Measurements: | nsa915rwpwindspecC1.a0: - Backscatter, doppler spectrum, 915 MHz RWP(spc_amp)
- alt
- plen
- ncoh
- tditime
- bswitch
- time_offset
- nspc
- sitime
- vband
- bins
- elevation
- dly
- lon
- nheight
- sampr
- base_time
- height_t
- range_gate
- prf
- rgs
- oband
- pcbits
- vsr
- spcavetim
- ipp
- beam
- lat
- rgl
- rgf
nsa915rwpwindconC1.a1: - Eastward Wind Component(u_wind)
- lon
- nspc
- power
- avgint
- rgs
- snr3
- snr4
- snr0
- snr1
- snr2
- dly
- vvsr
- Wind direction, horizontal, at altitude, 915 MHz RWP(dir)
- oband
- tditime
- rgl
- rgf
- range_gate
- ncoh
- time_offset
- lat
- prf
- base_time
- ovsr
- azimuth1
- azimuth0
- azimuth3
- azimuth2
- Beam 2 radial wind speed(vel2)
- Beam 1 radial wind speed(vel1)
- azimuth4
- Beam 4 radial wind speed(vel4)
- Beam 3 radial wind speed(vel3)
- sampr
- Beam 0 radial wind speed(vel0)
- ipp
- nrcns4
- nrcns3
- nrcns2
- nrcns1
- nrcns0
- ncns1
- ncns0
- ncns3
- ncns2
- ncns4
- sitime
- Wind speed, horizontal, at altitude, 915 MHz RWP(spd)
- plen
- spcavetim
- alt
- nheight
- nrec0
- nrec1
- nrec2
- nrec3
- nrec4
- elevation0
- Northward Wind Component(v_wind)
- elevation2
- elevation1
- elevation4
- elevation3
- height_p
- vband
- pcbits
- bswitch
nsaaerich2C1.b1: - Radiation, longwave, downwelling radiance, 0.5 cm-1 resolution, 3.3-5.5 um(mean_rad)
- AERIunitNumber
- calibratedSceneID
- timeHHMMSS
- wnum2
- Time_UTC_hours
- systemReleaseNumber
- channelNumber
- time_offset
- base_time
- alt
- Longitude
- BBsupportStructureTemp
- atmosphericRelativeHumidity
- missingDataFlag
- calibrationCBBtemp
- instrumentUnitNumber
- Latitude
- sceneMirrorAngle
- dateYYMMDD
- calibrationAmbientTemp
- atmosphericPressure
- wnum
- outsideAirTemp
- calibrationHBBtemp
- lat
- hatchOpen
- JulianDay
- sceneViewDuration
- standard_dev_mean_rad
- time
- lon
- sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift
- Altitude
nsamwrlosC1.b1: - IR Brightness Temperature(sky_ir_temp)
- wet_window
- 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31)
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temperature, 23.8 GHz(tbsky23)
- tkbb
- alt
- tnd_nom31
- tnd_nom23
- bb23
- bb31
- time_offset
- tc23
- tc31
- tknd
- lat
- actel
- tnd23
- tnd31
- tkxc
- Temperature, brightness, longwave(ir_temp)
- sky23
- bbn23
- base_time
- sky31
- bbn31
- actaz
- tkair
- lon
- Total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
- Total water vapor along LOS path(vap)
nsaaerisummaryC1.b1: - sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift
- skyViewStdDevRadiance675_680
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, surface air, mean, 675-680 cm-1(surfaceLayerAirTemp675_680)
- JulianDay
- SWskyNENacceptable
- channelNumber
- calibrationAmbientTemp
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, elevated air, mean, 2282-2287 cm-1(elevatedLayerRadiance2282_2287)
- LWskyNEN
- Latitude
- lon
- systemReleaseNumber
- skyViewStdDevRadiance985_990
- AERI LW Scene Radiance Spectral Averages (Ch1)(SkyRadianceSpectralAveragesCh1)
- AERI SW Scene Radiance Spectral Averages (Ch2)(SkyRadianceSpectralAveragesCh2)
- outsideAirTemp
- wnumsum7
- wnumsum6
- wnumsum5
- wnumsum4
- wnumsum3
- wnumsum2
- wnumsum1
- wnumsum9
- wnumsum8
- HBB2minNENestimateNo1Ch1
- HBB2minNENestimateNo1Ch2
- HBBstable
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, atmospheric window, mean, 985-990 cm-1(longwaveWindowRadiance985_990)
- LWresponsivity
- maxSampleStdDev
- lat
- Altitude
- dataAvailable
- instrumentUnitNumber
- time_offset
- calibrationHBBtemp
- atmosphericPressure
- LWskyNENacceptable
