Measurements: | pvcaosnephwetM1.a1: - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 10 um particle di(Bs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - lon
- RH_NephInlet_Wet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particle dia(Bs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - alt
- time_offset
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle diam(Bs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle d(Bs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - base_time
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 1(Bbs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - P_Neph_Wet
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um particle di(Bs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - T_NephVol_Wet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2) - time
- RH_NephVol_Wet
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
nephelometer red channel, 10(Bbs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2) - T_NephInlet_Wet
- lat
pvcaosozoneM1.a1: - time
- Ozone concentration(ozone)
- lon
- ozone_bench_temp
- base_time
- Ozone pressure(ozone_pressure)
- lat
- time_offset
pvcaospsap3wM1.a1: - mass_flow_voltage
- time_offset
- Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - lon
- psap_flags
- time
- TrR
- TrG
- TrB
- mass_flow
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1) - averaging_time
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1) - lat
- alt
- base_time
pvcaoscpcM1.a1: - alt
- saturation_temp
- nozzle_pressure
- lat
- ambient_temp
- cabinet_temp
- condensation_temp
- AOS number concentration of CN (concentration)(concentration)
- time
- orifice_pressure
- time_offset
- lon
- optics_temp
- base_time
- laser_current
pvcaosccn100M1.a1: - CCN_T_sample
- AOS bin number of lowest channel of OPC include in summation of N_CCN(N_CCN_bin_number)
- alt
- CCN_temperature_gradient
- CCN_temp_unstable_flag
- CCN_ss_set
- CCN_temperature_std
- CCN_P_sample
- CCN_laser_current
- lon
- time
- CCN_proportional_valve_voltage
- CCN_t_read_TEC1
- Cloud condensation nuclei number density(N_CCN)
- CCN_Q_sample
- lat
- CCN_first_stage_monitor_voltage
- base_time
- CCN_super_saturation_calculated
- CCN_T_nafion
- CCN_t_read_TEC3
- CCN_t_read_TEC2
- AOS CCN number concentration by bin(N_CCN_dN)
- CCN_Q_sheath
- CCN_T_inlet
- time_offset
pvcaosnephdryM1.a1: - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer red channel,
10 um particle diame(Bs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer red channel, 10 u(Bbs_R_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer blue channel,
10 um particle diam(Bs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer blue channel, 10(Bbs_B_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - RH_NephVol_Dry
- P_Neph_Dry
- RH_NephInlet_Dry
- lat
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, reference nephelometer green
channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - base_time
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - lon
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - alt
- T_NephVol_Dry
- time
- Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, reference
nephelometer green channel, 10(Bbs_G_Dry_10um_Neph3W_1) - time_offset
- Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1) - T_NephInlet_Dry
pvcaosclap3wM1.a1: - Absorption Coefficient Green, 3 wavelength CLAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_CLAP3W_1)
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, 3 wavelength CLAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_CLAP3W_1)
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, red channel, 1 um size cut(TrR_1um)
- Absorption Coefficient Green, 3 wavelength CLAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_CLAP3W_1)
- Absorption Coefficient Red, 3 wavelength CLAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_CLAP3W_1)
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, green channel, 1 um size cut(TrG_1um)
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, blue channel, 1 um size cut(TrB_1um)
- sample_length_1um
- lon
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, green channel, 10 um size cut(TrG_10um)
- base_time
- Absorption Coefficient Red, 3 wavelength CLAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_CLAP3W_1)
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, red channel, 10 um size cut(TrR_10um)
- alt
- time
- Absorption Coefficient Blue, 3 wavelength CLAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_CLAP3W_1)
- AOS CLAP3W transmittance, blue channel, 10 um size cut(TrB_10um)
- sample_length_10um
- lat
- time_offset
pvcaosmetM1.a1: - Ambient pressure(P_Ambient)
- time
- alt
- Rain Amount(rain_amount)
- Ambient air temperature(T_Ambient)
- heater_volts
- Ambient air relative humidity(RH_Ambient)
- lat
- ref_volts
- lon
- Wind direction, relative to true North(WindDirection)
- Rain Duration(rain_duration)
- Rain Intensity(rain_intensity)
- base_time
- time_offset
- supply_volts
- Wind speed(WindSpeed)
- heater_temp