Measurements |
- bar_pressure_std_wx2 (Barometric pressure standard deviation, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- laser_temperature (Laser temperature)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at end of shadowband sweep, filter 5, nominal wavelength is 860 nm)
- lon_mean_nav (Longitude, float point, positive for E longitude from the NAV system)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at end of sweep, filter 1, nominal wavelength is 415 nm)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Shadowband sweep measurements, filter 2, nominal wavelength is 500 nm)
- background_light (Background light)
- wdir_vector_mean_adc (Relative wind direction vector mean, from the wind monitor mounted at the peak of the ship mast)
- tilt_angle (Tilt angle)
- range (Distance to the center of the corresponding range bin)
- shadowband_threshold (Shadowband threshold)
- wdir_std_wx1 (Wind direction standard deviation, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- laser_pulse_energy (Laser pulse energy)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at end of sweep, filter 3, nominal wavelength is 608 nm)
- rain_intensity_mean_wx1 (Rain intensity mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- pitch_std_nav (Standard deviation of pitch, treated as a scalar, from the NAV system)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at start of shadowband sweep, filter 6, nominal wavelength is 935 nm)
- signal_narrowband_filter6_std (No-shadow record, standard deviation of the mean signal from the filter6 channel when no shadow is detected)
- signal_narrowband_filter2_std (No-shadow record, standard deviation of the mean signal from the filter2 channel when no shadow is detected)
- sweeps_hemisp_broadband (Shadowband sweep measurements, broadband channel)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at start of sweep, filter 2, nominal wavelength is 500 nm)
- status_flag (Ceilometer status indicator)
- lon_mean_gps (Longitude, float point, positive for E longitude.)
- pir_thermopile (PIR thermopile output)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at start of sweep, filter 1, nominal wavelength is 415 nm)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at end of sweep, filter 6, nominal wavelength is 935 nm)
- bar_pressure_std_wx1 (Barometric pressure standard deviation, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- temp_circuit_board_tcm (Temperature at the TCM circuit board)
- var_mean_gps (Local magnetic variation scalar mean from the GPS receiver)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Shadowband sweep measurements, filter 5, nominal wavelength is 860 nm)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 5, nominal wavelength is 860 nm)
- wspd_vector_mean_adc (Wind speed vector mean, from measured speed and direction, from the wind monitor mounted at the peak of the ship mast)
- down_long_hemisp_dome_temp (Downwelling pyrgeometer dome thermistor temperature, pyrgeometer)
- wspd_scalar_mean_adc (Wind speed scalar mean, from the wind monitor mounted at the peak of the ship mast)
- down_long_hemisp_case_temp (Downwelling pyrgeometer case thermistor temperature, pyrgeometer)
- cog_mean_gps (Course over ground, cog, (True) vector mean with sog, from the GPS receiver)
- siphon_rain_gauge_mean_adc (Mean level of the siphon gauge)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Shadowband sweep measurements, filter 3, nominal wavelength is 608 nm)
- signal_narrowband_filter5_std (No-shadow record, standard deviation of the mean signal from the filter5 channel when no shadow is detected)
- rh_mean_wx1 (Relative humidity mean, from passive shield of the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- start_sweep_hemisp_broadband (Shadow record, mean hemispheric irradiance at start of sweep, broadband channel)
- qc_time (Quality check results on field: Time offset from midnight)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 4, nominal wavelength is 660 nm)
- bar_pressure_mean_wx1 (Barometric pressure mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- rain_accumulated_wx2 (Accumulated rain since 00 hr, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- signal_narrowband_filter5 (No-shadow record, mean signal from the filter5 channel when no shadow is detected)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Shadowband sweep measurements, filter 1, nominal wavelength is 415 nm)
- air_temp_std_adc (Air temperature standard deviation, from the T/RH sensor in a forced ventilator (Young 43502) mounted on the met boom)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at end of shadowband sweep, filter 4, nominal wavelength is 660 nm)
- rain_accumulated_wx1 (Accumulated rain since 00 hr, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- air_temp_mean_wx1 (Air temperature mean, from passive shield of the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- lat (North latitude)
- cog_mean_nav (Course over ground, cog, (True) vector mean with sog, from the NAV system)
