DQR ID | Subject | Data Streams Affected |
D001107.2 | NSA/C1 data loss due to cut fiber optic cable | nsaorgC1.a1, nsapwsC1.a0, nsamettwrC1.a1 |
D011119.1 | NSA/PWS/C1 - Present Weather Sensor Calibration/Checks | nsapwsC1.a1, nsapwsC1.b1 |
D011128.2 | NSA/PWS/C1 - Calibration drift | nsapwsC1.a1 |
D020424.1 | NSA/METTWRC1 - METTWRCQ DATA REPORTED AS -9999 | nsaorgC1.a1, nsaorgC1.b1, nsapwsC1.a1, nsapwsC1.b1, nsamettwrC1.a1, nsamettwrC1.b1 |
D020424.2 | NSA/METTWRC1 - METTWRC1 NO DATA COLLECTED FROM TOWER | nsaorgC1.a1, nsaorgC1.b1, nsapwsC1.a1, nsapwsC1.b1, nsamettwrC1.a1, nsamettwrC1.b1 |
D020703.2 | NSA/ORG/C1 - Optical Rain Gauge incorrect at very low temperatures | nsaorgC1.a1, nsaorgC1.b1 |
D020703.3 | NSA/ORG/C1 - Optical Rain Gauge incorrect at very low temperatures | nsaorgC1.a1 |
D030411.4 | NSA/C2 - Missing met, pws, snodep data due to comm error | nsapwsC2.a1, nsapwsC2.b1, nsasnodepC2.a1, nsamettiptwrC2.a1, nsamettiptwrC2.b1 |
D030613.1 | NSA/PWS/C1 - C1/BARROW PWS WORKING INTERMITTENTLY | nsapwsC1.a1, nsapwsC1.b1 |
D040722.3 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Chilled Mirror grounding and timing issues | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D041004.1 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Data Incorrect during Maintenance | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D041004.2 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - All Data Missing or Incorrect during Maintenance | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D041004.3 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - PWS Data Suspect | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D041112.1 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Instrument problem | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D050224.1 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Tower Lowered | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D050527.3 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Incorrect Maximum for Precip Values | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D050603.2 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - CMH Data Missing During Calibration | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D050829.1 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Tower Lowered, Data Not Representative | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060223.2 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Wind speed values artificially low | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060223.3 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - CMH Data incorrect | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060223.4 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - PWS data incorrect | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060406.2 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - CMH Intake Fan Failure | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060426.2 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - CMH Data Suspect | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060426.4 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - CMH Data Suspect | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060818.1 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Reprocess: Barometric Data Changed from hPa to kPa | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060913.2 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - CMH data missing and/or incorrect during maintenance. | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060913.3 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - PWS data missing/incorrect due to maintenance. | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D060913.4 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Met data incorrect due to tower being lowered for maintenance. | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
D061128.1 | NSA/METTWR/C2 - 2m Temp/RH sensor blocked with snow | nsamettwr2hC2.b1 |
Subject: | NSA/C2 - Missing met, pws, snodep data due to comm error |
DataStreams: | nsapwsC2.a1, nsapwsC2.b1, nsasnodepC2.a1, nsamettiptwrC2.a1, nsamettiptwrC2.b1
Description: | An error in the communication sub-routine
of the Bridgeview collection software occurred
resulting in data loss from the Snow Depth
sensor, Present Weather Sensor and the
Barometer. |
Measurements: | nsamettiptwrC2.a1: - atmos_pressure_read_timeout_error
- atmos_pressure_PTB_serial_error
- Barometric Pressure(atmos_pressure)
- atmos_pressure_out_of_range_error
nsamettiptwrC2.b1: - Barometric Pressure(atmos_pressure)
- atmos_pressure_PTB_serial_error
- atmos_pressure_out_of_range_error
- atmos_pressure_read_timeout_error
nsapwsC2.b1: - One Minute Visibility(one_minute_visibility)
- cumul_liq_water_equiv_out_of_range_err
- one_hour_pw_code_out_of_range_error
- ten_minute_vis_out_of_range_error
- one_min_pw_code_out_of_range_error
- ten_minute_PW_code
- Cumulative Liquid Water Equivalent(cumul_liq_water_equiv)
- precip_rate_out_of_range_error
- one_minute_PW_code
- one_hour_PW_code
- Cumulative Snow(cumulative_snow)
- pws_read_timeout_error
- base_time
- ten_min_pw_code_out_of_range_error
- cumul_snow_out_of_range_error
- pws_serial_error
- Ten Minute Visibility(ten_minute_visibility)
- Precipitation rate(precip_rate)
- present_weather_sensor_NWS_code
- one_minute_vis_out_of_range_error
nsasnodepC2.a1: - snow_depth_internal_QC
- snow_depth_serial_error
- snow_depth_read_timeout_error
- Snow Depth(snow_depth)
- snow_depth_out_of_range_error
nsapwsC2.a1: - ten_minute_PW_code
- Cumulative Snow(cumulative_snow)
- present_weather_sensor_NWS_code
- pws_serial_error
- one_min_pw_code_out_of_range_error
- One Minute Visibility(one_minute_visibility)
- pws_read_timeout_error
- Ten Minute Visibility(ten_minute_visibility)
- one_hour_pw_code_out_of_range_error
- one_minute_PW_code
- Cumulative Liquid Water Equivalent(cumul_liq_water_equiv)
