Measurements: | sgpnoaaaosC1.00: - AVHRR satellite images for Darwin from BOM (RAW)(raw)
sgpaipavg1ogrenC1.c1: - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_1um) - RH_NephVol_Dry
- Hemispheric backscatter fraction, red wavelength, 10 um size cut(bsf_R_Dry_10um)
- base_time
- alt
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - usf_B_Dry_1um
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer red channel, 10 u(Bbs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer blue channel, 10(Bbs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Aerosol forcing per unit optical depth, 1 um size cut(aerosol_forcing_efficiency_1um)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Hemispheric backscatter fraction, green wavelength, 1 um size cut(bsf_G_Dry_1um)
- Aerosol forcing per unit optical depth, 10 um size cut(aerosol_forcing_efficiency_10um)
- Single scattering albedo, blue wavelength, low RH, 10 um size cut(ssa_B_Dry_10um)
- usf_B_Dry_10um
- Asymmetry factor, red wavelength, 10um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_R_Dry_10um)
- usf_R_Dry_1um
- Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_1um) - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 10 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_10um)
- lat
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer green channel, 10(Bbs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_10um) - Submicron scattering fraction, red wavelength, low RH(submicron_fraction_scattering_R)
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Submicron scattering fraction, blue wavelength, low RH(submicron_fraction_scattering_B)
- Submicron scattering fraction, green wavelength, low RH(submicron_fraction_scattering_G)
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_10um) - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 10 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_10um)
- Hemispheric backscatter fraction, green wavelength, 10 um size cut(bsf_G_Dry_10um)
- Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Submicron absorption fraction, green wavelength, low RH(submicron_fraction_absorption_G)
- Submicron absorption fraction, blue wavelength, low RH(submicron_fraction_absorption_B)
- Asymmetry factor, blue wavelength, 1um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_B_Dry_1um)
- usf_R_Dry_10um
- Submicron absorption fraction, red wavelength, low RH(submicron_fraction_absorption_R)
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Single scattering albedo, green wavelength, low RH, 10 um size cut(ssa_G_Dry_10um)
- Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Hemispheric backscatter_fraction, red wavelength, 1 um size cut(bsf_R_Dry_1um)
- Single scattering albedo, red wavelength, low RH, 1 um size cut(ssa_R_Dry_1um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 1 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_1um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_1um) - Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_1um) - Hemispheric backscatter fraction, blue wavelength, 10 um size cut(bsf_B_Dry_10um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_1um) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer blue channel,
10 um particle diam(Bs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 10 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_10um)
- Asymmetry factor, blue wavelength, 10um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_B_Dry_10um)
- Asymmetry factor, green wavelength, 1um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_G_Dry_1um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_10um) - Single scattering albedo, blue wavelength, low RH, 1 um size cut(ssa_B_Dry_1um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 1 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_1um)
- lon
- Single scattering albedo, green wavelength, low RH, 1 um size cut(ssa_G_Dry_1um)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_1um) - Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_10um) - usf_G_Dry_10um
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_10um) - usf_G_Dry_1um
- Asymmetry factor, red wavelength, 1um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_R_Dry_1um)
- time
- Single scattering albedo, red wavelength, low RH, 10 um size cut(ssa_R_Dry_10um)
- time_offset
- Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
- Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
- Asymmetry factor, green wavelength, 10um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_G_Dry_10um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 1 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_1um)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer red channel,
10 um particle diame(Bs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_10um) - Hemispheric backscatter fraction, blue wavelength, 1 um size cut(bsf_B_Dry_1um)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1)
sgpaosnephwetC1.a1: - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 1(Bbs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - time_offset
- alt
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle diam(Bs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - P_Neph_Wet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um particle di(Bs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - RH_Neph_Wet
- T_Neph_Wet
- T_NephInlet_Wet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - neph_wet_flags
- time
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 10 um particle di(Bs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle d(Bs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - lon
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 10(Bbs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - base_time
