Subject: | SGP/SMOS/E13 - Snow depth sensor removed; data reported as missin |
DataStreams: | sgp30smosE13.a1, sgp30smosE13.b1, sgp1440smosE13.a1
Description: | The snow depth sensor was removed from service. The program was changed so that -9999 is
entered into the datastream. |
Measurements: | sgp30smosE13.a1: - Existence of snow?(snow)
- Snow Depth Sensor(snow_sen)
sgp30smosE13.b1: - Existence of snow?(snow)
- Snow Depth Sensor(snow_sen)
sgp1440smosE13.a1: - Time of Maximum Snow Depth(time_max_snow)
- Maximum Snow Depth(max_snow)
- Time of Minimum Snow Depth(time_min_snow)
- Minimum Snow Depth(min_snow_depth)