- cumul_snow_out_of_range_error
- ten_min_pw_code_out_of_range_error
- ten_minute_vis_out_of_range_error
- cumul_liq_water_equiv_out_of_range_err
- one_minute_vis_out_of_range_error
- Precipitation rate(precip_rate)
- one_hour_PW_code
- precip_rate_out_of_range_error
Subject: | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Data Incorrect during Maintenance |
DataStreams: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1
Description: | The 10m tower was lowered for 2-year change-out of the met sensors. Data during this time
is not representative. |
Measurements: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1: - RefTemp_AVG
- RH2m_STD
- Wind speed, vector-averaged(WinSpeed_U_WVT)
- DP5m_STD
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH5m_AVG)
- WinDir_SDU_WVT
- VP5m_STD
- Temperature, air, average, at 2-m height(T2m_AVG)
- T2m_STD
- Wind speed, mean(WinSpeed_S_WVT)
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 5-m height(DP5m_AVG)
- VP2m_STD
- T5m_STD
- Pressure, vapor, at 2-m height(VP2m_AVG)
- RH5m_STD
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH2m_AVG)
- Pressure, vapor, at 5-m height(VP5m_AVG)
- DP2m_STD
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 2-m height(DP2m_AVG)
- Wind direction, vector-averaged(WinDir_DU_WVT)
- Temperature, air, average, at 5-m height(T5m_AVG)
Subject: | NSA/METTWR/C2 - All Data Missing or Incorrect during Maintenance |
DataStreams: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1
Description: | All data incorrect or missing due to change of the Serial Data multiplexer and the Vaisala
QLI data collector during these times. |
Measurements: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1: - RefTemp_AVG
- RH2m_STD
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH5m_AVG)
- PWcod15mi
- VP5m_STD
- Precipitation Rate(PCPRate)
- CMHTemp
- T5m_STD
- Pressure, vapor, at 5-m height(VP5m_AVG)
- DP2m_STD
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 2-m height(DP2m_AVG)
- Wind direction, vector-averaged(WinDir_DU_WVT)
- PWCod1hr
- batt_volt
- CumSnow
- Wind speed, vector-averaged(WinSpeed_U_WVT)
- DP5m_STD
- CumH2O
- WinDir_SDU_WVT
- Temperature, air, average, at 2-m height(T2m_AVG)
- T2m_STD
- Wind speed, mean(WinSpeed_S_WVT)
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 5-m height(DP5m_AVG)
- VP2m_STD
- Pressure, atmospheric(AtmPress)
- Pressure, vapor, at 2-m height(VP2m_AVG)
- PWSAlarm
- RH5m_STD
- InstPWCod
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH2m_AVG)
- Visibility, 1 minute average(AvgVis1mi)
- Temperature, air, average, at 5-m height(T5m_AVG)
- Visibility, 10 minute average(AvgVis10m)
Subject: | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Tower Lowered |
DataStreams: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1
Description: | The tower was lowered to install the GroundMFR. Data from the T/RH probes and the wind
speed and direction sensors are not representative during the time period. |
Measurements: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1: - RH2m_STD
- Wind speed, vector-averaged(WinSpeed_U_WVT)
- DP5m_STD
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH5m_AVG)
- WinDir_SDU_WVT
- VP5m_STD
- Temperature, air, average, at 2-m height(T2m_AVG)
- T2m_STD
- Wind speed, mean(WinSpeed_S_WVT)
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 5-m height(DP5m_AVG)
- VP2m_STD
- T5m_STD
- Pressure, vapor, at 2-m height(VP2m_AVG)
- RH5m_STD
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH2m_AVG)
- Pressure, vapor, at 5-m height(VP5m_AVG)
- DP2m_STD
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 2-m height(DP2m_AVG)
- Wind direction, vector-averaged(WinDir_DU_WVT)
- Temperature, air, average, at 5-m height(T5m_AVG)
Subject: | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Tower Lowered, Data Not Representative |
DataStreams: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1
Description: | The tower was lowered to remove equipment. The data from the wind sensors and T/RH probes
were not representative. |
Measurements: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1: - RH2m_STD
- Wind speed, vector-averaged(WinSpeed_U_WVT)
- DP5m_STD
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH5m_AVG)
- WinDir_SDU_WVT
- VP5m_STD
- Temperature, air, average, at 2-m height(T2m_AVG)
- T2m_STD
- Wind speed, mean(WinSpeed_S_WVT)
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 5-m height(DP5m_AVG)
- VP2m_STD
- T5m_STD
- Pressure, vapor, at 2-m height(VP2m_AVG)
- RH5m_STD
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH2m_AVG)
- Pressure, vapor, at 5-m height(VP5m_AVG)
- DP2m_STD
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 2-m height(DP2m_AVG)
- Wind direction, vector-averaged(WinDir_DU_WVT)
- Temperature, air, average, at 5-m height(T5m_AVG)
Subject: | NSA/METTWR/C2 - Met data incorrect due to tower being lowered for maintenance. |
DataStreams: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1
Description: | Data from the tower is not representative of local conditions due to the tower being
lowered for radiometer change. Sensors not attached to the tower such as the Present Weather
Sensor, the Chilled Mirror Hygrometer and the Barometer were not affected. |
Measurements: | nsamettwr2hC2.b1: - RH2m_STD
- Wind speed, vector-averaged(WinSpeed_U_WVT)
- DP5m_STD
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH5m_AVG)
- WinDir_SDU_WVT
- VP5m_STD
- Temperature, air, average, at 2-m height(T2m_AVG)
- T2m_STD
- Wind speed, mean(WinSpeed_S_WVT)
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 5-m height(DP5m_AVG)
- VP2m_STD
- T5m_STD
- Pressure, vapor, at 2-m height(VP2m_AVG)
- RH5m_STD
- Relative humidity, average, at 2-m height(RH2m_AVG)
- Pressure, vapor, at 5-m height(VP5m_AVG)
- DP2m_STD
- Temperature, dew point, average, at 2-m height(DP2m_AVG)
- Wind direction, vector-averaged(WinDir_DU_WVT)
- Temperature, air, average, at 5-m height(T5m_AVG)