DQR ID | Subject | Data Streams Affected |
D020814.9 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Reprocess: PIR identified as unshaded is really shaded | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D030301.1 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - No power to IRT | nsagndrad60sC1.a1, nsagndrad60sC1.b1 |
D030819.2 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - IRT failed | nsaskyrad60sC1.a1, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D030820.1 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - IRT incorrectly configured | nsaskyrad60sC1.a1, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D030821.2 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - IRT incorrect min/max value | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D031007.2 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - IRT measurements during precipitation events | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D031216.1 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - IRT cable failure | nsagndrad60sC1.b1 |
D031216.2 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - IRT returned to vendor | nsagndrad60sC1.b1 |
D040213.4 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Downwelling IRT bias | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D040421.2 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Tracker Inoperative | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D040421.3 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - itermittant IRT bias | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D040919.1 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - IRT power failure | nsagndrad60sC1.b1 |
D051101.2 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - IRT failure | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D060209.4 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - power outage affecting some GNDRAD sensors | nsagndrad20sC1.a0, nsagndrad60sC1.b1, nsagndradC1.00 |
D060209.5 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Power outage affecting some SKYRAD instruments | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1, nsaskyradC1.00 |
D060630.39 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - Reprocess: Longwave Calibration error | nsagndrad60sC1.b1 |
D071018.1 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Missing data | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D071018.2 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - Missing data | nsagndrad60sC1.b1 |
D071025.1 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Reprocessed: Incorrect calibration coefficient | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D071025.3 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - Reprocessed: Incorrect calibration coefficient | nsagndrad20sC1.a0, nsagndrad60sC1.b1 |
D080107.2 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Instrument cleaning effects | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D080222.3 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - IRT mirror heater failure | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D080418.1 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Direct and Diffuse incorrect | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D080630.1 | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Tracker inoperative | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1 |
D080904.5 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - Upwelling PIR ventilator fan failure | nsagndrad20sC1.a0, nsagndrad60sC1.b1 |
D080919.1 | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - Net radiometer removed | nsagndrad60sC1.a1, nsagndrad60sC1.b1 |
Subject: | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Reprocess: PIR identified as unshaded is really shaded |
DataStreams: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1
Description: | On 5/15/02 the Global PIR was moved from the unshaded position on the Skyrad stand to a
shaded spot on the tracker. It is still using the same Logger channel as it did as an
unshaded PIR even though it is now shaded. |
Measurements: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1: - Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Minima(down_long_hemisp2_min)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2(down_long_hemisp2)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_tp)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Standard Deviation(down_long_hemisp2_std)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_case_temp)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Maxima(down_long_hemisp2_max)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_dome_temp)
Subject: | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Tracker Inoperative |
DataStreams: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1
Description: | A blown fuse resulted in the tracker not shading the PIR and B&W
and the NIP not following the sun. |
Measurements: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1: - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Minima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_min) - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer(down_short_diffuse_hemisp)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Minima(short_direct_normal_min)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Standard Deviation(short_direct_normal_std)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Maxima(short_direct_normal_max)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard Deviation(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_std)
- Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Maxima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_max) - Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer(short_direct_normal)
Subject: | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - power outage affecting some GNDRAD sensors |
DataStreams: | nsagndrad20sC1.a0, nsagndrad60sC1.b1, nsagndradC1.00
Description: | During the power outage the upwelling global measurement from the PSP instrument shows a
slight increase from -5 to +0 W/m2. This is due to removal of thermal offsets induced by
the AC heater during the power outage. This heater is installed within the PSP
ventilator - it is necessary for the NSA/C1 climate.