- lat
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particle dia(Bs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
sgpnoaaaosfitrhC1.b1: - fRH_85by40_3param_B_1um
- fRH_3param_R_10um
- fRH_3param_chi_G_1um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_G_1um
- fRH_3param_chi_R_1um
- fRH_2param_chi_B_1um
- fRH_2param_p1_B_1um
- fRH_85by40_2param_R_1um
- fRH_3param_p2_R_1um
- fRH_Bbs_p1_G_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p1_R_10um
- fRH_3param_B_10um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_B_1um
- alt
- fRH_3param_B_1um
- fRH_3param_p2_B_10um
- fRH_2param_B_10um
- time_offset
- fRH_2param_chi_G_10um
- fRH_2param_p1_B_10um
- fRH_RH_Wet_10um_max
- fRH_2param_p2_G_1um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_R_1um
- fRH_3param_p1_B_1um
- fRH_85by40_2param_G_10um
- fRH_3param_p1_R_10um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_G_10um
- fRH_3param_p1_G_1um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_B_10um
- fRH_Bbs_R_10um
- fRH_Bs_G_1um_min
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_R_10um
- fRH_3param_p3_G_10um
- fRH_2param_p1_R_10um
- fRH_3param_p2_G_1um
- fRH_85by40_2param_B_1um
- fRH_Bs_G_10um_min
- fRH_3param_p3_B_1um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_B_10um
- fRH_85by40_2param_R_10um
- fRH_RH_Wet_10um_min
- fRH_2param_B_1um
- fRH_3param_p1_B_10um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_B_1um
- fRH_3param_G_1um
- fRH_85by40_2param_B_10um
- fRH_3param_p2_R_10um
- fRH_85by40_3param_G_1um
- fRH_2param_p2_B_10um
- fRH_85by40_3param_R_1um
- fRH_Bbs_B_1um
- fRH_3param_chi_R_10um
- fRH_Bs_B_1um_min
- fRH_Bbs_p2_G_1um
- fRH_Bbs_G_1um
- base_time
- fRH_3param_p2_B_1um
- fRH_2param_p2_R_1um
- fRH_2param_chi_R_1um
- fRH_3param_p1_G_10um
- fRH_Bs_R_1um_min
- fRH_3param_p1_R_1um
- fRH_3param_p3_G_1um
- Humidity, relative, at altitude, MAPS model output(RH)
- fRH_2param_p2_R_10um
- fRH_2param_p2_B_1um
- fRH_2param_G_10um
- fRH_Bbs_R_1um
- fRH_3param_G_10um
- fRH_2param_chi_R_10um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_R_10um
- fRH_85by40_2param_G_1um
- fRH_Bbs_G_10um
- lon
- fRH_Bbs_p2_R_10um
- fRH_RH_Dry_10um_max
- fRH_Bbs_chi_G_10um
- fRH_2param_R_1um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_R_1um
- fRH_3param_chi_B_1um
- fRH_3param_p3_R_1um
- fRH_Bbs_p1_R_1um
- fRH_Bbs_p1_B_1um
- fRH_85by40_3param_G_10um
- fRH_3param_R_1um
- fRH_3param_p3_R_10um
- fRH_2param_chi_G_1um
- fRH_Bbs_p2_B_1um
- fRH_3param_chi_B_10um
- fRH_Bs_R_10um_min
- fRH_Bbs_p2_R_1um
- time
- fRH_2param_R_10um
- fRH_Bs_B_10um_min
- lat
- fRH_Bbs_p1_G_1um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_G_1um
- fRH_3param_p2_G_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p2_B_10um
- fRH_85by40_3param_R_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p2_G_10um
- fRH_2param_p2_G_10um
- fRH_2param_p1_R_1um
- fRH_2param_p1_G_1um
- fRH_2param_G_1um
- fRH_Bbs_B_10um
- fRH_85by40_3param_B_10um
- fRH_2param_p1_G_10um
- fRH_2param_chi_B_10um
- fRH_3param_chi_G_10um
- fRH_RH_Dry_10um_min
- fRH_Bbs_p1_B_10um
- fRH_3param_p3_B_10um
sgpaosccnC1.a1: - CCN_laser_current
- lon
- CCN_T_sample
- CCN_T_inlet
- CCN_Temperature_Gradient
- CCN_dT_TEC3_TEC1_StdDev
- time
- AOS number concentration of CCN(N_CCN)
- CCN_ss_set
- CCN_ss_calc
- CCN_Q_sample
- lat
- AOS CCN number concentration by bin(N_CCN_dN)
- AOS bin number of lowest channel of OPC include in summation of N_CCN(N_CCN_bin_number)
- CCN_ProportionalValveVoltage
- alt
- base_time
- time_offset
- CCN_temp_unstable_flag
- CCN_Q_sheath
- CCN_P_sample
- Size of upper limit of each CCN bin(CCN_UpperSizeLimit)
- CCN_T_nafion
- CCN_FirstStageMonitorVoltage
sgpaosC1.a0: - Total scattering coefficient at 1 um from 550 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(GrnTScatCoef_1um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (6.50 um < Dp < 8.00 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 30(pa650_p800conc) - time_offset
- Total scattering coefficient at 1 um from 700 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(RedTScatCoef_1um_HRH)
- AmbTemp
- HGupstream_T
- lat
- Backscattering coefficient at 1 um from 550 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(GrnBScatCoef_1um_HRH)
- Neph530Temp
- Backscattering coefficient at 1 um from 700 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(RedBScatCoef_1um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (0.70 um < Dp < 0.80 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 15(pa70_p80conc) - TSINephTin_HRH
- Backscattering coefficient at 1 um from 550 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(GrnBScatCoef_1um_LRH)
- Absorption coefficient at 10 um(Bap_I_10um)
- Particle concentration (0.14 um < Dp < 0.16 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 3(pa14_p16conc) - Particle concentration (1.60 um < Dp < 1.80 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 21(pa160_p180conc) - Backscattering coefficient at 10 um from 550 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(GrnBScatCoef_10um_HRH)
- Particle concentration (5.00 um < Dp < 6.50 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 29(pa500_p650conc) - Backscattering coefficient at 10 um from 550 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(GrnBScatCoef_10um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (0.80 um < Dp < 0.90 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 16(pa80_p90conc) - Absorption Coefficient Red (raw) at 1 um(PSAP3w_BapRedRaw_1um)
- Absorption coefficient at 1 um(Bap_I_1um)
- Particle concentration (4.00 um < Dp < 5.00 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 28(pa400_p500conc) - Particle concentration (0.60 um < Dp < 0.70 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 14(pa60_p70conc) - TSINephPres_LRH
