DQR ID | Subject | Data Streams Affected |
D081022.13 | HFE/MET/M1 - Wind Speed data contain offset due to induced voltage | hfemetM1.b1 |
D090216.3 | HFE/MET/M1 - Intermittent barometer failure | hfemetM1.b1 |
D090216.4 | HFE/MET/M1 - Intermittent PWD data | hfemetM1.b1 |
D090220.2 | HFE/MET/M1 - ORG Measuring Ice Crystals or Fog | hfemetM1.b1 |
D090220.3 | HFE/MET/M1 - Induced voltage on wind speed sensor cable | hfemetM1.b1 |
D100722.4 | HFE/MET/M1 - Reprocess: ORG Data has very small rainrate values | hfemetM1.b1 |
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
05/19/2008 | 0000 | 12/28/2008 | 2159 |
Subject: | HFE/MET/M1 - Wind Speed data contain offset due to induced voltage |
DataStreams: | hfemetM1.b1 |
Description: | The marine model of the RM Young wind sensor needs twisted pair shielded cable. The manufacturer did not originally supply the pigtail with twisted pair shielded cable. Use of twisted pair shielded cable for the rest of the cable run to the logger was also not specified. This caused an induced voltage in the wind speed line from the wind direction excitation. The induced voltage varied from sensor to sensor and probably changed anytime the cable was replaced or parts of the wind sensor were repaired or replaced. The induced voltage has been seen to vary from 0.15 m/s to as much as 1.08 m/s. |
Measurements: | hfemetM1.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
05/19/2008 | 0000 | 12/28/2008 | 2159 |
Subject: | HFE/MET/M1 - Intermittent barometer failure |
DataStreams: | hfemetM1.b1 |
Description: | Intermittent barometer failure occurred throughout the deployment. We were unable to pinpoint the cause of the failure. Typically one or two minutes of missing data occurred every few days. Since pressure data is typically invariant over 1 minute, linear interpolation should be fine to fill in missing data. |
Measurements: | hfemetM1.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
05/19/2008 | 0000 | 12/28/2008 | 2159 |
Subject: | HFE/MET/M1 - Intermittent PWD data |
DataStreams: | hfemetM1.b1 |
Description: | The Present Weather Detector had intermittent missing values throughout this deployment. Missing values occurred almost everyday, usually just one or two minutes per day. |
Measurements: | hfemetM1.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
11/09/2008 | 1920 | 11/09/2008 | 1956 |
11/19/2008 | 2108 | 11/09/2008 | 2304 |
11/27/2008 | 1614 | 11/27/2008 | 2331 |
12/04/2008 | 1955 | 12/04/2008 | 2351 |
12/05/2008 | 0946 | 12/06/2008 | 0013 |
12/06/2008 | 1424 | 12/06/2008 | 2322 |
12/14/2008 | 1500 | 12/14/2008 | 1532 |
12/14/2008 | 1712 | 12/14/2008 | 1726 |
12/14/2008 | 1848 | 12/15/2008 | 0052 |
12/21/2008 | 0657 | 12/22/2008 | 0232 |
12/22/2008 | 0408 | 12/23/2008 | 0043 |
12/23/2008 | 1754 | 12/24/2008 | 0006 |
Subject: | HFE/MET/M1 - ORG Measuring Ice Crystals or Fog |
DataStreams: | hfemetM1.b1 |
Description: | The ORG was measuring consistent values for long periods of time. Typically this is indicative of fog, ice crystals in the air or poor performance of the lens heaters. |
Measurements: | hfemetM1.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
05/19/2008 | 0000 | 12/28/2008 | 2359 |
Subject: | HFE/MET/M1 - Induced voltage on wind speed sensor cable |
DataStreams: | hfemetM1.b1 |
Description: | The cable for the wind monitor is not a twisted pair shielded cable. This caused an induced voltage on the wind sensor wires from the wind direction measurement excitation voltage. A small offset is added into the wind speeds. This value varies. Most frequently the values of 0.49, 0.588 and 0.686 m/s were added into the wind speed. On 11/27/2008 the value jumped to 0.98 m/s for most of the day. |
Measurements: | hfemetM1.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
05/09/2008 | 0000 | 12/28/2008 | 2359 |
Subject: | HFE/MET/M1 - Reprocess: ORG Data has very small rainrate values |
DataStreams: | hfemetM1.b1 |
Description: | The ORG data is collected via analog signal and not digital. Therefore, we continuously collect data even when no rain is occurring. We also capture small events such as leaves, large bugs, dust, etc blowing through the measurement path. Because this discrete event occurs quickly the value is usually captured for 1 or 2 seconds. This value is then averaged to the minute producing rainrate on the order of .009 mm/hr or less. These values are not indicative of rain and should be removed from the record or summing over long periods can bias the climate record. We will reprocess the data to remove these small values. |
Measurements: | hfemetM1.b1: