Measurements: | twpmplpolC1.b1: - Preliminary cloud base height(preliminary_cbh)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Polarization control enabled flag(polarization_control)
- Telescope temperature(scope_temp)
- Repetition Rate, or Trigger Frequency of the laser(pulse_rep)
- Distance from leading edge of first range bin to the center of each bin .(range_bins)
- base time(base_time)
- Array of heights for the range gates(height)
- lon(lon)
- Time in nanoseconds for each range bin of multichannel scalar card.(range_bin_time)
- Laser Temperature(laser_temp)
- Maximum altitude retrieved from multichannel scalar card.(max_altitude)
- range(range)
- Width of range-bins calculated from range_bin_time(range_bin_width)
- Attenuated backscatter(signal_return)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
- time(time)
- Background Signal(background_signal)
- Polarization control voltage setting(polarization_control_voltage)
- Number of bins stored in data block(num_bins)
- effective range offset due to poor sync between laser firing and A/D trigger.(range_offset)
- Number of detector channels(num_channels)
- Background signal standard deviation(background_signal_std)
- Laser output energy per pulse(energy_monitor)
- Detector Temperature(detector_temp)
- lat(lat)
- Dead time correction flag(dead_time_corrected)
- Number of laser pulses summed during averaging interval(shots_per_avg)
twpmplpolavgC1.s1: - Laser output energy per pulse(energy_monitor)
- Attenuated backscatter, cross-pol(signal_return_cross_pol)
- Number of laser pulses summed during averaging interval(shots_per_sample)
- range(range)
- Number of detector channels(num_channels)
- Attenuated backscatter, co-pol(signal_return_co_pol)
- Maximum altitude retrieved from multichannel scalar card.(max_altitude)
- Dead time correction flag(dead_time_corrected)
- Preliminary cloud base height above ground level, co-pol(preliminary_cbh_co_pol)
- base time(base_time)
- lon(lon)
- Detector Temperature(detector_temp)
- Background signal standard deviation, co-pol(background_signal_std_co_pol)
- Array of heights for the range gates(height)
- *(aqc_signal_return_co_pol)
- Background signal standard deviation, cross-pol(background_signal_std_cross_pol)
- effective range offset due to poor sync between laser firing and A/D trigger.(range_offset)
- Number of samples used for cross-pol averages(nsamples_cross_pol_average)
- Background signal, cross-pol(background_signal_cross_pol)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Background signal, co-pol(background_signal_co_pol)
- Repetition Rate, or Trigger Frequency of the laser(pulse_rep)
- *(aqc_signal_return_cross_pol)
- Telescope temperature(scope_temp)
- Number of samples used for co-pol averages(nsamples_co_pol_average)
- Laser Temperature(laser_temp)
- Polarization control voltage, co-pol(polarization_control_voltage_co_pol)
- Preliminary cloud base height above ground level, cross-pol(preliminary_cbh_cross_pol)
- time(time)
- Number of bins stored in data block(num_bins)
- lat(lat)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
- Distance from leading edge of first range bin to the center of each bin .(range_bins)
- Width of range-bins calculated from range_bin_time(range_bin_width)
- Polarization control voltage, cross-pol(polarization_control_voltage_cross_pol)
twpmplpolavgC1.c1: - Attenuated backscatter, co-pol(signal_return_co_pol)
- Attenuated backscatter, cross-pol(signal_return_cross_pol)
- Maximum altitude retrieved from multichannel scalar card.(max_altitude)
- base time(base_time)
- Width of range-bins calculated from range_bin_time(range_bin_width)
- Number of detector channels(num_channels)
- Laser Temperature(laser_temp)
- lon(lon)
- *(aqc_signal_return_cross_pol)
- Background signal, cross-pol(background_signal_cross_pol)
- effective range offset due to poor sync between laser firing and A/D trigger.(range_offset)
- Distance from leading edge of first range bin to the center of each bin .(range_bins)
- Preliminary cloud base height above ground level, cross-pol(preliminary_cbh_cross_pol)
- Number of laser pulses summed during averaging interval(shots_per_sample)
- Array of heights for the range gates(height)
- Background signal standard deviation, cross-pol(background_signal_std_cross_pol)
- lat(lat)
- Detector Temperature(detector_temp)
- Dead time correction flag(dead_time_corrected)
- Polarization control voltage, co-pol(polarization_control_voltage_co_pol)
- Background signal standard deviation, co-pol(background_signal_std_co_pol)
- Number of samples used for co-pol averages(nsamples_co_pol_average)
- Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
- Polarization control voltage, cross-pol(polarization_control_voltage_cross_pol)
- Preliminary cloud base height above ground level, co-pol(preliminary_cbh_co_pol)
- Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
- Background signal, co-pol(background_signal_co_pol)
- Number of bins stored in data block(num_bins)
- *(aqc_signal_return_co_pol)
- Laser output energy per pulse(energy_monitor)
- Number of samples used for cross-pol averages(nsamples_cross_pol_average)
- Repetition Rate, or Trigger Frequency of the laser(pulse_rep)
- time(time)
- Telescope temperature(scope_temp)
- range(range)