Measurements |
- bench_angle (Angle of incidence during cosine bench measurements)
- normalized_transmittance_filter5 (Normalized filter function data, filter 5, measured transmittance value obtained during bench calibrations)
- Rayleigh_optical_depth_filter4 (Rayleigh optical depth adjusted for surface pressure for filter 4)
- aerosol_optical_depth_filter5 (Aerosol optical depth filter 5)
- angstrom_exponent (Angstrom exponent)
- direct_diffuse_ratio_filter1 (Ratio of direct_normal_narrowband_filter1 to diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter1)
- diffuse_correction_filter2 (Cosine correction of filter2 diffuse, assuming Rayleigh sky at 45 deg zenith angle)
- total_optical_depth_filter2 (Total optical depth direct narrowband filter 2)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Narrowband diffuse hemispheric irradiance, filter 3, offset and cosine corrected)
- diffuse_correction_filter5 (Cosine correction of filter5 diffuse, assuming Rayleigh sky at 45 deg zenith angle)
- diffuse_correction_filter4 (Cosine correction of filter4 diffuse, assuming Rayleigh sky at 45 deg zenith angle)
- normalized_transmittance_filter1 (Normalized filter function data, filter 1, measured transmittance value obtained during bench calibrations)
- wavelength_filter4 (Normalized filter function data, filter 4, wavelength value obtained during bench calibrations)
- offset_filter3 (Offset subtracted from hemispheric and diffuse filter3 data)
- normalized_transmittance_filter4 (Normalized filter function data, filter 4, measured transmittance value obtained during bench calibrations)
- Io_filter4 (TOA direct normal irradiance corrected for earth-sun distance from robustly filtered Langley regressions for filter 4)
- computed_cosine_correction_filter2 (Cosine correction applied to direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter2)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 3, offset and cosine corrected)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter3_raw (Diffuse narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 3)
- aerosol_optical_depth_filter4 (Aerosol optical depth filter 4)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter3_raw (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 3)
- computed_cosine_correction_broadband (Cosine correction applied to direct_horizontal_broadband)
- diffuse_correction_filter6 (Cosine correction of filter6 diffuse, assuming Rayleigh sky at 45 deg zenith angle)
- alt (Altitude above mean sea level)
- offset_filter6 (Offset subtracted from hemispheric and diffuse filter6 data)
- head_temp2 (Second detector temperature)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Narrowband diffuse hemispheric irradiance, filter 4, offset and cosine corrected)
- offset_filter4 (Offset subtracted from hemispheric and diffuse filter4 data)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Narrowband diffuse hemispheric irradiance, filter 2, offset and cosine corrected)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter2_raw (Diffuse narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 2)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter1_raw (Diffuse narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 1)
- alltime_hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Alltime narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 4)
- computed_cosine_correction_filter4 (Cosine correction applied to direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter4)
- cosine_correction_we_broadband (Cosine correction, west to east, broadband channel)
- direct_normal_narrowband_filter1 (Narrowband direct normal irradiance, filter 1, cosine corrected)
- azimuth_angle (Azimuth angle)
- Ozone_column_amount (Ozone column amount from satellite)
- normalized_transmittance_filter3 (Normalized filter function data, filter 3, measured transmittance value obtained during bench calibrations)
- direct_diffuse_ratio_filter4 (Ratio of direct_normal_narrowband_filter4 to diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter4)
- diffuse_hemisp_broadband_raw (Diffuse hemispheric broadband irradiance)
- wavelength_filter6 (Normalized filter function data, filter 6, wavelength value obtained during bench calibrations)
- computed_cosine_correction_filter1 (Cosine correction applied to direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter1)
- direct_horizontal_broadband (Direct horizontal broadband irradiance, cosine corrected)
- Io_filter3 (TOA direct normal irradiance corrected for earth-sun distance from robustly filtered Langley regressions for filter 3)
- direct_normal_narrowband_filter3 (Narrowband direct normal irradiance, filter 3, cosine corrected)
- time (Time offset from midnight)
- head_temp (Detector temperature)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter4_raw (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 4)
- lon (East longitude)
- aerosol_optical_depth_filter3 (Aerosol optical depth filter 3)
- cosine_solar_zenith_angle (Cosine of apparent solar zenith angle)
- solar_zenith_angle (Apparent solar zenith angle)
- nominal_calibration_factor_broadband (Nominal calibration factor, applied to broadband data)
- direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter3 (Narrowband direct horizontal irradiance, filter 3, cosine corrected)
- nominal_calibration_factor_filter1 (Nominal calibration factor, applied to filter1 data)
