Description: | On Saturday and Sunday, December 26 and 27th a powerful winter storm (Goliath) brought
sleet and freezing rain to much of Oklahoma with wind gusts of 45 MPH at times. The result
was very very slick roads and mass power outages.
The SGP central facility lost power at 8:55 PM CDT on Sunday, December 27th.
The power was restored on 7:56 PM CDT on Wednesday, December 30th
Site Emergency procedures were activated and Technicians drained water out of instrument
reservoirs and other measures as needed, early Monday morning.
On Wednesdays as roads and power started was restored to much of the areas east of I-35 ,
Site Technicians performed maintenance on several Extended Facilities.
During this period, data are potentially missing, incorrect, or suspect. Carefully
inspect the data before use. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE35.b1: - qc_trise_e
- base_time
- North latitude(lat)
- time
- Reference sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_ref_w)
- qc_soilwatpot_e
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- Reference sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_ref_e)
- qc_trise_w
- qc_fwi_e
- qc_fwi_w
- qc_tsoil_e
- qc_watcont_e
- depth
- fwi_w
- qc_tsoil_w
- time_offset
- qc_soilwatpot_w
- fwi_e
- qc_watcont_w
- qc_trise_ref_e
- Soil water potential, west profile(soilwatpot_w)
- Sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_e)
- tref
- qc_trise_ref_w
- qc_tref
- Soil temperature, west profile(tsoil_w)
- Sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_w)
- serial_numbers_e
- Volumetric water content, east profile(watcont_e)
- Soil temperature, east profile(tsoil_e)
- serial_numbers_w
- Soil water potential, east profile(soilwatpot_e)
- East longitude(lon)
- Volumetric water content, west profile(watcont_w)
sgpswatsE38.b1: - Reference sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_ref_w)
- depth
- serial_numbers_e
- serial_numbers_w
- qc_trise_ref_w
- Volumetric water content, east profile(watcont_e)
- Soil water potential, east profile(soilwatpot_e)
- base_time
- Soil temperature, east profile(tsoil_e)
- qc_trise_w
- Soil water potential, west profile(soilwatpot_w)
- qc_fwi_w
- time
- qc_fwi_e
- qc_trise_e
- Soil temperature, west profile(tsoil_w)
- qc_watcont_w
- qc_watcont_e
- tref
- Reference sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_ref_e)
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- qc_tsoil_w
- Sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_e)
- Sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_w)
- qc_tsoil_e
- qc_trise_ref_e
- Volumetric water content, west profile(watcont_w)
- fwi_e
- North latitude(lat)
- qc_soilwatpot_w
- qc_tref
- qc_soilwatpot_e
- East longitude(lon)
- time_offset
- fwi_w
sgpswatsE33.b1: - Soil temperature, west profile(tsoil_w)
- qc_trise_w
- qc_tref
- fwi_w
- qc_trise_e
- time_offset
- time
- tref
- serial_numbers_e
- qc_trise_ref_e
- serial_numbers_w
- Volumetric water content, east profile(watcont_e)
- qc_trise_ref_w
- fwi_e
- Volumetric water content, west profile(watcont_w)
- North latitude(lat)
- qc_tsoil_w
- Soil water potential, west profile(soilwatpot_w)
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- qc_tsoil_e
- East longitude(lon)
- Reference sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_ref_e)
- depth
- Reference sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_ref_w)
- qc_watcont_e
- qc_fwi_w
- qc_soilwatpot_w
- Sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_e)
- qc_fwi_e
- Sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_w)
- Soil temperature, east profile(tsoil_e)
- base_time
- Soil water potential, east profile(soilwatpot_e)
- qc_soilwatpot_e
- qc_watcont_w
sgpsirsE39.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported
sgpsirsE40.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported
sgpswatsE34.b1: - Soil water potential, east profile(soilwatpot_e)
- fwi_e
- East longitude(lon)
- fwi_w
- tref
- qc_trise_ref_w
- qc_trise_e
- Reference sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_ref_w)