- Radiation, longwave, radiances, SD, 25 cm-1 spectral avgs, 5.5-18 um(SkyUniformityCh1)
- Radiation, longwave, radiances, SD, 25 cm-1 spectral avgs, 3.3-5.5 um(SkyUniformityCh2)
- time
- calibratedSceneID
- atmosphericRelativeHumidity
- sceneViewDuration
- sceneMirPosEncoderDrift
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, 25 cm-1 spectral avgs, 3.3-5.5 um(SkyBrightnessTempSpectralAveragesCh2)
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, 25 cm-1 spectral avgs, 5.5-18 um(SkyBrightnessTempSpectralAveragesCh1)
- ResponsivitySpectralAveragesCh1
- ResponsivitySpectralAveragesCh2
- SkyNENCh1
- SkyNENCh2
- hatchOpen
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, elevated air, mean, 2282-2287 cm-1(elevatedLayerAirTemp2282_2287)
- sceneMirrorAngle
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, atmospheric window, mean, 2510-2515 cm-1(shortwaveWindowRadiance2510_2515)
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, elevated air, mean, 700-705 cm-1(elevatedLayerAirTemp700_705)
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, atmospheric window, mean, 2510-2515 cm-1(shortwaveWindowAirTemp2510_2515)
- HBB2minNENestimateNo2Ch2
- HBB2minNENestimateNo2Ch1
- skyViewStdDevRadiance2510_2515
- dateYYMMDD
- alt
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, surface air, mean, 2295-2300 cm-1(surfaceLayerRadiance2295_2300)
- base_time
- skyViewStdDevRadiance2282_2287
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, surface air, mean, 2295-2300 cm-1(surfaceLayerAirTemp2295_2300)
- SWskyNEN
- wnumsum11
- wnumsum12
- wnumsum13
- wnumsum14
- wnumsum10
- skyViewStdDevRadiance700_705
- SWresponsivity
- Longitude
- HBBtempDrift
- sunSensorIntensity
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, surface air, mean, 675-680 cm-1(surfaceLayerRadiance675_680)
- missingDataFlag
- ABBmaxTempDiff
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, elevated air, mean, 700-705 cm-1(elevatedLayerRadiance700_705)
- HBBmaxTempDiff
- timeHHMMSS
- AERIunitNumber
- skyViewStdDevRadiance2295_2300
- frontEndFanAirTempDiff
- calibrationCBBtemp
- Time_UTC_hours
- rainSensorIntensity
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, atmospheric window, mean, 985-990 cm-1(longwaveWindowAirTemp985_990)
nsa915rwptempmomC1.a0: - base_time
- rgs
- noise
- Signal to noise ratio(snr)
- Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- Temperature, virtual, profile, merged from 50 and 915 MHz RASS(virtual_temp)
- Mean radial beam velocity(mdf)
- smdf
- lon
- time_offset
- sampr
- Spectral width(specw)
- alt
- ssnr
- sspecw
- lat
nsaaerich1C1.b1: - lon
- Time_UTC_hours
- atmosphericPressure
- JulianDay
- sceneMirrorAngle
- hatchOpen
- outsideAirTemp
- Longitude
- dateYYMMDD
- time
- sceneViewDuration
- Radiation, longwave, downwelling radiance, 0.5 cm-1 resolution, 3.3-5.5 um(mean_rad)
- sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift
- timeHHMMSS
- base_time
- calibrationCBBtemp
- Latitude
- calibrationHBBtemp
- missingDataFlag
- instrumentUnitNumber
- atmosphericRelativeHumidity
- systemReleaseNumber
- channelNumber
- wnum2
- lat
- BBsupportStructureTemp
- standard_dev_mean_rad
- Altitude
- wnum
- calibratedSceneID
- AERIunitNumber
- alt
- time_offset
- calibrationAmbientTemp
nsamplpsC1.a0: - range_bin_time
- background_signal
- time
- shots_summed
- lat
- voltage_15
- max_altitude
- voltage_05
- voltage_10
- pulse_rep
- instrument_temp
- detector_temp
- Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- laser_temp
- time_offset
- range_offset
- range
- filter_temp
