Description: | Beginning at 0620Z on 13 July, all Manus SKYRAD measurements deviated wildly from expected
values. The longwave fluxes climbed to well over the expected maximum of 500 W/m^2 to
values over 1000 W/m^2. At the same time, shortwave flux components developed large
inconsistancies and night-time offsets. Values had somewhat returned to normal ranges by
2200Z on 14 July but again developed internal inconsistancies between 0430 and 1900Z on 15
July. The instruments appeared to be working normally once again as of 1900Z on 15 July.
It is not known what caused this period of faulty values but it is thought that an
electrical surge - perhaps from a lightning storm (though none was reported) may have caused
the temporary problems. |
Measurements: | twp15swfanalskyrad1longC1.c1: - base_time
- Clear-sky Fit Estimated Downwelling Diffuse Field Shortwave Irradiance (cdif)(difswfluxdn_clearskyfit)
- guvbdn_measured
- difcloudeffect_normalized
- base_time_LST
- time_offset
- difratiodn_measured
- sswfluxdn_cloudeffect
- Measured Surface Albedo from Shortwave Irradiance Measurements (alb)(albedosw_measured)
- nsamples_sswfluxdn_measured
- solar_cos_z
- Clear-sky Fit Estimated Sfc. Albedo from Shortwave Irrad. Measurements (calb)(albedosw_clearskyfit)
- nsamples_clearsky_detection
- Clear-sky Fit Estimated Downwelling Direct Shortwave Irradiance (cdir)(dirfluxdn_clearskyfit)
- difswfluxdn_cloudeffect
- nsamples_gswfluxdn_clearskyfit
- gswfluxdn_cloudeffect
- difratiodn_clearskyfit
- Measured Downwelling Global Shortwave Irradiance (gsw)(gswfluxdn_measured)
- difratiodn_measured_stdev
- Measured Downwelling Direct Shortwave Irradiance (dir)(dirfluxdn_measured)
- Clear-sky Fit Estimated Downwelling Global Shortwave Irradiance (cgsw)(gswfluxdn_clearskyfit)
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- time_offset_LST
- sswfluxdn_measured
- North latitude(lat)
- site
- Fractional Sky Cover(cloudfraction)
- Irradiance, shortwave, downwelling, diffuse, measured(difswfluxdn_measured)
- nsamples_cloudfraction
- East longitude(lon)
- guvbdn_clearskyfit
- sswfluxdn_clearskyfit
- sun_earth_distance
twp1swfanalskyrad1longC1.c1: - Measured Downwelling Global Shortwave Irradiance (gsw)(gswfluxdn_measured)
- coef_clearsky_ssw_a
- base_time
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- gswfluxdn_cloudeffect
- time_offset_LST
- Irradiance, shortwave, downwelling, diffuse, measured(difswfluxdn_measured)
- Measured Surface Albedo from Shortwave Irradiance Measurements (alb)(albedosw_measured)
- sun_earth_distance_dailyaverage
- coef_clearsky_albedo_a
- coef_date
- coef_clearsky_albedo_b
- coef_clearsky_ssw_b
- difswfluxdn_cloudeffect
- Clear-sky Fit Estimated Downwelling Diffuse Field Shortwave Irradiance (cdif)(difswfluxdn_clearskyfit)
- base_time_LST
- North latitude(lat)
- difratiodn_clearskyfit
- time_offset
- difratiodn_measured
- sswfluxdn_clearskyfit
- sun_earth_distance
- Clear-sky Fit Estimated Downwelling Direct Shortwave Irradiance (cdir)(dirfluxdn_clearskyfit)
- sswfluxdn_measured
- Clear-sky Fit Estimated Downwelling Global Shortwave Irradiance (cgsw)(gswfluxdn_clearskyfit)
- Clear-sky Fit Estimated Sfc. Albedo from Shortwave Irrad. Measurements (calb)(albedosw_clearskyfit)
- guvbdn_measured
- coef_clearsky_guvb_b
- coef_clearsky_guvb_a
- flag_clearsky_detection
- guvbdn_clearskyfit
- site
- sswfluxdn_cloudeffect
- coef_clearsky_difratio_b
- coef_clearsky_difratio_a
- solar_cos_z
- coef_clearsky_dsw_c
- coef_clearsky_dsw_a
- coef_clearsky_dsw_b
- East longitude(lon)
- coef_clearsky_gsw_b
- coef_clearsky_gsw_a
- Measured Downwelling Direct Shortwave Irradiance (dir)(dirfluxdn_measured)