- start_sweep_hemisp_broadband (Hemispheric broadband irradiance, at start of shadowband sweep, broadband channel)
- second_cbh (Second lowest cloud base height)
- ymag_mean_tcm (Magnetometer field, y component, +/- 80 microTorr)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Shadow record, mean sweep measurements, filter 5, nominal wavelength is 860 nm)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at start of sweep, filter 4, nominal wavelength is 660 nm)
- third_cbh (Third cloud base height)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 1, nominal wavelength is 415 nm)
- first_cbh (Lowest cloud base height detected)
- bin (Bin numbers for sweep measurements)
- sog_mean_nav (Speed over ground (sog), vector mean with cog, from the NAV system)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at end of shadowband sweep, filter 3, nominal wavelength is 608 nm)
- signal_narrowband_filter3_std (No-shadow record, standard deviation of the mean signal from the filter3 channel when no shadow is detected)
- signal_narrowband_filter1 (No-shadow record, mean signal from the filter1 channel when no shadow is detected)
- status_string (Warning, alarm, and internal status information)
- wdir_std_adc (Wind direction standard deviation calculated by Yamartino's method, from the wind monitor mounted at the peak of the ship mast)
- rain_intensity_max_wx1 (Maximum rain intensity, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- roll_mean_nav (Mean roll, treated as a scalar, from the NAV system)
- sum_backscatter (Sum of detected and normalized backscatter)
- signal_narrowband_filter4 (No-shadow record, mean signal from the filter4 channel when no shadow is detected)
- rain_intensity_max_org (Maximum 5-sec intensity)
- head_temp (Head temperature)
- end_sweep_hemisp_broadband (Hemispheric broadband irradiance, at end of shadowband sweep, broadband channel)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Shadow record, mean sweep measurements, filter 1, nominal wavelength is 415 nm)
- air_temp_mean_wx2 (Air temperature mean, from passive shield of the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- tachometer_voltage_mean_adc (Mean tachometer voltage)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 2, nominal wavelength is 500 nm)
- wdir_std_wx2 (Relative wind direction standard deviation, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- alt_highest_signal (Altitude of highest signal)
- detection_status (Detection status)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at start of shadowband sweep, filter 1, nominal wavelength is 415 nm)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Shadow record, mean sweep measurements, filter 4, nominal wavelength is 660 nm)
- pitch_std_tcm (Standard deviation of pitch, treated as a scalar)
- circuit_board_temperature (Temperature of RAD circuit board)
- shadowband_ratio (Shadow record, mean shadowband ratio for all accepted sweeps in average period)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at end of shadowband sweep, filter 2, nominal wavelength is 500 nm)
- alt (Altitude above mean sea level)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at end of shadowband sweep, filter 6, nominal wavelength is 935 nm)
- roll_std_nav (Standard deviation of roll, treated as a scalar, from the NAV system)
- hemisp_broadband (Hemispheric broadband irradiance)
- time_offset (Time offset from base_time)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at end of sweep, filter 2, nominal wavelength is 500 nm)
- signal_broadband_std (No-shadow record, standard deviation of the mean signal from the broadband channel when no shadow is detected)
- signal_narrowband_filter4_std (No-shadow record, standard deviation of the mean signal from the filter4 channel when no shadow is detected)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at start of shadowband sweep, filter 5, nominal wavelength is 860 nm)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at start of sweep, filter 6, nominal wavelength is 935 nm)
- shadow_ratio_threshold (Shadow record, shadow ratio threshold. Do not process an individual sweep is less than or equal to shadow_ratio_threshold)
- vertical_visibility (Vertical visibility)
- sog_mean_gps (Speed over ground (sog), vector mean with cog, from the GPS receiver)
- hdg_mean_nav (Vector mean heading)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at end of sweep, filter 4, nominal wavelength is 660 nm)
- time (Time offset from midnight)
- rain_intensity_mean_wx2 (Rain intensity mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at end of shadowband sweep, filter 1, nominal wavelength is 415 nm)
- battery_voltage (Battery voltage)
- head_temp (Average head temperature)
- shutdown_threshold (Shutdown threshold, go to short 'record' mode when mean_global is less than or equal to shutdown_threshold)
- bar_pressure_mean_wx2 (Barometric pressure mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- base_time (Base time in Epoch)
- rh_std_adc (Relative humidity standard deviation)