The upwelling longwave PIR instrument is unaffected due to case and dome temperature
The IRT is AC powered and was not operational during this time period. |
Measurements: | nsagndradC1.00: - null(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)
nsagndrad20sC1.a0: - Instantaneous Surface Infra-Red Signal(inst_sfc_ir_signal)
nsagndrad60sC1.b1: - Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Maxima(up_short_hemisp_max)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Minima(up_short_hemisp_min)
- Surface Infra-Red Temperature Maxima(sfc_ir_temp_max)
- Surface Infra-Red Temperature Minima(sfc_ir_temp_min)
- Effective Surface (Skin) Temperature(sfc_ir_temp)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard
Deviation(up_short_hemisp_std) - Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer(up_short_hemisp)
- Surface Infra-Red Temperature, Standard Deviation(sfc_ir_temp_std)
Subject: | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Power outage affecting some SKYRAD instruments |
DataStreams: | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1, nsaskyradC1.00
Description: | During the power outage the downwelling global measurement from the PSP instrument and
downwelling diffuse 8-48 instrument shows a slight increase from -5 to +0 W/m2. This is due
to removal of thermal offsets induced by the AC heater during the power outage. This
heater is installed within the PSP ventilator - it is necessary for the NSA/C1 climate.
The downwelling longwave PIR instrument is unaffected due to case and dome temperature
The IRT is AC powered and was not operational during this time period. |
Measurements: | nsaskyradC1.00: - null(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)
nsaskyrad60sC1.b1: - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Minima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_min) - Down-welling unshaded pyranometer voltage(down_short_hemisp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer, Maxima(down_short_hemisp_max)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer, Standard
Deviation(down_short_hemisp_std) - Sky Infra-Red Temperature(sky_ir_temp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Maxima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_max) - Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer, Minima(down_short_hemisp_min)
- Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer(down_short_diffuse_hemisp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard Deviation(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_std)
nsaskyrad20sC1.a0: - Instantaneous Downwelling Hemispheric Shortwave, Unshaded Pyranometer Thermopile
Voltage(inst_global) - Instantaneous Sky/Cloud Infrared(inst_sky_ir_signal)
- Instantaneous Uncorrected Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse, Shaded Pyranometer
Thermopile Voltage(inst_diffuse)
Subject: | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1: - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Minima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_min) - lon(lon)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Minima(down_long_hemisp2_min)
- Down-welling unshaded pyranometer voltage(down_short_hemisp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer, Maxima(down_short_hemisp_max)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_tp)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Standard Deviation(down_long_hemisp2_std)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer, Standard
Deviation(down_short_hemisp_std) - Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Standard Deviation(down_long_hemisp1_std)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Minima(down_long_hemisp1_min)
- Sky Infra-Red Temperature(sky_ir_temp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Maxima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_max) - Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Minima(short_direct_normal_min)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer1(inst_down_long_hemisp1_dome_temp)
- base time(base_time)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2(down_long_hemisp2)
- Sky Infra Red Temperature Minima(sky_ir_temp_min)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Maxima(short_direct_normal_max)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_case_temp)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1(down_long_hemisp1)
- Sky Infra Red Temperature Maxima(sky_ir_temp_max)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Maxima(down_long_hemisp1_max)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile, Pyrgeometer1(inst_down_long_hemisp1_tp)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Standard Deviation(short_direct_normal_std)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Maxima(down_long_hemisp2_max)
- Standard Deviation of Sky Infra Red Temperature(sky_ir_temp_std)
- Logger panel temperature(logger_temp)
- time(time)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer(short_direct_normal)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer, Minima(down_short_hemisp_min)
- Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer(down_short_diffuse_hemisp)
- lat(lat)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer1(inst_down_long_hemisp1_case_temp)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_dome_temp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard Deviation(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_std)
- Battery Voltage(vBatt)
Subject: | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | nsagndrad60sC1.b1
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | nsagndrad60sC1.b1: - Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Maxima(up_short_hemisp_max)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Standard
Deviation(up_long_hemisp_std) - Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile(inst_up_long_hemisp_tp)
- Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature(inst_up_long_hemisp_case_temp)
- base time(base_time)
- Battery Voltage(vBatt)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard
Deviation(up_short_hemisp_std) - lat(lat)
- lon(lon)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Minima(up_long_hemisp_min)
- Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature(inst_up_long_hemisp_dome_temp)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Minima(up_short_hemisp_min)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
- Surface Infra-Red Temperature Maxima(sfc_ir_temp_max)
- Effective Surface (Skin) Temperature(sfc_ir_temp)
- Surface Infra-Red Temperature Minima(sfc_ir_temp_min)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Maxima(up_long_hemisp_max)
- time(time)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer(up_long_hemisp)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer(up_short_hemisp)
- Logger panel temperature(logger_temp)
- Surface Infra-Red Temperature, Standard Deviation(sfc_ir_temp_std)
Subject: | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Reprocessed: Incorrect calibration coefficient |
DataStreams: | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1
Description: | Installed Skyrad PSP (downwelling shortwave hemispheric irradiance) had calibration
coefficient Rs applied when it should have used Rsc. ARM is using IR corrected Rsc and CFc
coefficients for PSPs deployed at all facilities.
