Subject: | SGP/MMCR/C1 - TWTA Faulting |
DataStreams: | sgpmmcrmomC1.00, sgpmmcrmomC1.b1, sgpmmcrspecmomC1.a0
Description: | The MMCR transmitter (TWTA) has been having a low helix current fault. This results in
the transmitter shutting down. However, the radar continues to collect data. The MMCR
restarts the TWTA at 0000 each day, hence the 2359 end times for many of these intervals. |
Measurements: | sgpmmcrmomC1.b1: - Peak tranmitted power, averaged over the course of the hour(PeakTransmittedPowerAvg)
- Receiver Gain(RxGain)
- Range Corrected Calibrated Power(RangeCorrectedPower)
- Receiver 290K Level(Rx290KLevel)
- Number of Gate Heights(NumHeights)
- Mean Noise Level(NoiseLevel)
- radar mode char identifier(ModeDescription)
- Receiver Cal Time Stamp(RxCalTimeStamp)
- Time offset from base_time(base_time)
- MMCR Spectral Width(SpectralWidth)
- Pulse Width(PulseWidth)
- Number of Code Bits(NumCodeBits)
- Power (uncalibrated)(Power)
- RadarWaveLength(m) / [4 * InterPulsePeriod(s) * NumCoherentIntegrations](NyquistVelocity)
- Circular Depolarization Ratio(CircularDepolarizationRatio)
- Receiver Mode(ReceiverMode)
- Signal to noise ratio(SignalToNoiseRatio)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Range Heights (center of radar sample volume)(heights)
- TWT Status Code, details forthcoming from MMCR vendor(TWTStatusCode)
- Current Receiver Number(ReceiverNumber)
- Number of Coherent Integrations(NumCoherentIntegrations)
- Time associated with hourly averaged values(TimeAvg)
- altitude above sea levelaltunits(alt)
- Receiver Cal Check Level(CalCheckLevel)
- Average Noise Level (S/N<0)(AvgNoiseLevel)
- Delay to First Range Gate(StartGateDelay)
- Number of Points in FFT(NumFFT)
- Receiver Cal Check Time Stamp(CalCheckTime)
- MMCR Mean Doppler Velocity(MeanDopplerVelocity)
- Inter-Pulse Period(InterPulsePeriod)
- DC Filtering ON-OFF Status(DCFilterONOFF)
- Windowing ON-OFF Status(WindowingONOFF)
- Number of Receiver(NumReceivers)
- Receiver Sky Noise(SkyNoiseLevel)
- north latitude for all the input platforms.(lat)
- Minimum detectable reflectivity(MinimumDetectableReflectivity)
- Time Spacing Between Gates(GateSpacing)
- Operating Set for this Record(ModeNum)
- MMCR Reflectivity(Reflectivity)
- Data Quality Status(DataQualityStatus)
- Number of Spectral Averages(NumSpectralAverages)
- Max. height of clutter removal(ClutterHeight)
- Time offset from midnight of date of file. For CO data, this is identical to
time_offset and is included for compatibility.(time) - east longitude for all the input platforms.(lon)
- Radar Constant(RadarConstant)
sgpmmcrmomC1.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported(raw)
sgpmmcrspecmomC1.a0: - Elevation(Elevation)
- Receiver Gain(RxGain)
- Delay to First Range Gate(StartGateDelay)
- Number of Coherent Integrations(NumCoherentIntegrations)
- Power (uncalibrated)(Power)
- Operating Set for this Record(ModeNum)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Receiver Sky Noise(SkyNoiseLevel)
- Range Corrected Calibrated Power(RangeCorrectedPower)
- north latitude for all the input platforms.(lat)
- Inter-Pulse Period(InterPulsePeriod)
- Range Heights (center of radar sample volume)(Heights)
- Data Quality Status(DataQualityStatus)
- east longitude for all the input platforms.(lon)
- Max. height of clutter removal(ClutterHeight)
- Azimuth(Azimuth)
- Receiver Cal Check Level(CalCheckLevel)
- radar mode char identifier(ModeDescription)
- Number of Gate Heights(NumHeights)
- Receiver Cal Time Stamp(RxCalTimeStamp)
- DC Filtering ON-OFF Status(DCFilterONOFF)
- Receiver Mode(ReceiverMode)
- Number of Receiver(NumReceivers)
- RadarWaveLength(m) / [4 * InterPulsePeriod(s) * NumCoherentIntegrations](NyquistVelocity)
- Current Receiver Number(ReceiverNumber)
- MMCR Spectral Width(SpectralWidth)
- Windowing ON-OFF Status(WindowingONOFF)
- altitude above sea levelaltunits(alt)
- Circular Depolarization Ratio(CircularDepolarizationRatio)
- MMCR Mean Doppler Velocity(MeanDopplerVelocity)
- Number of Points in FFT(NumFFT)
- Minimum detectable reflectivity(MinimumDetectableReflectivity)
- Spectral Data(Spectra)
- MMCR Reflectivity(Reflectivity)
- Time offset from base_time(base_time)
- Receiver 290K Level(Rx290KLevel)
- Number of Code Bits(NumCodeBits)
- Pulse Width(PulseWidth)
- Time Spacing Between Gates(GateSpacing)
- Radar Constant(RadarConstant)
- Signal to noise ratio(SignalToNoiseRatio)
- Mean Noise Level(NoiseLevel)
- First Order Estimate of Spectral Count Calibration(CalibrationConstant)
- Receiver Cal Check Time Stamp(CalCheckTime)
- Number of Spectral Averages(NumSpectralAverages)
- Average Noise Level (S/N<0)(AvgNoiseLevel)