Description: | This DQR is entered a precaution since the problem listed below is hard to detect, but
likely impacts very few data files.
The sonde data from Darwin, twpsondewnpnC3.b1, is occasionally delayed or the files arrive
to the DMF out of order. In some cases the twpmwrret1liljclouC3.c1 and
twpmwrret1liljclouC3.s1 data are processed before all of the sonde data are available. It appears that
this problem actually impacts very few data files, but it is not always clear when this
problem occurs. In addition, a 5-day delay was added to the twpmwrret1liljclouC3.c1
processing on 10/09/12 to lessen the chance of this problem occurring in the future.
The sonde data are used to calculate the physical retrievals of liquid water path and
precipitable water vapor, so this problem could potentially impact the best-estimate values
as well. This problem only impacts near real-time processing for MWRRET, so the
twpmwrret1liljclouC3.c2 and twpmwrret1liljclouC3.s2 products are not impacted. |