PSP #32026 should use RSc@45=8.7578 ?V/W/m? and not Rs@45=8.6335.
Reprocessed to correct downwelling shortwave hemispheric irradiance (DS) by:
DS(new) = (DS(old) / 115.83 ) * 114.18
Reprocessing completed March 2008. |
Measurements: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1: - Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer, Minima(down_short_hemisp_min)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer, Maxima(down_short_hemisp_max)
- Down-welling unshaded pyranometer voltage(down_short_hemisp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer, Standard
nsaskyrad20sC1.a0: - Instantaneous Downwelling Hemispheric Shortwave, Unshaded Pyranometer Thermopile
Subject: | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - Reprocessed: Incorrect calibration coefficient |
DataStreams: | nsagndrad20sC1.a0, nsagndrad60sC1.b1
Description: | Installed Gndrad PSP (upwelling shortwave hemispheric irradiance) had calibration
coefficient RS applied when it should have used Rsc. ARM is using IR corrected coefficients
Rsc@45 and CFc@45 for PSPs deployed at all facilities.
PSP #32012F3 should use RSc@45=109.39 and not Rs@45=110.97.
Reprocessed to correct upwelling shortwave hemispheric irradiance (US) by:
US(new) = (US(old) / 110.97 ) * 109.39
Reprocessing completed March 2008. |
Measurements: | nsagndrad20sC1.a0: - Instantaneous Upwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer(inst_up_short_hemisp)
nsagndrad60sC1.b1: - Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Maxima(up_short_hemisp_max)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Minima(up_short_hemisp_min)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard
Deviation(up_short_hemisp_std) - Upwelling (10 meter) Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer(up_short_hemisp)
Subject: | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Instrument cleaning effects |
DataStreams: | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1
Description: | Starting Dec 16th the Skyrad PIR1 and PIR2 (down_long_hemispheric)started differing by
greater than 30W/m2 at times. This is much greater than expected for these instruments
(typical is <10-15 W/m2). NSA OMIS reports and observer comments reveal that PM
periodically clean the snow from the IRT and ventilator fans on Skyrad and Gndrad. In the case of
the Skyrad PIRs, one lies in the wind shadow of the other and builds up more snow which is
periodically cleaned out and then builds up again causing the PIR1 PIR2 discrepancies.
Disregard down_long_hemispheric during this time period. However, data suggests PIR2 is
most likely at fault - potentially use PIR1 data during this time period. |
Measurements: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1: - Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Minima(down_long_hemisp2_min)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_tp)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Standard Deviation(down_long_hemisp2_std)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Standard Deviation(down_long_hemisp1_std)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Maxima(down_long_hemisp2_max)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Minima(down_long_hemisp1_min)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer1(inst_down_long_hemisp1_dome_temp)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2(down_long_hemisp2)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer1(inst_down_long_hemisp1_case_temp)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_case_temp)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1(down_long_hemisp1)
- Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Maxima(down_long_hemisp1_max)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_dome_temp)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile, Pyrgeometer1(inst_down_long_hemisp1_tp)
nsaskyrad20sC1.a0: - Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Resistance, Pyrgeometer1(inst_down_long_hemisp1_case_resist)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_tp)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile, Pyrgeometer1(inst_down_long_hemisp1_tp)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Resistance, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_dome_resist)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Resistance, Pyrgeometer2(inst_down_long_hemisp2_case_resist)
- Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Resistance, Pyrgeometer1(inst_down_long_hemisp1_dome_resist)
Subject: | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Direct and Diffuse incorrect |
DataStreams: | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1
Description: | The short_direct_normal (NIP) instrument and cable were damaged by tracker rewind
malfunction. Tracker and NIP replaced on 4/22 2200GMT but tracker not operational until 4/23
1815GMT. Thus, down_short_diffuse_hemisp (8-48) was not shaded 4/22 to 4/23.