- SampRH
- Particle concentration (8.00 um < Dp < 10.00 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 31(pa800_p1000conc) - Total scattering coefficient at 10 um from 700 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(RedTScatCoef_10um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (0.23 um < Dp < 0.26 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 7(pa23_p26conc) - Total scattering coefficient at 10 um from 700 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(RedTScatCoef_10um_HRH)
- Absorption Coefficient Blue (raw) at 10 um(PSAP3w_BapBluRaw_10um)
- Backscattering coefficient at 1 um from 700 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(RedBScatCoef_1um_HRH)
- Total scattering coefficient at 1 um from 450 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(BluTScatCoef_1um_HRH)
- Total scattering coefficient at 1 um from 450 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(BluTScatCoef_1um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (0.30 um < Dp < 0.35 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 9(pa30_p35conc) - base_time
- alt
- RH530nm
- Particle concentration (2.30 um < Dp < 2.60 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 24(pa230_p260conc) - Particle concentration (3.00 um < Dp < 3.50 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 26(pa300_p350conc) - Particle concentration (1.00 um < Dp < 1.30 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 18(pa100_p130conc) - Particle concentration (0.26 um < Dp < 0.30 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 8(pa26_p30conc) - Particle concentration (1.80 um < Dp < 2.00 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 22(pa180_p200conc) - Particle concentration (0.16 um < Dp < 0.18 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 4(pa16_p18conc) - TSINephPres_HRH
- Absorption Coefficient Blue (corrected) at 1 um(PSAP3w_BapBluCorrected_1um)
- Particle concentration (1.30 um < Dp < 1.40 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 19(pa130_p140conc) - HGupstream_RH
- Backscattering coefficient at 10 um, from 450 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(BluBScatCoef_10um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (2.00 um < Dp < 2.30 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 23(pa200_p230conc) - Total scattering coefficient at 1 um from 550 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(GrnTScatCoef_1um_HRH)
- Particle concentration (0.45 um < Dp < 0.50 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 12(pa45_p50conc) - Backscattering coefficient at 10 um from 700 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(RedBScatCoef_10um_HRH)
- Particle concentration (3.50 um < Dp < 4.00 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 27(pa350_p400conc) - SampTemp
- Particle concentration (Dp > 10 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle counter,
channel 0(Pa1000Conc) - time
- Absorption Coefficient Green (raw) at 1 um(PSAP3w_BapGrnRaw_1um)
- Absorption Coefficient Green (corrected) at 1 um(PSAP3w_BapGrnCorrected_1um)
- Absorption Coefficient Blue (raw) at 1 um(PSAP3w_BapBluRaw_1um)
- Particle concentration (0.10 um < Dp < 0.12 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 1(pa10_p12conc) - Particle concentration (0.35 um < Dp < 0.40 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 10(pa35_p40conc) - Total scattering coefficient at 1 um from 700 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(RedTScatCoef_1um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (0.20 um < Dp < 0.23 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 6(pa20_p23conc) - TSINephRHSamp_HRH
- TSINephTin_LRH
- Absorption Coefficient Red (corrected) at 10 um(PSAP3w_BapRedCorrected_10um)
- Absorption Coefficient Red (corrected) at 1 um(PSAP3w_BapRedCorrected_1um)
- Particle concentration (0.18 um < Dp < 0.20 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 5(pa18_p20conc) - Absorption Coefficient Blue (corrected) at 10 um(PSAP3w_BapBluCorrected_10um)
- Particle concentration (0.12 um < Dp < 0.14 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 2(pa12_p14conc) - Backscattering coefficient at 10 um, from 450 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(BluBScatCoef_10um_HRH)
- Backscattering coefficient at 10 um from 700 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(RedBScatCoef_10um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (0.50 um < Dp < 0.60 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 13(pa50_p60conc) - lon
- Particle concentration (1.40 um < Dp < 1.60 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 20(pa140_p160conc) - Backscattering coefficient at 1 um, from 450 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(BluBScatCoef_1um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (2.60 um < Dp < 3.00 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 25(pa260_p300conc) - Particle concentration (0.90 um < Dp < 1.00 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 17(pa90_p100conc) - Backscattering coefficient at 1 um, from 450 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(BluBScatCoef_1um_HRH)
- HGdownstream_T
- Total scattering coefficient at 10 um from 550 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(GrnTScatCoef_10um_HRH)
- Total scattering coefficient at 10 um from 450 nm TSI High RH Nephelometer(BluTScatCoef_10um_HRH)
- Backscattering coefficient at 530 nm from single wave nephelometer(Bscat530nm)
- Particle concentration from Condensation Particle Counter(CPCPartConc)
- Total scattering coefficient at 10 um from 450 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(BluTScatCoef_10um_LRH)
- HGdownstream_RH
- Total scattering coefficient at 10 um from 550 nm TSI Low RH Nephelometer(GrnTScatCoef_10um_LRH)
