Subject: | NSA/MMCR/C1/C2 - Wrong Polarization |
DataStreams: | nsammcrmomC1.00, nsammcrmomC1.b1, nsammcrspecmomC1.a0
Description: | The new antenna was mistakingly set to transmit/receive in circular polarization instead
of linear polarization. The result is that reflectivities are much lower than they should
be. Since we only measure on polarization channel, there is no way to apply a
correction to go from circular to linear polarization. |
Measurements: | nsammcrmomC1.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported(raw)
nsammcrspecmomC1.a0: - Inter-Pulse Period(InterPulsePeriod)
- Range Corrected Calibrated Power(RangeCorrectedPower)
- Number of Coherent Integrations(NumCoherentIntegrations)
- Data Quality Status(DataQualityStatus)
- Elevation(Elevation)
- Mean Noise Level(NoiseLevel)
- Circular Depolarization Ratio(CircularDepolarizationRatio)
- Receiver Sky Noise(SkyNoiseLevel)
- Operating Set for this Record(ModeNum)
- Receiver Cal Check Level(CalCheckLevel)
- MMCR Spectral Width(SpectralWidth)
- Spectral Data(Spectra)
- Number of Code Bits(NumCodeBits)
- Average Noise Level (S/N<0)(AvgNoiseLevel)
- Height of Center of Each Range Bin(Heights)
- Minimum detectable reflectivity(MinimumDetectableReflectivity)
- Number of Spectral Averages(NumSpectralAverages)
- Current Receiver Number(ReceiverNumber)
- Receiver Mode(ReceiverMode)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Number of Receiver(NumReceivers)
- Pulse Width(PulseWidth)
- MMCR Reflectivity(Reflectivity)
- Number of Gate Heights(NumHeights)
- MMCR Mean Doppler Velocity(MeanDopplerVelocity)
- Radar Constant(RadarConstant)
- lat(lat)
- Receiver Cal Check Time Stamp(CalCheckTime)
- Windowing ON-OFF Status(WindowingONOFF)
- Receiver Cal Time Stamp(RxCalTimeStamp)
- Max. height of clutter removal(ClutterHeight)
- lon(lon)
- Azimuth(Azimuth)
- base time(base_time)
- radar mode char identifier(ModeDescription)
- Gate Spacing(GateSpacing)
- Signal to Noise Ratio(SignalToNoiseRatio)
- Delay to First Range Gate(StartGateDelay)
- Number of Points in FFT(NumFFT)
- Receiver 290K Level(Rx290KLevel)
- RadarWaveLength(m) / [4 * InterPulsePeriod(s) * NumCoherentIntegrations](NyquistVelocity)
- First Order Estimate of Spectral Count Calibration(CalibrationConstant)
- Power (uncalibrated)(Power)
- DC Filtering ON-OFF Status(DCFilterONOFF)
- Receiver Gain(RxGain)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
nsammcrmomC1.b1: - Array of heights for each power(heights)
- MMCR Reflectivity(Reflectivity)
- MMCR Spectral Width(SpectralWidth)
- TWT Status Code, details forthcoming from MMCR vendor(TWTStatusCode)
- Time associated with hourly averaged values(TimeAvg)
- DC Filtering ON-OFF Status(DCFilterONOFF)
- radar mode char identifier(ModeDescription)
- MMCR Mean Doppler Velocity(MeanDopplerVelocity)
- Data Quality Status(DataQualityStatus)
- Gate Spacing(GateSpacing)
- Receiver Cal Check Level(CalCheckLevel)
- Minimum detectable reflectivity(MinimumDetectableReflectivity)
- lat(lat)
- lon(lon)
- Mean Noise Level(NoiseLevel)
- Power (uncalibrated)(Power)
- Delay to First Range Gate(StartGateDelay)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Operating Set for this Record(ModeNum)
- base time(base_time)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
- Peak tranmitted power, averaged over the course of the hour(PeakTransmittedPowerAvg)
- Number of Gate Heights(NumHeights)
- Receiver Gain(RxGain)
- Receiver Cal Time Stamp(RxCalTimeStamp)
- time(time)
- Average Noise Level (S/N<0)(AvgNoiseLevel)
- Number of Coherent Integrations(NumCoherentIntegrations)
- Current Receiver Number(ReceiverNumber)
- Max. height of clutter removal(ClutterHeight)
- RadarWaveLength(m) / [4 * InterPulsePeriod(s) * NumCoherentIntegrations](NyquistVelocity)
- Inter-Pulse Period(InterPulsePeriod)
- Receiver 290K Level(Rx290KLevel)
- Number of Code Bits(NumCodeBits)
- Range Corrected Calibrated Power(RangeCorrectedPower)
- Number of Receiver(NumReceivers)
- Signal to Noise Ratio(SignalToNoiseRatio)
- Radar Constant(RadarConstant)
- Receiver Cal Check Time Stamp(CalCheckTime)
- Windowing ON-OFF Status(WindowingONOFF)
- Receiver Sky Noise(SkyNoiseLevel)
- Number of Points in FFT(NumFFT)
- Circular Depolarization Ratio(CircularDepolarizationRatio)
- Receiver Mode(ReceiverMode)
- Number of Spectral Averages(NumSpectralAverages)
- Pulse Width(PulseWidth)