Subject: | TWP/MWR/C3 - Instrument failure, Power outage |
DataStreams: | twpmwrC3.00, twpmwrlosC3.a1, twpmwrlosC3.b1, twpmwrtipC3.a1
Description: | A lightning strike sent the MWR offline. The radiometer suffered extensive damage, was
removed from the site and sent to the vendor for repair. A spare radiometer was sent to the
TWP/C3 site and was installed on 12/07. However, some hardaware communication issues
prevented data collection until 12/10. |
Measurements: | twpmwrlosC3.a1: - Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 23.8 GHz(tnd_nom23)
- MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
- 23.8 GHz Blackbody signal(bb23)
- Sky brightness temperature at 31.4 GHz(tbsky31)
- Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd31)
- Temperature correction coefficient at 31.4 GHz(tc31)
- Water on Teflon window (1=WET, 0=DRY)(wet_window)
- base time(base_time)
- Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd23)
- 23.8 GHz blackbody+noise injection signal(bbn23)
- Mixer kinetic (physical) temperature(tkxc)
- Temperature correction coefficient at 23.8 GHz(tc23)
- (tknd)
- Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
- 31.4 GHz blackbody(bb31)
- lon(lon)
- Ambient temperature(tkair)
- Sky Infra-Red Temperature(sky_ir_temp)
- 23.8 GHz sky signal(sky23)
- Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 31.4 GHz(tnd_nom31)
- lat(lat)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Sky brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz(tbsky23)
- Blackbody kinetic temperature(tkbb)
- 31.4 GHz blac2body+noise injection signal(bbn31)
- 31.4 GHz sky signal(sky31)
twpmwrlosC3.b1: - 23.8 GHz blackbody+noise injection signal(bbn23)
- lon(lon)
- 31.4 GHz blac2body+noise injection signal(bbn31)
- Temperature correction coefficient at 23.8 GHz(tc23)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
- Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 31.4 GHz(tnd_nom31)
- Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd31)
- Water on Teflon window (1=WET, 0=DRY)(wet_window)
- (tknd)
- Ambient temperature(tkair)
- Sky brightness temperature at 31.4 GHz(tbsky31)
- base time(base_time)
- Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 23.8 GHz(tnd_nom23)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
- 23.8 GHz Blackbody signal(bb23)
- Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
- 31.4 GHz blackbody(bb31)
- 31.4 GHz sky signal(sky31)
- 23.8 GHz sky signal(sky23)
- Sky brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz(tbsky23)
- Temperature correction coefficient at 31.4 GHz(tc31)
- lat(lat)
- Sky Infra-Red Temperature(sky_ir_temp)
- Blackbody kinetic temperature(tkbb)
- Mixer kinetic (physical) temperature(tkxc)
- Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd23)
twpmwrtipC3.a1: - Ambient temperature(tkair)
- Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 31.4 GHz(tnd_nom31)
- Water on Teflon window (1=WET, 0=DRY)(wet_window)
- 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature derived from tip curve(tbskytip23)
- Total water vapor along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(vaptip)
- Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz derived from this tip(tnd31I)
- Temperature correction coefficient at 23.8 GHz(tc23)
- 23.8 GHz sky signal(tipsky23)
- 31.4 GHz blackbody(bb31)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- 23.8 GHz blackbody+noise injection signal(bbn23)
- Total liquid water along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(liqtip)
- 31.4 GHz blac2body+noise injection signal(bbn31)
- base time(base_time)
- Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd23)
- 23.8 GHz Blackbody signal(bb23)
- Blackbody kinetic temperature(tkbb)
- (tknd)
- Temperature correction coefficient at 31.4 GHz(tc31)
- Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 23.8 GHz(tnd_nom23)
- Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd31)
- 31.4 GHz goodness-of-fit coefficient(r31)
- 31.8 GHz sky brightness temperature derived from tip curve(tbskytip31)
- lon(lon)
- Mixer kinetic (physical) temperature(tkxc)
- Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz derived from this tip(tnd23I)
- 31.4 GHz sky signal(tipsky31)
- 23.8 GHz goodness-of-fit coefficient(r23)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
- lat(lat)
- Actual elevation angle(actel)
- Actual Azimuth(actaz)
twpmwrC3.00: - null(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)