Do not use 8-48 data from 4/22 to 4/23. NIP data is not recoverable during entire time but
can be estimated using component sum for each 1 minute data: Direct = (global -
diffuse)/cos(zenith angle) |
Measurements: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1: - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Minima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_min) - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer(down_short_diffuse_hemisp)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Minima(short_direct_normal_min)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Standard Deviation(short_direct_normal_std)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Maxima(short_direct_normal_max)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard Deviation(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_std)
- Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Maxima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_max) - Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrgeometer(short_direct_normal)
nsaskyrad20sC1.a0: - Instantaneous Direct Normal Shortwave Irradiance, Pyheliometer Thermopile
Voltage(inst_direct_normal) - Instantaneous Uncorrected Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse, Shaded Pyranometer
Thermopile Voltage(inst_diffuse)
Subject: | NSA/SKYRAD/C1 - Tracker inoperative |
DataStreams: | nsaskyrad20sC1.a0, nsaskyrad60sC1.b1
Description: | Tracker stopped working at this site during the time range specified. Reason for failure
is unknown. Tracker power cycled and restarted by maintenance 06/30 2008 1740 GMT.
The short_direct_normal (NIP) and down_short_diffuse_hemisp (8-48) data are bad during
this time. Data are not recoverable. |
Measurements: | nsaskyrad60sC1.b1: - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
Minima(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_min) - Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer(down_short_diffuse_hemisp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard Deviation(down_short_diffuse_hemisp_std)
- Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyranometer,
nsaskyrad20sC1.a0: - Instantaneous Direct Normal Shortwave Irradiance, Pyheliometer Thermopile
Voltage(inst_direct_normal) - Instantaneous Uncorrected Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse, Shaded Pyranometer
Thermopile Voltage(inst_diffuse)
Subject: | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - Upwelling PIR ventilator fan failure |
DataStreams: | nsagndrad20sC1.a0, nsagndrad60sC1.b1
Description: | The PIR exhibited a positive bias of approximately 6 W/m2 compared to the upwelling IRT
due to ventilator fan failure. Thus, the up_long_hemisp, data stream is high by about 6
Bias is not consistent and depends on atmospheric conditions. Either disregard the
up_long_hemisp data or use the IRT for an estimate of the up_long_hemisp values during this time
period. |
Measurements: | nsagndrad20sC1.a0: - Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Resistance, Pyrgeometer(inst_up_long_hemisp_case_resist)
- Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile(inst_up_long_hemisp_tp)
- Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Resistance, Pyrgeometer(inst_up_long_hemisp_dome_resist)
nsagndrad60sC1.b1: - Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature(inst_up_long_hemisp_dome_temp)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Standard
Deviation(up_long_hemisp_std) - Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile(inst_up_long_hemisp_tp)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Maxima(up_long_hemisp_max)
- Instantaneous Upwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature(inst_up_long_hemisp_case_temp)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer(up_long_hemisp)
- Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer, Minima(up_long_hemisp_min)
Subject: | NSA/GNDRAD/C1 - Net radiometer removed |
DataStreams: | nsagndrad60sC1.a1, nsagndrad60sC1.b1
Description: | The net radiometer was removed from the NSA.C1 GNDRAD instrument suite on Feb 3, 2000.
Net rad variables were filled with garbage data until Sept 23, 2000 and with missing values
(-9999) until 20041103. The net rad variables were removed from the netcdf files after
A reprocessing task (RID-526) has been submitted to the queue to address the need to add
metadata to the NSA.C1 GNDRAD netcdf files documenting the missing data as well as to move
toward a consistent datastream format throughout time. |
Measurements: | nsagndrad60sC1.b1:
nsagndrad60sC1.a1: - NET standard deviation(net_sd)
- NET mean(net_mean)
- Net Radiation, Standard Deviation(net_std)
- Net Radiation, Maxima(net_max)
- Net Radiation, Minima(net_min)
- Net Radiation(net)