- Particle concentration (0.40 um < Dp < 0.45 um) from PMS PCASP optical particle
counter, channel 11(pa40_p45conc) - TSINephTSamp_HRH
- Pres530nm
- Absorption Coefficient Green (raw) at 10 um(PSAP3w_BapGrnRaw_10um)
- TSINephTSamp_LRH
- Absorption Coefficient Green (corrected) at 10 um(PSAP3w_BapGrnCorrected_10um)
- Absorption Coefficient Red (raw) at 10 um(PSAP3w_BapRedRaw_10um)
- Ozone concentration(Ozone)
sgpnoaaaosavgC1.b1: - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Bbs_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Bs_G_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- lat
- Condensation Nuclei Concentration Number(N_CPC_1)
- Bbs_R_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - N_OPC_1_N
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer red channel, 10 u(Bbs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - time
- Bs_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- RH_NephVol_Dry_N
- RH_NephVol_Dry
- Bs_R_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- base_time
- Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer blue channel,
10 um particle diam(Bs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - N_CPC_1_std
- Bs_B_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bbs_R_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Bs_B_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bbs_G_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bs_R_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bbs_R_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- RH_NephVol_Dry_std
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer green channel, 10(Bbs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - flags_CMDL
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
- Bbs_B_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bs_R_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- time_offset
- alt
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer blue channel, 10(Bbs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
- Bbs_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- N_CPC_1_N
- Bbs_B_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer red channel,
10 um particle diame(Bs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Bbs_B_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- N_OPC_1_std
- lon
- Bs_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- AOS number concentration of CCN(N_CCN)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Bbs_B_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Bs_R_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bbs_R_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bs_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bs_B_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Bbs_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Bs_B_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
sgpaosC1.a1: - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - flags_NOAA
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 10(Bbs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer blue channel,
10 um particle diam(Bs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - lat
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um particle di(Bs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - RH_postHG
- Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Condensation Nuclei Concentration Number(N_CPC_1)
- T_MainInlet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - time
- T_NephInlet_Dry
- T_NephVol_Wet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer green channel, 10(Bbs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Wind speed(WindSpeed)
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Wind direction, relative to true North(WindDirection)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Ambient air temperature(T_Ambient)
- base_time
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer blue channel, 10(Bbs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Ambient air relative humidity(RH_Ambient)
- Ambient pressure(P_Ambient)
- RH_NephVol_Wet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer red channel,
10 um particle diame(Bs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - RH_NephVol_Dry
- RH_NephInlet_Wet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 10 um particle di(Bs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - RH_MainInlet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer red channel, 10 u(Bbs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - T_preHG
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle diam(Bs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
- Particle Concentration Number from summation of Optical Particle Counter size
bins(N_OPC_1) - alt
- P_Neph_Dry
- T_postHG
- T_NephVol_Dry
- lon
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle d(Bs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - T_NephInlet_Wet
- P_Neph_Wet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particle dia(Bs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - time_offset
- RH_preHG
- Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - RH_NephInlet_Dry
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 1(Bbs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
sgpnoaaaosavgC1.b0: - RH_NephVol_Dry_N
- Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - RH_NephVol_Dry_std
- Bbs_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bbs_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- N_OPC_1_N
- Bs_R_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bs_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- N_CPC_1_std
- Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
- Bs_R_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- RH_NephVol_Dry
