Description: | Users who would like access to subsetted RUC-40 data products similar to those products
currently available for RUC-20 can use NCO utilities to create subsets from the
"sgpallruc40" data products. Below is one method that can be used. This is also mentioned in the
FAQ on the ARM RUC description page at:
Question: How can I create subsetted RUC 40 data similar to the RUC 20 data currently
available at the Archive?
Currently, the RUC 40 netCDF data available at the archive are the full area, hourly files
(sgpallruc40isobX1.c1 and sgpallruc40hybrX1.c1). Using the netCDF Operator (NCO)
utilities, it is easy to produce subsetted, daily files similar to the RUC 20 subsets available
(sgpruc20hybrX1.c1 and sgpruc20isobX1.c1).
The NCO utilities can be found at
Using the ncks (NCO "kitchen sink") command, you can subset the ruc data as follows:
ncks -d nx,, -d ny,,
Note: xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax are index ranges.
For example to subset around the SGP site use the following index values
for latitudes 34.209 to 38.928 and longitudes -99.798 to -95.
xmin = 71
xmax = 82
ymin = 40
ymax = 53
ncks -d nx,71,82 -d ny,40,53 sgpallruc40isobX1.c1.20000314.130000.cdf
Here is a sample C-Shell script for subsetting the ruc40 and using the NCO command ncrcat
to concatenate the hourly subsetted files into a ruc 40 subsetted daily file similar to
the sgpruc20isobX1.c1 files.
# This script subsets the RUC 40 isobaric files
# and then concatenates hourly files into 1 daily file
# usage: subset_ruc40.csh
# where yyyymmdd is the date of the files to subset
# and concatenate. Ex. 20000314 (yyyy=2000,mm=03, dd=14)
# Example: subset_ruc40.csh 20000314
# xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax are indices for
# lat = 34.209, 38.928, lon = -99.798, -95
set xmin = 71
set xmax = 82
set ymin = 40
set ymax = 53
set date = $1
foreach file (sgpallruc40isob*$date*)
ncks -d nx,${xmin},${xmax} -d ny,${ymin},${ymax} $file $file.sub
ncrcat -h sgpallruc40isob*$date*sub sgpruc40isobX1.c1.$date.000000.cdf
rm *.sub
For more information on the NCO commands ncks and ncrcat see:
Also other commands for subsetting and analysis of netCDF data can be found at |
Measurements: | sgpallruc40isobX1.c1: - Rain, categorical, freezing, from RUC model(catfreezerain)
- Temperature, dew point, at 2 m, from RUC model(tempdewpt2m)
- Snow, depth, from RUC model(snowdepth)
- Pressure, surface, rate of change over 3-hr, from RUC model(pressuretend)
- snowdepthwatereq
- altimeter
- Pressure, at ground level, from RUC model(pressuresrf)
- stormrelhelicity
- rhfrz
- Temperature, lifted index, from RUC model(indexlifted)
- windvm
- Cloud, height, base, from RUC model(heightcldbase)
- Wind speed, W-toE component, at 10 meters, from RUC model(windu10m)
- Wind speed, S-to-N component, on isobaric grid, from RUC model(windvp)
- Temperature, potential, at 2m, from RUC model(temppot2m)
- Snow, categorical, from RUC model(catsnow)
- Moisture, soil, availability, from RUC model(moistsoilavail)
- Temperature, atmospheric, at 2 m, from RUC model(temp2m)
- temppottrop
- pressurefrz
- stormmotionu
- Wind speed, vertical, in pressure coordinates, on isobaric grid, RUC model(velocitywp)
- stormmotionv
- heightgpfrztop
- velocitywm
- precipsubgridacc
- tempdewptdep2m
- Humidity, relative, at 2m, from RUC model(rh2m)
- Rain, categorical, from RUC model(catrain)
- Water vapor, precipitable, column-integrated on isobaric grid, from RUC model(pwv)
- altitude
- heightequillevel
- pressurepgrid
- Temperature, atmospheric, on isobaric grid, from RUC model(tempp)
- tempm
- latitude
- Humidity, specific, at 2 m, from RUC model(sh2m)
- windutrop
- rhfrztop
- Temperature, best lifted index, from RUC model(indexliftedbest)
- pressurefrztop
- Rain, rate, at surface, from RUC model(preciprate)
- Pressure, associated geometric height, on isobaric grid, from RUC model(heightgpp)
- forecast_period
- Energy, potential, convective, available, from RUC model(cape)
- base_time
- precipresolvedacc
- precipresolved3hr
- tempeqpot
- runoffsubsrf
- Pressure, atmospheric, at tropopause, from RUC model(pressuretrop)
- Cloud, height, top, from RUC model(heightcldtop)
- windgustspeed
- Energy, convective inhibition, from RUC model(cinhib)
- precipsubgrid3hr
- Snow, accumulated over 3-hr, from RUC model(snowaccum)
- time_offset
- heightpbl
- Wind speed, W-to-E component, on isobaric grid, from RUC model(windup)
- Ice, pellets, categorical, from RUC model(caticepellets)
- runoffsrfacc
- pressurewindmax
- longitude
- heightgpfrz
- Optical depth, visibility, from RUC model(visibility)
- Cloud, height, top, convective, from RUC model(heightcldtopconv)
- windvtrop
- windum
- rhm
- windvwindmax
- Humidity, relative, on isobaric grid, from RUC model(rhp)
- pressuremgrid
- winduwindmax
- Pressure, atmospheric, at mean sea level, from RUC model(pressuremsl)
- heightsrf
- Wind speed, S-to-N component, at 10 meters, from RUC model(windv10m)
- pressuretempeqpotmax
sgpallruc40hybrX1.c1: - Rain, rate, at surface, from RUC model(preciprate)
- condensewaterratesrf
- Water vapor, mixing ratio, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(mxratiovapor)
- forecast_period
- Pressure, associated geometric height, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(heightgp)
- Wind speed, vertical, in pressure coordinates, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(velocityw)
- Pressure, atmospheric, at tropopause, from RUC model(pressuretrop)
- Snow, mixing ratio, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(mxratiosnow)
- precipresolved
- latitude
- Rain, mixing ratio, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(mxratiorain)
- windvtrop
- altitude
- runoffsubsrf
- Radiation, longwave, irradiance, net, at surface, from RUC model(fluxlwnetsrf)
- windutrop
- Moisture, soil, volumetric, at six sub-surface levels, from RUC model(moistsoilvolumesrfsubsrf)
- runoffsrf
- dropwaterratesrf
- evapcanopysrf
- Heat flux, latent, 1-hr avg, at surface, from RUC model(fluxlatentsrf)
- Water vapor, surface evaporation, from bare soil, from RUC model(evapsoilsrf)
- longitude
- Energy, potential, convective, available, from RUC model(cape)
- heightss
- Water vapor, precipitable, column-integrated on isobaric grid, from RUC model(pwv)
- Ice, number concentration, particles, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(ndensice)
- Ice, cloud, mixing ratio, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(mxratioice)
- Heat flux, sensible, 1-hr avg, at surface, from RUC model(fluxsensiblesrf)
- Energy, convective inhibition, from RUC model(cinhib)
- Temperature, potential, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(tempvirtpot)
- precipsubgrid
- Radiation, shortwave, irradiance, net, at surface, from RUC model(fluxswnetsrf)
- watercanopy
- Humidity, relative(rh)
- Snow, accumulated over 3-hr, from RUC model(snowaccum)
- Energy, kinetic, turbulent, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(tketurb)
- Wind speed, S-to-N component, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(windv)
- Wind speed, W-to-E component, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(windu)
- temppottrop
- Water vapor, evapotranspiration flux, near surface, from RUC model(fluxevaptranssrf)
- Temperature, snow, at snow or top soil level, from RUC model(snowtemp)
- Ice, graupel, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(mxratiograupel)
- base_time
- Moisture, soil, at six sub-surface levels, from RUC model(moistsoilcontentsrfsubsrf)
- Water, cloud, mixing ratio, on hybrid-b grid, from RUC model(mxratioliquid)
- time_offset
- Temperature, air(temp)
- Temperature, soil, at six sub-surface levels, from RUC model(tempsoilsrfsubsrf)
- Pressure, atmospheric, at mean sea level, from RUC model(pressuremsl)
- Snow, depth, from RUC model(snowdepth)
- Barometric pressure(pressure)