Data Quality Reports for Session: 180658 User: jeffelf Completed: 10/27/2016


DQR IDSubjectData Streams Affected Data Quality Metric
D120322.5NSA/AERINF/C1 - Reprocess: Metadata errorsnsaaerich2nf1turnC1.c1, nsaaerich1nf1turnC1.c1Does not affect quality
D160520.9NSA/DL/DLPROF/C1 - Reprocess: Incorrect serial numbernsadlppiC1.b1, nsadlfptC1.b1Does not affect quality

DQRID : D120322.5
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time Data Quality Metric
02/20/2006000012/10/20142359Does not affect quality
NSA/AERINF/C1 - Reprocess: Metadata errors
DataStreams:nsaaerich2nf1turnC1.c1, nsaaerich1nf1turnC1.c1
During a recent review of the AERINF data object design (DOD) it was determined that there 
were several problems in the AERINF header.  In particular:

1) The variable attribute Time_UTC_hours:units is reported as "".  This should be reported 
as "hours".  

2) The global attributes command_line, dod_version, and process_version are being passed 
through from the input data from the ingest.  These attributes should be reporting the 
command_line, dod and process version of the VAP rather than the original data.
3) There is no global attribute "history".  This is a required attribute and important for 
comparing different instances/versions of the data for QC purposes.
4) In the global attribute "Input_Datastreams", the process version of the input data 
files is reported with a "-" in front of it.

5) Occasionally the timestamp of the netCDF file does not match the first sample of the 
file, which occurs when the AERINF processing removes the first samples at the start of a 
processing day.

These metadata errors will be corrected on the next release of the VAP and old data will 
be reprocessed or corrected through post-processing.
  • Time_UTC_hours

  • Time_UTC_hours

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DQRID : D160520.9
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time Data Quality Metric
07/30/2014000005/19/20162200Does not affect quality
NSA/DL/DLPROF/C1 - Reprocess: Incorrect serial number
DataStreams:nsadlppiC1.b1, nsadlfptC1.b1
The instrument serial number that appears in the netcdf files global attributes is 
incorrect. The correct serial number is 0514-82.
  • base_time

  • base_time

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