- Bs_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bs_R_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer red channel, 10 u(Bbs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Bbs_R_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- N_CPC_1_N
- Bbs_B_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Bs_B_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Condensation Nuclei Concentration Number(N_CPC_1)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Bs_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- base_time
- Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
- Bbs_R_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Bs_B_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- time_offset
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - lat
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer blue channel, 10(Bbs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Bs_B_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer green channel, 10(Bbs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Bs_R_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - flags_CMDL
- Bbs_R_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bbs_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer red channel,
10 um particle diame(Bs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - N_OPC_1_std
- Bbs_R_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bbs_B_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bs_G_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bs_B_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- time
- lon
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer blue channel,
10 um particle diam(Bs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- alt
- Bbs_B_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_std
- Bbs_B_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1_N
- Bbs_G_1um_PSAP1W_1_std
- AOS number concentration of CCN(N_CCN)
sgpnoaaaosfitrhC1.b0: - fRH_Bs_G_1um_min
- fRH_2param_R_10um
- fRH_RH_Wet_10um_max
- fRH_3param_p3_B_1um
- fRH_85by40_3param_R_1um
- time_offset
- fRH_3param_p3_R_10um
- fRH_RH_Dry_10um_max
- fRH_2param_R_1um
- fRH_Bbs_B_1um
- fRH_Bbs_R_10um
- fRH_85by40_3param_G_1um
- lat
- fRH_2param_p1_R_1um
- fRH_2param_chi_G_1um
- fRH_RH_Wet_10um_min
- fRH_3param_p1_B_10um
- fRH_3param_p2_G_10um
- fRH_Bbs_R_1um
- fRH_2param_chi_B_10um
- fRH_3param_p3_G_10um
- fRH_3param_B_10um
- fRH_3param_chi_R_10um
- fRH_Bbs_B_10um
- fRH_85by40_3param_G_10um
- fRH_3param_G_1um
- fRH_2param_chi_G_10um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_B_10um
- fRH_3param_chi_B_10um
- base_time
- fRH_Bbs_p1_R_10um
- fRH_3param_p2_B_1um
- fRH_3param_p3_R_1um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_G_1um
- fRH_85by40_3param_R_10um
- fRH_2param_p1_B_10um
- fRH_Bs_G_10um_min
- fRH_Bs_B_1um_min
- fRH_3param_p1_R_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p2_R_1um
- fRH_3param_p1_G_10um
- fRH_3param_B_1um
- fRH_2param_chi_R_1um
- fRH_3param_chi_R_1um
- fRH_Bs_R_10um_min
- fRH_2param_G_10um
- fRH_2param_p1_G_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p2_G_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p1_G_10um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_G_10um
- fRH_3param_p2_R_1um
- fRH_3param_R_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p2_G_1um
- fRH_2param_B_1um
- fRH_2param_p2_R_1um
- fRH_3param_p3_B_10um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_G_10um
- fRH_85by40_2param_G_1um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_B_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p1_B_1um
- fRH_2param_B_10um
- fRH_Bs_R_1um_min
- fRH_3param_p1_R_1um
- fRH_3param_chi_G_10um
- fRH_85by40_3param_B_1um
- fRH_2param_p2_G_1um
- fRH_2param_p1_B_1um
- fRH_2param_p1_R_10um
- fRH_85by40_2param_B_10um
- fRH_Bbs_G_1um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_R_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p2_R_10um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_R_10um
- fRH_3param_p2_R_10um
- fRH_3param_p2_B_10um
- fRH_2param_p2_G_10um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_B_1um
- fRH_2param_chi_B_1um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_R_1um
- fRH_Bbs_p1_B_10um
- fRH_3param_p1_B_1um
- fRH_2param_G_1um
- fRH_85by40_Bbs_G_1um
- fRH_85by40_2param_R_1um
- fRH_RH_Dry_10um_min
- fRH_3param_p2_G_1um
- fRH_3param_chi_G_1um
- Humidity, relative, at altitude, MAPS model output(RH)
- fRH_85by40_2param_G_10um
- fRH_85by40_2param_B_1um
- alt
- fRH_Bs_B_10um_min
- fRH_Bbs_chi_B_1um
- fRH_Bbs_p1_G_1um
- fRH_2param_chi_R_10um
- fRH_2param_p2_B_10um
- fRH_2param_p2_R_10um
- time
- fRH_2param_p2_B_1um
- fRH_3param_R_1um
- fRH_85by40_2param_R_10um
- fRH_3param_chi_B_1um
- fRH_3param_G_10um
- fRH_Bbs_p2_B_1um
- lon
- fRH_Bbs_G_10um
- fRH_Bbs_chi_R_1um
- fRH_3param_p3_G_1um
- fRH_Bbs_p1_R_1um
- fRH_2param_p1_G_1um
- fRH_3param_p1_G_1um
- fRH_Bbs_p2_B_10um
- fRH_85by40_3param_B_10um
sgpnoaaaosC1.b0: - RH_preHG
- AOS number concentration of CCN(N_CCN)
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 10 um particle di(Bs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Wind direction, relative to true North(WindDirection)
- Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer red channel, 10 u(Bbs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - time
- Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - lat
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle d(Bs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer red channel,
10 um particle diame(Bs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - RH_MainInlet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particle dia(Bs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - T_MainInlet
- RH_postHG
- lon