- North latitude(lat)
- qc_trise_w
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- time_offset
- Sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_w)
- qc_tsoil_e
- time
- Sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_e)
- qc_tsoil_w
- Soil water potential, west profile(soilwatpot_w)
- base_time
- qc_tref
- qc_watcont_e
- Volumetric water content, west profile(watcont_w)
- Soil temperature, west profile(tsoil_w)
- Soil temperature, east profile(tsoil_e)
- qc_watcont_w
- qc_soilwatpot_e
- Reference sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_ref_e)
- qc_fwi_w
- qc_fwi_e
- depth
- qc_soilwatpot_w
- serial_numbers_e
- qc_trise_ref_e
- Volumetric water content, east profile(watcont_e)
- serial_numbers_w
sgpsirs20sE39.a0: - time_offset
- inst_down_long_shaded_dome_resist
- inst_down_long_shaded_case_resist
- inst_up_long_hemisp_tp
- inst_up_long_case_resist
- inst_diffuse
- inst_direct_normal
- inst_up_long_dome_resist
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- Irradiance, longwave, downwelling, hemispheric, thermopile (Shaded Pyrgeometer1)(inst_down_long_hemisp_shaded_tp)
- North latitude(lat)
- inst_up_short_hemisp
- East longitude(lon)
- time
- base_time
- inst_global
sgpswatsE37.b1: - qc_tsoil_e
- qc_fwi_e
- qc_soilwatpot_e
- fwi_e
- depth
- qc_fwi_w
- qc_tsoil_w
- Volumetric water content, west profile(watcont_w)
- Volumetric water content, east profile(watcont_e)
- qc_soilwatpot_w
- serial_numbers_w
- serial_numbers_e
- Sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_e)
- Sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_w)
- North latitude(lat)
- time
- Soil temperature, east profile(tsoil_e)
- tref
- qc_trise_ref_w
- qc_trise_ref_e
- East longitude(lon)
- base_time
- Soil water potential, west profile(soilwatpot_w)
- Soil water potential, east profile(soilwatpot_e)
- qc_tref
- Reference sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_ref_e)
- qc_watcont_e
- Reference sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_ref_w)
- time_offset
- fwi_w
- qc_trise_e
- qc_watcont_w
- qc_trise_w
- Soil temperature, west profile(tsoil_w)
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
sgpswatsE31.b1: - qc_trise_w
- fwi_e
- qc_trise_e
- serial_numbers_e
- serial_numbers_w
- fwi_w
- East longitude(lon)
- qc_soilwatpot_w
- North latitude(lat)
- qc_watcont_w
- qc_fwi_e
- Volumetric water content, west profile(watcont_w)
- time
- Volumetric water content, east profile(watcont_e)
- Soil temperature, east profile(tsoil_e)
- qc_fwi_w
- Soil temperature, west profile(tsoil_w)
- depth
- Reference sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_ref_w)
- qc_trise_ref_e
- qc_trise_ref_w
- Reference sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_ref_e)
- qc_watcont_e
- Soil water potential, west profile(soilwatpot_w)
- Sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_w)
- Sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_e)
- qc_tsoil_e
- qc_tsoil_w
- base_time
- time_offset
- qc_soilwatpot_e
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- tref
- Soil water potential, east profile(soilwatpot_e)
- qc_tref
sgpswatsE32.b1: - qc_soilwatpot_e
- qc_soilwatpot_w
- qc_trise_ref_e
- qc_trise_ref_w
- qc_trise_e
- base_time
- tref
- Soil temperature, east profile(tsoil_e)
- serial_numbers_e
- Soil temperature, west profile(tsoil_w)
- serial_numbers_w
- qc_trise_w
- qc_tref
- qc_tsoil_w
- North latitude(lat)
- qc_tsoil_e
- Soil water potential, east profile(soilwatpot_e)
- Volumetric water content, west profile(watcont_w)
- qc_fwi_e
- Reference sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_ref_w)
- qc_fwi_w
- Reference sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_ref_e)
- Volumetric water content, east profile(watcont_e)
- qc_watcont_e
- Sensor temperature rise, west profile(trise_w)
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- Sensor temperature rise, east profile(trise_e)
- depth
- time_offset
- time
- East longitude(lon)
- fwi_w
- fwi_e
- Soil water potential, west profile(soilwatpot_w)
- qc_watcont_w