- Preliminary cloud base height(preliminary_cbh)
- energy_monitor
- alt
- range_bins
- detector_counts
- base_time
- lon
- range_bin_width
nsavceil25kC1.b1: - status_string
- Normalized corrected relative backscatter(backscatter)
- Lowest cloud base height detected.(first_cbh)
- tilt_angle
- base_time
- Second lowest cloud base height(second_cbh)
- detection_status
- alt_highest_signal
- window_contamination
- receiver_sensitivity
- vertical_visibility
- laser_temperature
- alt
- time_offset
- filename
- lat
- laser_pulse_energy
- sum_backscatter
- status_flag
- lon
- background_light
- Third cloud base height(third_cbh)
- measurement_parameters
- range
nsa915rwptempspecC1.a0: - Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- sampr
- rgs
- lat
- lon
- base_time
- time_offset
- alt
- Backscatter, doppler spectrum, 915 MHz RWP(spc_amp)
- bins
nsa915rwptempconC1.a1: - SNR Corrected Beam 0 Virtual Temperature(snr_virtual_temp_corr)
- ncns_virtual_temp
- SNR Beam 0 Virtual Temperature(snr_virtual_temp)
- Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- rgs
- ncns_vert_v
- ncns_virtual_temp_corr
- time_offset
- Temperature, virtual, profile, merged from 50 and 915 MHz RASS(virtual_temp)
- Wind speed, vertical velocity, at altitude, 915 MHz RWP(vert_v)
- lat
- nrcns
- base_time
- SNR Vertical wind velocity(snr_vert_v)
- sampr
- lon
- Temperature, virtual, at altitude, 10-min cons. avg, corrected, 915 MHz RWP/RASS(virtual_temp_corr)
- avgint
- alt
- nrec
nsaaeriengineerC1.b1: - BBcontroller2temp
- skyViewImaginaryRadiance2295_2300
- HBBmaxTempDiff
- ABBtempOffset
- skyViewImaginaryRadiance2510_2515
- detectorTemp
- coadditionsCount
- calibrationHBBtemp
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, surface air, mean, 675-680 cm-1(surfaceLayerRadiance675_680)
- skyViewStdDevRadiance985_990
- HBBapexTemp
- ABBviewStdDevRadiance2295_2300
- systemReleaseNumber
- skyViewStdDevRadiance2510_2515
- ABBviewStdDevRadiance985_990
- base_time
- timeHHMMSS
- sceneMirrorAngle
- spareTemp
- HBBstable
- Latitude
- sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, elevated air, mean, 2282-2287 cm-1(elevatedLayerAirTemp2282_2287)
- channelNumber
- HBBviewStdDevRadiance700_705
- outsideAirTemp
- HBBviewStdDevRadiance2510_2515
- rackAmbientTemp
- calibratedSceneID
- frontEndFanAirHeatedTemp
- HBBtempOffset
- instrumentUnitNumber
- ABBtopTemp
- skyViewImaginaryRadiance700_705
- fixed2500ohmResistor
- missingDataFlag
- time_offset
- fixed97KohmResistor
- LWskyNEN
- HBBapexTempWeight
- ABBbottomTempWeight
- expandedInterferogramSize
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, atmospheric window, mean, 2510-2515 cm-1(shortwaveWindowAirTemp2510_2515)
- coolerCurrent
- ABBviewStdDevRadiance700_705
- HBBbottomTemp
- frontEndFanAirUnheatedTemp
- computerTemp
- LWresponsivity
- lon
- calibrationAmbientTemp
- interferometerSecondPortTemp
- skyViewStdDevRadiance700_705
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, elevated air, mean, 700-705 cm-1(elevatedLayerAirTemp700_705)
- interferometerEnclosureRelativeHumidity
- originalInterferogramSize
- HBBviewStdDevRadiance985_990
- maxSampleStdDev
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, atmospheric window, mean, 2510-2515 cm-1(shortwaveWindowRadiance2510_2515)
- motorDriverTemp
- SWskyNENlimit
- Longitude
- alt
- HBBviewStdDevRadiance675_680
- HBBviewStdDevRadiance2282_2287
- ABBapexTemp
- hatchOpen
- skyViewImaginaryRadiance2282_2287
- ABBbottomTemp
- AERIunitNumber
- Altitude
- LWskyNENacceptable
- sceneMirPosCount
- sceneMirrorMotorStep
