Description: | The ship was in port during these periods and the measurements may be affected by various
sources (overhead cranes, anthropogenic sources, etc).
Note: Dates and times were found by looking at the NAV datastream. The standard deviation
of pitch, roll, and surge velocity were used to determine when the ship was slowing down
to enter port or speeding up to leave port. Thresholds used; pitch (0.01), roll (0.01),
surge velocity (3.0) |
Measurements: | maghsrlM1.00: - combined_hi_accfeedback
- molecular_accumulationinterval
- DATA_end_time
- tcstelescope_tc_main
- DEBUG_combined_lo_goodshots
- tcstelescope_firsttime
- tcsoptics_temp2
- tcsoptics_temp1
- molecular_long_range_reference
- seedvoltage
- raw_analog_etalontemperature
- l3seedvoltage
- combined_lo_accumulationinterval
- opticalbenchairpressure
- raw_analog_interferometertemperature
- ReceivedSignalFilter
- combined_lo_accfeedback
- system_temperatures
- combined_lo accumulator channel(combined_lo)
- tcsoptics_records
- DEBUG_molecular_goodshots
- tcsoptics_temp3
- tcsoptics_temp4
- DATA_shot_count
- cross_accfeedback
- molecular_accfeedback
- DATA_num_seed_shots
- LaserYAxisAlignment
- AuxPower_12vPowerSupply
- laserpowervalues
- molecular accumulator channel(molecular)
- raw_analog_coolanttemperature
- DEBUG_combined_lo_readBins
- energyRatioLockPoint
- tcsoptics_lasttime
- cross_accumulationinterval
- DATA_seed_laser_temp
- DetectorShutter
- overhead_snapshot
- tcsoptics_main_current
- l3stats_goodshotcount
- Relative Humidity(humidity)
- DEBUG_cross_readBins
- tcsoptics_tc_main
- DATA_event_times
- shortcell
- nonfiltered_energy_stats
- AuxPower_5v2PowerSupply
- DEBUG_combined_hi_goodshots
- AuxPower_5v1PowerSupply
- interferometer_snapshot
- DEBUG_combined_hi_readBins
- RemoveLongI2Cell
- tcsoptics_fan1_current
- builduptime
- tcstelescope_records
- DATA_base_time
- cross accumulator channel(cross)
- DATA_clockfeedback
- tcstelescope_fan1_current
- cross_long_range_reference
- brillouinfiltered_energy_stats
- OutgoingShutter
- etalonposition
- tcsoptics_fan2_main
- tcstelescope_main_current
- DEBUG_cross_goodshots
- combined_hi accumulator channel(combined_hi)
- tcstelescope_fan1_main
- combined_lo_long_range_reference
- tcstelescope_temp4
- CalibrationPowerFilter
- tcstelescope_temp3
- DATA_last_time
- tcsoptics_fan2_current
- DEBUG_molecular_readBins
- AuxPower_24vPowerSupply
- clockchannel
- tcstelescope_fan2_current
- builduptime_threshhold
- total_energy
- attenuator
- DATA_clockhost
- combined_hi_long_range_reference
- tcstelescope_temp1
- tcstelescope_temp2
- tcsoptics_firsttime
- surface pressure(pressure)
- tcstelescope_fan2_main
- DATA_polarization_mode
- interferometer
- shortcell_target
- tcsoptics_fan1_main
- DATA_time
- AuxPower_AuxBox12v
- DATA_first_time
- combined_hi_accumulationinterval
- tcstelescope_lasttime
- l3stats_shotcount
magmplpolfsM1.b1: - qc_detector_temp
- range
- overlap_correction
- dead_time_corrected
- energy_monitor
- background_signal_std_cross_pol
- pulse_rep
- qc_energy_monitor
- background_signal_std_co_pol
- range_bins
- background_signal_cross_pol
- background_signal_co_pol
- qc_time
- range_bin_time
- max_altitude
- detector_temp
- time_offset
- mcs_mode
- first_data_bin
- deadtime_correction_counts
- range_offset
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- North latitude(lat)
- scope_temp
- num_bins
- deadtime_correction
- qc_preliminary_cbh
- base_time
- East longitude(lon)
- Preliminary cloud base height(preliminary_cbh)
- qc_signal_return_co_pol
- Pressure, associated geometric height, at altitude, NGM model output(height)
- qc_signal_return_cross_pol
- polarization_control_voltage
- qc_range_offset
- Attenuated backscatter, copol(signal_return_co_pol)
- range_bin_width
- overlap_correction_heights
- time
- Attenuated backscatter, cross pol(signal_return_cross_pol)
- qc_laser_temp
- laser_temp
- polarization_control
- qc_scope_temp
- num_channels
maghsrlM1.a1: - transmitted_energy
- combined_merge_threshold
- mol_dark_count
- Particulate extinction cross section per unit volume(beta_a)
- molecular_counts
- raob_beta_m
- temperature_profile
- combined_counts_hi
- lock_quality
- cal_trigger
- Linear depolarization ratio profile(depol)
- c_pol_dark_count
- time_offset
- North latitude(lat)
- raob_time_vector
- od
- beta_a_backscatter_std
- raob_time
- time_average
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- num_seeded_shots
- range
- East longitude(lon)
- combined_dark_count_lo
- lidar_calibration_Cmm
- lidar_calibration_Cmc
- dewpoint_profile
- pressure_profile
- top_alt_sounding
- atten_beta_r_backscatter
- base_time
- cross_counts
- combined_counts_lo
- range_resolution
- profile_mask
- combined_gain
- geo_cor
- Particulate backscatter cross section per unit volume(beta_a_backscatter)
- raob_station
- cal_time
- seed_quality
- piezovoltage
- mol_cal_pulse
- lidar_calibration_Cam
- time
- frequency_quality
- cal_time_vector
- combined_dark_count_hi