- wdir_vector_mean_wx1 (Apparent wind direction vector mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- wspd_scalar_mean_wx1 (Wind speed scalar mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 3, nominal wavelength is 608 nm)
- mean_global (Mean global, selected channel)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at start of shadowband sweep, filter 3, nominal wavelength is 608 nm)
- air_temp_mean_adc (Air temperature mean, from the T/RH sensor in a forced ventilator (Young 43502) mounted on the met boom)
- down_short_hemisp (Downwelling shortwave hemispheric irradiance, pyranometer)
- rh_mean_wx2 (Relative humidity mean, from passive shield of the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- pitch_mean_nav (Mean pitch, treated as a scalar, from the NAV system)
- pitch_mean_tcm (Mean pitch, treated as a scalar)
- air_temp_std_wx2 (Air temperature standard deviation, from passive shield of the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at start of sweep, filter 5, nominal wavelength is 860 nm)
- rain_intensity_max_wx2 (Maximum rain intensity, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- measurement_parameters (Instrument measurement parameters)
- xmag_mean_tcm (Magnetometer field, x component, +/- 80 microTorr)
- compass_vector_mean_tcm (Vector mean of 1-Hz compass samples)
- signal_broadband (No-shadow record, mean signal from the broadband channel when no shadow is detected)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Shadow record, mean sweep measurements, filter 2, nominal wavelenth is 500 nm)
- signal_narrowband_filter3 (No-shadow record, mean signal from the filter3 channel when no shadow is detected)
- sweeps_hemisp_broadband (Shadow record, mean sweep measurements, broadband channel)
- rh_std_wx1 (Relative humidity standard deviation, from passive shield of the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- shadowband_ratio (Shadowband ratio, dip/noise)
- rh_mean_adc (Relative humidity mean, from the T/RH sensor in a forced ventilator (Young 43502) mounted on the met boom)
- lon (East longitude)
- rh_std_wx2 (Relative humidity standard deviation, from passive shield of the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- roll_std_tcm (Standard deviation of roll, treated as a scalar)
- lat_mean_nav (Latitude, float point, positive for N latitude from the NAV system)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Shadowband sweep measurements, filter 4, nominal wavelength is 660 nm)
- end_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at end of sweep, filter 5, nominal wavelength is 860 nm)
- lat_mean_gps (Latitude, float point, positive for N latitude)
- signal_narrowband_filter2 (No-shadow record. mean signal from the filter2 channel when no shadow is detected)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at start of shadowband sweep, filter 2, nominal wavelength is 500 nm)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Shadow record, mean narrowband hemispheric irradiance at start of sweep, filter 3, nominal wavelength is 608 nm)
- wdir_vector_mean_wx2 (Relative wind direction vector mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- backscatter (Backscatter)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Shadow record, mean sweep measurements, filter 6, nominal wavelength is 935 nm)
- wspd_vector_mean_wx2 (Wind speed vector mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- wspd_scalar_mean_wx2 (Wind speed scalar mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the starboard side of the met boom)
- down_long_hemisp (Downwelling longwave hemispheric irradiance, pyrgeometer)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 6, nominal wavelength is 935 nm)
- start_sweep_hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, at start of shadowband sweep, filter 4, nominal wavelength is 660 nm)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Shadowband sweep measurements, filter 6, nominal wavelength is 935 nm)
- zmag_mean_tcm (Magnetometer field, z component, +/- 80 microTorr)
- signal_narrowband_filter1_std (No-shadow record, standard deviation of the mean signal from the filter1 channel when no shadow is detected)
- roll_mean_tcm (Mean roll, treated as a scalar)
- sweeps_hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Shadow record, mean sweep measurements, filter 3, nominal wavelength is 608 nm)
- air_temp_std_wx1 (Air temperature standard deviation, from passive shield of the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- wspd_std_adc (Wind speed standard deviation, from the wind monitor mounted at the peak of the ship mast)
- rain_intensity_org (5-sec rain intensity)
- wspd_vector_mean_wx1 (Wind speed vector mean, from the Vaisala WXT520 mounted on the port side of the met boom)
- rain_accumulated_org (Accumulated rain since 00 hour)
- end_sweep_hemisp_broadband (Shadow record, mean hemispheric irradiance at end of sweep, broadband channel)
- signal_narrowband_filter6 (No-shadow record, mean signal from the filter6 channel when no shadow is detected)