Measurements: | magpblhtsonde1mcfarlM1.c1: - North latitude(lat)
- atm_pres_ss
- atm_pres
- Temperature, air(air_temp)
- level_1_liu_liang
- wspd_ss
- Planetary boundary layer height above mean sea level calculated by Liu and Liang
(2010) method(pbl_height_liu_liang) - layer
- time
- richardson_number
- level_2_liu_liang
- Humidity, relative, at 21-m height, 30-min avg(rh)
- lapserate_theta_smoothed
- bottom_inversion
- lapserate_theta_ss
- pressure_gridded
- delta_theta_max
- base_time
- pbl_regime_type_liu_liang
- height_ss
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- Planetary boundary layer height above mean sea level calculated from bulk
Richardson number using critical threshold of 0.5(pbl_height_bulk_richardson_pt5) - virtual_theta_ss
- top_inversion
- Planetary boundary layer height above mean sea level calculated using the
Heffter (1980) method(pbl_height_heffter) - theta_ss
- Wind speed, surface, 1-min avg(wspd)
- time_offset
- Planetary boundary layer height above mean sea level calculated from bulk
Richardson number using critical threshold of 0.25(pbl_height_bulk_richardson_pt25) - East longitude(lon)
- lapserate_max
magpblhtsonde1mcfarlM1.s1: - Planetary boundary layer height above mean sea level calculated from bulk
Richardson number using critical threshold of 0.25(pbl_height_bulk_richardson_pt25) - virtual_theta_ss
- pressure_gridded
- pbl_regime_type_liu_liang
- layer
- Temperature, air(air_temp)
- theta_ss
- height_ss
- Altitude above mean sea level(alt)
- time_offset
- East longitude(lon)
- richardson_number
- Planetary boundary layer height above mean sea level calculated by Liu and Liang
(2010) method(pbl_height_liu_liang) - base_time
- time
- lapserate_max
- wspd_ss
- level_2_liu_liang
- lapserate_theta_ss
- delta_theta_max
- lapserate_theta_smoothed
- level_1_liu_liang
- Planetary boundary layer height above mean sea level calculated using the
Heffter (1980) method(pbl_height_heffter) - bottom_inversion
- top_inversion
- North latitude(lat)
- atm_pres_ss
- Humidity, relative, at 21-m height, 30-min avg(rh)
- Planetary boundary layer height above mean sea level calculated from bulk
Richardson number using critical threshold of 0.5(pbl_height_bulk_richardson_pt5) - Wind speed, surface, 1-min avg(wspd)
- atm_pres