, there is now a -2% to -4% error in TOMS, a bit larger in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. Because of this error, data since 2002 should NOT be used for trend analysis. |
Measurements: | gectomsaerosolindexX1.00: