Subject: | SGP/RWP/I1 - Wind speed too small, directions likely bad due to incorrect beam control |
DataStreams: | sgp915rwpwindconI1.a1, sgp915rwpwindmomI1.a0, sgp915rwpwindspecI1.a0
Description: | two beams, sometimes three of the four tilted possible are incorrect due either to a phase
shifter problem or improper control of the phase shifter. |
Measurements: | sgp915rwpwindspecI1.a0: - Backscatter, doppler spectrum, 915 MHz RWP(spc_amp)
sgp915rwpwindconI1.a1: - Eastward Wind Component(u_wind)
- Beam 3 radial wind speed(vel3)
- Beam 4 radial wind speed(vel4)
- Beam 1 radial wind speed(vel1)
- Beam 2 radial wind speed(vel2)
- Northward Wind Component(v_wind)