- SWresponsivity
- lat
- originalLaserWavenumber
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, surface air, mean, 2295-2300 cm-1(surfaceLayerAirTemp2295_2300)
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, atmospheric window, mean, 985-990 cm-1(longwaveWindowRadiance985_990)
- ABBviewStdDevRadiance675_680
- BBsupportStructureTemp
- HBBviewStdDevRadiance2295_2300
- sceneMirPosEncoder
- rainSensorIntensity
- twoMinuteNoiseEstimateFactor
- skyViewImaginaryRadiance985_990
- SCEtemp
- sceneViewDuration
- ABBviewStdDevRadiance2282_2287
- skyViewImaginaryRadiance675_680
- BBcontroller1temp
- HBBtopTempWeight
- dateYYMMDD
- airNearBBsTemp
- ABBmaxTempDiff
- HBBtempDriftLimit
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, surface air, mean, 2295-2300 cm-1(surfaceLayerRadiance2295_2300)
- BBcavityFactor
- coolerCompressorTemp
- sceneMirrorTemp
- coolerExpanderTemp
- coolerPowerSupplyTemp
- dataAvailable
- skyViewStdDevRadiance675_680
- Time_UTC_hours
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, atmospheric window, mean, 985-990 cm-1(longwaveWindowAirTemp985_990)
- HBBtempDrift
- sunSensorIntensity
- atmosphericRelativeHumidity
- sceneMirrorPosition
- ABBviewStdDevRadiance2510_2515
- atmosphericPressure
- HBBtopTemp
- skyViewStdDevRadiance2282_2287
- SWskyNENacceptable
- time
- JulianDay
- ABBapexTempWeight
- Radiation, longwave, brightness temp, surface air, mean, 675-680 cm-1(surfaceLayerAirTemp675_680)
- ABBtopTempWeight
- LWskyNENlimit
- fixed12KohmResistor
- SWskyNEN
- airNearInterferometerTemp
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, elevated air, mean, 700-705 cm-1(elevatedLayerRadiance700_705)
- mirrorMotorTemp
- Radiation, longwave, radiance, elevated air, mean, 2282-2287 cm-1(elevatedLayerRadiance2282_2287)
- FFOVhalfAngle
- interferometerWindowTemp
- sceneMirPosEncoderDrift
- skyViewStdDevRadiance2295_2300
- HBBbottomTempWeight
- calibrationCBBtemp
- outputLaserWavenumber
- opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity
- numberOfTerms
- frontEndFanAirTempDiff
nsamplC1.a1: - range_bin_time
- detector_temp
- total_counts
- scalar_sync_offset
- Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- transceiver_azimuth_angle
- time_offset
- laser_sync_offset
- Preliminary cloud base height(preliminary_cbh)
- voltage_10
- voltage_15
- voltage_05
- trigger_freq
- time
- instrument_temp
- shots_sum
- filter_temp
- Normalized corrected relative backscatter(backscatter)
- alt
- lon
- base_time
- pulse_rep
- background_signal
- deadtime_correction
- laser_scalar_sync_offset
- lat
- range
- max_altitude
- range_bin_width
- energy_monitor
- range_offset
- shots_summed
- property
- laser_temp
- transceiver_altitude_angle
- range_bins
nsammcrmomC1.b1: - ReceiverNumber
- CalCheckTime
- RxCalTimeStamp
- TWTStatusCode
- base_time
- NumCodeBits
- MMCR Mean Doppler Velocity(MeanDopplerVelocity)
- WindowingONOFF
- NumFFT
- ReceiverMode
- GateSpacing
- heights
- NumHeights
- CalCheckLevel
- PulseWidth
- NumSpectralAverages
- SkyNoiseLevel
- Power
- DataQualityStatus
- SignalToNoiseRatio
- ClutterHeight
- ModeNum
- NumCoherentIntegrations
- MinimumDetectableReflectivity
- time_offset
- Cloud, reflectivity, at altitude(Reflectivity)
- Rx290KLevel
- lon
- NyquistVelocity
- ModeDescription
- PeakTransmittedPowerAvg
- TimeAvg
- StartGateDelay
- InterPulsePeriod
- lat
- alt
- RxGain
- time
- NumReceivers
- RangeCorrectedPower
- MMCR Spectral Width(SpectralWidth)
- AvgNoiseLevel
- NoiseLevel
- CircularDepolarizationRatio
- RadarConstant
nsamettwr4hC1.b1: - lat
- CMHTemp
- RefT10m_AVG
- time