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer green channel, 10(Bbs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - base_time
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um particle di(Bs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - flags_CMDL
- time_offset
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer blue channel,
10 um particle diam(Bs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - T_NephVol_Dry
- Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - T_NephInlet_Wet
- Condensation Nuclei Concentration Number(N_CPC_1)
- Ambient air relative humidity(RH_Ambient)
- Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
- T_NephInlet_Dry
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 10(Bbs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Ambient air temperature(T_Ambient)
- T_preHG
- T_postHG
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - RH_NephVol_Wet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer blue channel, 10(Bbs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 1(Bbs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - P_Neph_Wet
- RH_NephInlet_Wet
- Wind speed(WindSpeed)
- T_NephVol_Wet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Ambient pressure(P_Ambient)
- P_Neph_Dry
- RH_NephVol_Dry
- alt
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - RH_NephInlet_Dry
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle diam(Bs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
sgpnoaaaosC1.b1: - Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
- Ambient air temperature(T_Ambient)
- Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - flags_CMDL
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particle dia(Bs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer red channel, 10 u(Bbs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - RH_NephInlet_Dry
- P_Neph_Wet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - RH_MainInlet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um particle di(Bs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - alt
- Condensation Nuclei Concentration Number(N_CPC_1)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle diam(Bs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer blue channel, 10(Bbs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 10(Bbs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer red channel,
10 um particle diame(Bs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Ambient air relative humidity(RH_Ambient)
- time
- T_NephVol_Dry
- Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
- lon
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - lat
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - base_time
- Wind direction, relative to true North(WindDirection)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - RH_NephVol_Wet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer green channel, 10(Bbs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - RH_postHG
- Ambient pressure(P_Ambient)
- AOS number concentration of CCN(N_CCN)
- RH_preHG
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 1(Bbs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle d(Bs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - time_offset
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - T_postHG
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 10 um particle di(Bs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - T_NephInlet_Dry
- T_NephInlet_Wet
- RH_NephInlet_Wet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer blue channel,
10 um particle diam(Bs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - T_NephVol_Wet
- Wind speed(WindSpeed)
- RH_NephVol_Dry
- T_MainInlet
- T_preHG
- P_Neph_Dry
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
sgpaosclap3wC1.a1: - AOS CLAP3W transmittance, red channel, 10 um size cut(TrR_10um)
- time_offset
- Absorption Coefficient Red, 3 wavelength CLAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_CLAP3W_1)
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, blue channel, 10 um size cut(TrB_10um)
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, green channel, 10 um size cut(TrG_10um)
- lat
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, 3 wavelength CLAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_CLAP3W_1)
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, 3 wavelength CLAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_CLAP3W_1)
- base_time
- alt
- sample_length_10um
- Absorption Coefficient Green, 3 wavelength CLAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_CLAP3W_1)
- sample_length_1um
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, red channel, 1 um size cut(TrR_1um)
- time
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, blue channel, 1 um size cut(TrB_1um)
- Absorption Coefficient Green, 3 wavelength CLAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_CLAP3W_1)
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, green channel, 1 um size cut(TrG_1um)
- lon
- Absorption Coefficient Red, 3 wavelength CLAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_CLAP3W_1)
sgpaip1ogrenC1.c1: - Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 10 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_10um)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle d(Bs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 1(Bbs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Hemispheric backscatter fraction, green wavelength, 1 um size cut(bsf_G_Dry_1um)
- Hemispheric backscatter_fraction, red wavelength, 1 um size cut(bsf_R_Dry_1um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_10um) - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 10 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_10um)
