Measurements: | sgp30co2flx25mC1.b1: - theta
- Variance of c(var_c)
- Monin-Obukhov length scale(Lmoni)
- Mean horizontal wind speed(mean_rot_u)
- doy
- zm
- Corrected sensible heat flux(h)
- yyyydddhhmmss
- Mean H2O density(mean_q)
- mean_p
- Additive WPL H correction to c flux(fc_wpl_h)
- Mean sonic temp(mean_t)
- Wind speed, W-to-E component, at altitude, derived from ETA model(wdir)
- site_longitude
- time_offset
- base_time
- site_latitude
- Variance of rotated u(var_rot_u)
- Variance of v(var_rot_v)
- site_elevation
- Variance of rotated w(var_rot_w)
- WPL corrected latent heat flux(le)
- friction velocity(ustar)
- WPL corrected CO2 flux(fc_corr)
- Mean CO2 density(mean_c)
- phi
- variance of variable t(var_t)
- Variance of q(var_q)
- Additive WPL LE correction to fc(fc_wpl_le)