Subject: | TWP/MMCR/C1 - Sensitivity Drop |
DataStreams: | twpmmcrcalC1.a1, twpmmcrmomentsC1.a1
Description: | Intermittent problem of sensitivity drop during the specified periods. |
Measurements: | twpmmcrmomentsC1.a1: - Inter-Pulse Period(InterPulsePeriod)
- Delay to First Range Gate(StartGateDelay)
- 10000 * [SpectralWidth(m/s) / NyquistVelocity(m/s)](SpectralWidthValue)
- 10000 * [MeanDopperVelocity(m/s) / NyquistVelocity(m/s)](MeanDopplerValue)
- Number of Ffts(NumFft)
- Number of Spectra Averaged(NumSpectraAveraged)
- Pulse Width(PulseWidth)
- Number of Coherent Integrations(NumCoherentIntegrations)
- Height of Center of Each Range Bin(Heights)
- RadarWaveLength(m) / [4 * InterPulsePeriod(s) * NumCoherentIntegrations](NyquistVelocity)
- Gate Spacing(GateSpacing)
- Delay thgrough Rx(Delay)
- Number of Code Bits(NumCodeBits)
- Number of Gate Heights(NumHeights)
- Rx bandwidtch switch code(Switch)
- Signal to Noise Ratio(SignalToNoiseRatio)
- 1000 * log10 (noise signal level)(Noise)
twpmmcrcalC1.a1: - Partial Decoding Loss(PartialDecodingLoss)
- Transmitter Path Loss(TransmitterPathLoss)
- Gate Spacing(GateSpacing)
- Coded Pulse Loss(CodedPulseLoss)
- Height of Center of Each Range Bin(Heights)
- Number of Gate Heights(NumHeights)
- Number of Code Bits(NumCodeBits)
- Peak Transmitted Power(PeakTransmittedPower)
- Delay to First Range Gate(StartGateDelay)
- Receiver Calib Noise Crv Cal. Power Values(RxCalibrationNoiseCrv)
- Receiver Cal Noise Crv Sig Power Values(RxCalibrationNoiseCrvSignal)
- Circulator #1 Attenuation(CirculatorAttenuation1)
- MMCR Reflectivity(Reflectivity)
- Pulse Width(PulseWidth)
- Number of Ffts(NumFft)
- Receiver Path Loss(ReceiverPathLoss)
- Range Corrected, Calibrated Power(RangeCorrectedCalibratedPower)
- Number of Coherent Integrations(NumCoherentIntegrations)
- Number of Spectra Averaged(NumSpectraAveraged)
- Inter-Pulse Period(InterPulsePeriod)