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Asymmetry factor, red wavelength, 1um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_R_Dry_1um)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - RH_NephVol_Wet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer red channel, 10 u(Bbs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - T_NephVol_Wet
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_10um) - Hemispheric backscatter fraction, red wavelength, 10 um size cut(bsf_R_Dry_10um)
- base_time
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_10um) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle diam(Bs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 1 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_1um)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um particle di(Bs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_10um) - T_postHG
- Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bbs_B_1um_Neph3W
- Single scattering albedo, red wavelength, low RH, 10 um size cut(ssa_R_Dry_10um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_1um) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
- Asymmetry factor, green wavelength, 10um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_G_Dry_10um)
- Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - lat
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer blue channel, 10(Bbs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bbs_R_1um_Neph3W
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer red channel,
10 um particle diame(Bs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 10 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_10um)
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 10(Bbs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Hemispheric backscatter fraction, green wavelength, 10 um size cut(bsf_G_Dry_10um)
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - usf_B_Dry_10um
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_1um) - time
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_10um) - Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bbs_G_10um_Neph3W
- Asymmetry factor, blue wavelength, 10um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_B_Dry_10um)
- Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bs_G_1um_Neph3W
- Hemispheric backscatter fraction, blue wavelength, 10 um size cut(bsf_B_Dry_10um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_1um) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer blue channel,
10 um particle diam(Bs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer green channel, 10(Bbs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - alt
- Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Single scattering albedo, blue wavelength, low RH, 1 um size cut(ssa_B_Dry_1um)
- Asymmetry factor, green wavelength, 1um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_G_Dry_1um)
- Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bs_B_10um_Neph3W
- time_offset
- Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 1 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_1um)
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_1um) - Td_postHG
- Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bs_R_1um_Neph3W
- Hemispheric backscatter fraction, blue wavelength, 1 um size cut(bsf_B_Dry_1um)
- Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bbs_G_1um_Neph3W
- Aerosol forcing per unit optical depth, 1 um size cut(aerosol_forcing_efficiency_1um)
- lon
- calculated_RH_NephVol_Wet
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bbs_B_10um_Neph3W
- RH_postHG
- Angstrom exponent computed from blue/red ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W
backscatter data(Bbs_angstrom_exponent_BR_Dry_1um) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 10 um particle di(Bs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particle dia(Bs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - usf_G_Dry_10um
- Single scattering albedo, blue wavelength, low RH, 10 um size cut(ssa_B_Dry_10um)
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bs_G_10um_Neph3W
- Asymmetry factor, red wavelength, 10um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_R_Dry_10um)
- usf_B_Dry_1um
- Single scattering albedo, green wavelength, low RH, 1 um size cut(ssa_G_Dry_1um)
- Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bs_B_1um_Neph3W
- Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 10 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_10um) - Single scattering albedo, green wavelength, low RH, 10 um size cut(ssa_G_Dry_10um)
- Asymmetry factor, blue wavelength, 1um size cut(asymmetry_parameter_B_Dry_1um)
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Angstrom exponent computed from blue/green ratio, 1 um size cut, PSAP3W data(Ba_angstrom_exponent_BG_Dry_1um)
- Aerosol forcing per unit optical depth, 10 um size cut(aerosol_forcing_efficiency_10um)
- usf_R_Dry_10um
- Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - RH_NephVol_Dry
- Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bbs_R_10um_Neph3W
- usf_G_Dry_1um
- usf_R_Dry_1um
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Angstrom exponent computed from green/red ratio, 1 um size cut, Neph3W total
scatter data(Bs_angstrom_exponent_GR_Dry_1um) - Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
- Single scattering albedo, red wavelength, low RH, 1 um size cut(ssa_R_Dry_1um)
- Wet_Dry_Ratio_Bs_R_10um_Neph3W
sgpaosacsmC1.a1: - Mass concentration of chloride, ambient aerosol in air.(chloride)
- Mass concentration of nitrate, ambient aerosol in air.(nitrate)
- base_time
- Mass concentration of ammonium, ambient aerosol in air.(ammonium)
- lat
- time_offset
- time
- Mass concentration of total organics, ambient aerosol in air.(total_organics)