- RefT40M_AVG
- PWSAlarm
- alt
- RefT2M_AVG
- PwCod1hr
- lon
- T10M_AVG
- SonicS_AVG
- T40M_STD
- RefT20M_AVG
- PcpRate
- base_time
- Pressure, atmospheric(AtmPress)
- SonicX_AVG
- Visibility, 1 minute average(AvgVis1mi)
- Visibility, 10 minute average(AvgVis10m)
- T20M_AVG
- T10M_STD
- CumH2O
- CumSnow
- PwCod15mi
- T20M_STD
- Volt10M_AVG
- SonicY_AVG
- Wind direction vector mean(SonicWD_DU_WVT)
- T40M_AVG
- InstPwCod
- Volt40M_AVG
- Batt_Volt
- time_offset
- Wind speed vector mean(SonicWS_U_WVT)
- Volt20M_AVG
- Volt2M_AVG
- Wind speed arithmetic mean(SonicWS_S_WVT)
nsamwrpC1.b1: - azimuth
- Density, water vapor, prof. from sfc.-10 km, der. from Tbright stat. retrvl.(waterVaporDensity)
- alt
- frequency
- Temperature, air, at instrument height (1 or 2 m)(surfaceTemperature)
- elevation
- Liquid water content, cloud, vert. prof. sfc.-10km, from Tbright stat. retrvl.(liquidWaterContent)
- Humidity, relative, at instrument height (1 or 2 m)(surfaceRelativeHumidity)
- Water vapor, tot. precipitable, from Tbright, 23.835 & 30.0 GHz, stat. retrvl.(totalPrecipitableWater2)
- Pressure, lifting condensation level(liftingCondensationLevelPres)
- Liquid water path, from Tbright at 23.835 and 30.0 GHz only, using stat. retrvl.(liquidWaterPath2)
- Water vapor, total precipitable, derived from Tbright using stat. retrvl.(totalPrecipitableWater)
- base_time
- totalPrecipitableWaterRmsError
- Temperature, virtual, vert. prof. sfc-10km, fr. wtr. vap. dens. and temp. prof.(virtualTemperature)
- Density, water vapor, at instrument height (1 or 2 m)(surfaceWaterVaporDensity)
- liquidWaterContentRmsError
- blackbodyTemperature
- Height, level of free convection(levelFreeConvection)
- Retrieved dewpoint temperature(dewpointTemperature)
- lon
- time
- temperatureRmsError
- Retrieved water vapor mixing ratio(waterVaporMixingRatio)
- Air temperature(temperature)
- time_offset
- Microwave brightness temperature(brightnessTemperature)
- Height, lifting condensation level(liftingCondensationLevel)
- Height, cloud base, height where IR temp. matches retrieved temp. profile(cloudBaseHeight)
- Humidity, relative, prof. from sfc.-10km, from water vap. dens. and temp. prof.(relativeHumidity)
- Height, equilibrium level(equilibriumLevel)
- Barometric pressure(pressure)
- Pressure, barometric. at instrument height (1 or 2 m)(surfacePressure)
- Liquid water path, from brightness temperatures using statistical retrieval(liquidWaterPath)
- Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- lat
- liquidWaterPathRmsError
- Pressure, equilibrium level(equilibriumLevelPres)
- totalPrecipitableWater2RmsError
- waterVaporDensityRmsError
- infraredTemperature
- dataQualityFlags
- Pressure, level of free convection(levelFreeConvectionPres)
- Energy, potential, convective, available, from RUC model(cape)
- liquidWaterPath2RmsError
- wetWindowFlag
nsa915rwpwindmomC1.a0: - Signal to noise ratio(snr)
- oband
- bswitch
- lon
- beam
- base_time
- vband
- spcavetime
- pcbits
- ipp
- Mean radial beam velocity(mdf)
- plen
- nheight
- alt
- dly
- time_offset
- vsr
- elevation
- nspc
- Spectral width(specw)
- sitime
- ncoh
- tditime
- range_gate
- prf
- noise
- height_t
- lat
- sampr
- rgl
- rgs
- rgf
nsamwrtipC1.a1: - tbskytip31
- tnd23I
- tbskytip23
- r31
- lon
- r23
- lat
- tnd23
- tnd31
- wet_window
- tknd
- tkxc
- alt
- tkbb
- bb23
- time_offset
- bb31
- tc31
- base_time
- tnd31I
- tc23
- tnd_nom23
- tnd_nom31
- actaz
- liqtip
- actel
- tipsky31
- tipsky23
- tkair
- vaptip
- bbn31
- bbn23
nsatwrcam40mC1.a1: - JPEG data stream - documentation not yet available