Measurements: | sgp915rwpwindconI1.a1: - base_time
- Wind direction, horizontal, at altitude, 915 MHz RWP(dir)
- prf
- elevation4
- elevation3
- elevation2
- elevation1
- elevation0
- lon
- alt
- sampr
- Northward Wind Component(v_wind)
- Wind speed, horizontal, at altitude, 915 MHz RWP(spd)
- snr0
- ncns2
- ncns3
- ncns0
- ncns1
- ncns4
- sitime
- snr3
- snr4
- snr1
- snr2
- plen
- Beam 3 radial wind speed(vel3)
- dly
- Beam 4 radial wind speed(vel4)
- Beam 1 radial wind speed(vel1)
- Beam 2 radial wind speed(vel2)
- Beam 0 radial wind speed(vel0)
- pcbits
- oband
- height_p
- nrec4
- nrcns1
- nspc
- nrcns0
- range_gate
- nrcns3
- nrec0
- nrcns2
- nrec1
- nrec2
- nrcns4
- nrec3
- vband
- spcavetim
- bswitch
- nheight
- power
- avgint
- ipp
- ovsr
- time_offset
- azimuth4
- azimuth3
- azimuth2
- azimuth1
- azimuth0
- Eastward Wind Component(u_wind)
- lat
- rgs
- rgl
- vvsr
- rgf
- ncoh
- tditime
sgp915rwpwindspecI1.a0: - bins
- Backscatter, doppler spectrum, 915 MHz RWP(spc_amp)
- oband
- base_time
- vsr
- elevation
- sampr
- range_gate
- spcavetim
- dly
- alt
- time_offset
- sitime
- rgf
- ipp
- pcbits
- vband
- lon
- tditime
- prf
- ncoh
- rgl
- lat
- beam
- rgs
- height_t
- plen
- bswitch
- nspc
- nheight
sgp915rwptempmomI1.a0: - Spectral width(specw)
- Mean radial beam velocity(mdf)
- alt
- noise
- lon
- smdf
- ssnr
- sampr
- Signal to noise ratio(snr)
- Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- rgs
- Temperature, virtual, profile, merged from 50 and 915 MHz RASS(virtual_temp)
- base_time
- time_offset
- sspecw
- lat
sgp915rwptempconI1.a1: - lon
- nrec
- nrcns
- lat
- base_time
- sampr
- SNR Corrected Beam 0 Virtual Temperature(snr_virtual_temp_corr)
- ncns_vert_v
- alt
- avgint
- time_offset
- Wind speed, vertical velocity, at altitude, 915 MHz RWP(vert_v)
- Temperature, virtual, at altitude, 10-min cons. avg, corrected, 915 MHz RWP/RASS(virtual_temp_corr)
- Temperature, virtual, profile, merged from 50 and 915 MHz RASS(virtual_temp)
- ncns_virtual_temp_corr
- rgs
- Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- SNR Vertical wind velocity(snr_vert_v)
- SNR Beam 0 Virtual Temperature(snr_virtual_temp)
- ncns_virtual_temp
sgp915rwpwindmomI1.a0: - nspc
- lon
- noise
- bswitch
- alt
- time_offset
- sitime
- vsr
- base_time
- beam
- pcbits
- dly
- height_t
- tditime
- plen
- elevation
- ipp
- prf
- ncoh
- Spectral width(specw)
- range_gate
- rgs
- rgf
- rgl
- Signal to noise ratio(snr)
- vband
- sampr
- Mean radial beam velocity(mdf)
- lat
- nheight
- spcavetime
- oband
sgp915rwptempspecI1.a0: - time_offset
- Backscatter, doppler spectrum, 915 MHz RWP(spc_amp)
- bins
- rgs
- lon
- sampr
- Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- lat
- base_time
- alt