- lon
- alt
- Mass concentration of sulfate, ambient aerosol in air.(sulfate)
sgpaospass3wauxC1.a1: - avg_phase_subtracted_405nm
- scat_coef_calib_532nm
- current_avg_absorp_coef_532nm
- laser_phase_405nm
- current_avg_scat_coef_532nm
- modulation_frequency_difference
- photo_diode_calibration_factor_405nm
- microphone_calib_factor
- laser_phase_532nm
- photo_diode_calibration_factor_781nm
- amp_gain
- alt
- laser_phase_781nm
- current_avg_scat_coef_781nm
- relative_phase_405nm
- avg_phase_subtracted_532nm
- accumulated_absorp_coef_lpm_405nm
- relative_phase_781nm
- base_time
- accumulated_scat_coef_lpm_405nm
- scat_coef_calib_405nm
- relative_phase_532nm
- current_avg_absorp_coef_405nm
- current_avg_absorp_coef_781nm
- qfactor
- lon
- accumulated_scat_coef_lpm_781nm
- current_avg_scat_coef_405nm
- accumulated_absorp_coef_lpm_781nm
- amplification_range
- accumulated_scat_coef_lpm_532nm
- time
- accumulated_absorp_coef_lpm_532nm
- scat_coef_calib_781nm
- photo_diode_calibration_factor_532nm
- time_offset
- avg_phase_subtracted_781nm
- lat
sgpaosauxC1.a0: - O3_Span
- PSAP3w_FlowCorrected
- OPCSheath
- time_offset
- RedTScatSpn_HRH
- GrnBScatSpn_HRH
- CPCCondT
- GrnBScatSpn_LRH
- time
- O3_Mode
- CPCDeltT
- BapFlow
- BluRScatZero_HRH
- Line11Temp
- RedRScatZero_HRH
- GrnTScatSpn_HRH
- RedTScatZero_LRH
- BluBScatSpn_HRH
- MainAirFlow
- RoomTemp
- GrnTScatZero_LRH
- PSAP3w_TrRed
- OPCFlow
- ZeroAirFlow
- RedTScatSpn_LRH
- Line8Flow
- PSAP3w_TrBlu
- base_time
- RedBScatSpn_HRH
- BapRef
- CPCSaturT
- Zero530nm
- RedTScatZero_HRH
- Line6Vac
- BluRScatZero_LRH
- GrnTScatZero_HRH
- BapFiltr
- RedRScatZero_LRH
- BapSignal
- Cab_4_5_Temp
- Line8Temp
- Line5Vac
- O3_Temp
- O3_Offset
- TSISensGrn_LRH
- Line6DeltaP
- TSISensGrn_HRH
- Line11Heater
- OPCLaserVolt
- PSAP3w_TrGrn
- GrnBScatZero_HRH
- O3_Cont
- Calib530nm
- O3_SetPt
- Line11RH
- O3_Zro
- O3_Press
- lat
- O3_Spn
- RedBScatZero_HRH
- Line8DeltaP
- O3_LinHeater
- RedBScatZero_LRH
- CabinetTemp
- Line3Vac
- GrnBScatZero_LRH
- PSAP3w_FlowRaw
- RedBScatSpn_LRH
- BluTScatSpn_LRH
- Line4Vac
- BluTScatZero_HRH
- O3_LinTemp
- GrnRScatZero_LRH
- alt
- BluTScatSpn_HRH
- BluTScatZero_LRH
- GrnRScatZero_HRH
- WatAmbT
- PSAP3w_AvePeriod
- O3_Samp
- BluBScatZero_LRH
- lon
- BluBScatZero_HRH
- GrnTScatSpn_LRH
- BluBScatSpn_LRH
sgpaosccnC1.00: - AVHRR satellite images for Darwin from BOM (RAW)(raw)
sgpaosauxC1.a1: - base_time
- alt
- time
- time_offset
- lon
- TrR
- TrG
- TrB
- lat
sgpaosccn100C1.a1: - CCN_T_sample
- time
- AOS CCN number concentration by bin(N_CCN_dN)
- CCN_temp_unstable_flag
- lon
- CCN_laser_current
- CCN_temperature_std
- CCN_P_sample
- AOS bin number of lowest channel of OPC include in summation of N_CCN(N_CCN_bin_number)
- CCN_T_inlet
- time_offset
- base_time
- CCN_super_saturation_calculated
- alt
- CCN_T_nafion
- CCN_proportional_valve_voltage
- AOS number concentration of CCN(N_CCN)
- CCN_first_stage_monitor_voltage
- CCN_Q_sheath
- CCN_temperature_gradient
- lat
- CCN_ss_set
- CCN_Q_sample
- CCN_t_read_TEC3
- CCN_t_read_TEC1
- CCN_t_read_TEC2
sgpaosC1.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported
sgpaosnephdryC1.a1: - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - T_NephInlet_Dry
- neph_dry_flags
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - lon
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - P_Neph_Dry
- lat
- T_Neph_Dry
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer blue channel, 10(Bbs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer red channel, 10 u(Bbs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - time_offset
- alt
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer green channel, 10(Bbs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer blue channel,
10 um particle diam(Bs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - base_time
- RH_Neph_Dry
- time
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer red channel,
10 um particle diame(Bs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1)
sgpaospass3wC1.a1: - base_time
- Scattering coefficient, 405 nm wavelength(scattering_coefficient_405nm)
- avg_background_subtracted_absorp_coef_781nm
- lat
- laser_power_405nm
- sample_measurement_flag
- uncertainty_estimate_532nm
- avg_background_subtracted_absorp_coef_532nm
- temperature_laser
- avg_background_subtracted_scat_coef_532nm
- uncertainty_estimate_781nm
- acoustic_pressure
- Absorption, 532 nm wavelength(absorption_coefficient_532nm)
- Barometric pressure(pressure)
- time_offset
- avg_background_subtracted_absorp_coef_405nm
- Absorption coefficient, 781nm wavelength(absorption_coefficient_781nm)
- dew_point_temperature
- laser_power_532nm
- alt
- avg_background_subtracted_scat_coef_781nm
- Absorption coefficient, 405 nm wavelength(absorption_coefficient_405nm)
- time
- Scattering coefficient, 532 nm wavelength(scattering_coefficient_532nm)
- uncertainty_estimate_405nm
- Humidity, relative(rh)
- running_average
- resonance_frequency
- lon
- Air temperature(temperature)
- laser_power_781nm
- avg_background_subtracted_scat_coef_405nm
- Scattering coefficient, 781 nm wavelength(scattering_coefficient_781nm)
sgpaoscpcC1.a1: - saturation_temp
- lat
- orifice_pressure
- nozzle_pressure
- AOS number concentration of CN (concentration)(concentration)
- time
- condensation_temp
- laser_current
- optics_temp
- alt
- ambient_temp
- time_offset
- cabinet_temp
- lon
- base_time
sgpaospsap3wC1.a1: - time
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - base_time
- lat
- mass_flow_voltage
- TrB
- TrG
- TrR
- Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - averaging_time
- psap_flags
- mass_flow
- time_offset
- Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - alt
- Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - lon