- hemisp_broadband (Hemispheric broadband irradiance, offset and cosine corrected, broadband scale factor applied)
- alltime_hemisp_broadband (Alltime hemispheric broadband irradiance)
- alltime_hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Alltime narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 1)
- direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter1 (Narrowband direct horizontal irradiance, filter 1, cosine corrected)
- cosine_correction_we_filter2 (Cosine correction, west to east, filter2)
- aerosol_optical_depth_filter2 (Aerosol optical depth filter 2)
- wavelength_filter5 (Normalized filter function data, filter 5, wavelength value obtained during bench calibrations)
- direct_normal_narrowband_filter6 (Narrowband direct normal irradiance, filter 6, cosine corrected)
- logger_volt (Data logger supply voltage)
- cosine_correction_we_filter6 (Cosine correction, west to east, filter6)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 5, offset and cosine corrected)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter5_raw (Diffuse narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 5)
- computed_cosine_correction_filter5 (Cosine correction applied to direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter5)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Narrowband diffuse hemispheric irradiance, filter 5, offset and cosine corrected)
- aerosol_optical_depth_filter1 (Aerosol optical depth filter 1)
- sun_to_earth_distance (Sun to earth distance)
- logger_temp (Internal logger temperature)
- direct_normal_narrowband_filter4 (Narrowband direct normal irradiance, filter 4, cosine corrected)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter1_raw (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 1)
- computed_cosine_correction_filter3 (Cosine correction applied to direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter3)
- base_time (Base time in Epoch)
- direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter5 (Narrowband direct horizontal irradiance, filter 5, cosine corrected)
- alltime_hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Alltime narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 6)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter6_raw (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 6)
- TOA_irradiance (Top of atmosphere direct normal solar irradiance)
- offset_broadband (Offset subtracted from hemispheric and diffuse broadband data)
- total_optical_depth_filter4 (Total optical depth direct narrowband filter 4)
- direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter4 (Narrowband direct horizontal irradiance, filter 4, cosine corrected)
- Rayleigh_optical_depth_filter3 (Rayleigh optical depth adjusted for surface pressure for filter 3)
- nominal_calibration_factor_filter4 (Nominal calibration factor, applied to filter4 data)
- cosine_correction_we_filter1 (Cosine correction, west to east, filter1)
- alltime_hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Alltime narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 2)
- cosine_correction_sn_filter6 (Cosine correction, south to north, filter6)
- cosine_correction_we_filter5 (Cosine correction, west to east, filter5)
- diffuse_correction_filter1 (Cosine correction of filter1 diffuse, assuming Rayleigh sky at 45 deg zenith angle)
- airmass (Airmass)
- wavelength (Top of atmosphere spectrum wavelengths)
- direct_normal_narrowband_filter5 (Narrowband direct normal irradiance, filter 5, cosine corrected)
- elevation_angle (Elevation angle)
- surface_pressure (Surface pressure)
- direct_normal_narrowband_filter2 (Narrowband direct normal irradiance, filter 2, cosine corrected)
- diffuse_correction_filter3 (Cosine correction of filter3 diffuse, assuming Rayleigh sky at 45 deg zenith angle)
- nominal_calibration_factor_filter3 (Nominal calibration factor, applied to filter3 data)
- Io_filter2 (TOA direct normal irradiance corrected for earth-sun distance from robustly filtered Langley regressions for filter 2)
- variability_flag (Flag determined using cloud screen algorithm)
- offset_filter5 (Offset subtracted from hemispheric and diffuse filter5 data)
- wavelength_filter3 (Normalized filter function data, filter 3, wavelength value obtained during bench calibrations)
- direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter2 (Narrowband direct horizontal irradiance, filter 2, cosine corrected)
- cosine_correction_we_filter4 (Cosine correction, west to east, filter4)
- computed_cosine_correction_filter6 (Cosine correction applied to direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter6)
- direct_horizontal_narrowband_filter6 (Narrowband direct horizontal irradiance, filter 6, cosine corrected)
- offset_filter2 (Offset subtracted from hemispheric and diffuse filter2 data)
- direct_diffuse_ratio_filter3 (Ratio of direct_normal_narrowband_filter3 to diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter3)
- cosine_correction_sn_filter4 (Cosine correction, south to north, filter4)
- direct_diffuse_ratio_filter5 (Ratio of direct_normal_narrowband_filter5 to diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter5)
- hemisp_broadband_raw (Hemispheric broadband irradiance)
- total_optical_depth_filter1 (Total optical depth direct narrowband filter 1)
- nominal_calibration_factor_filter5 (Nominal calibration factor, applied to filter5 data)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 6, offset and cosine corrected)
- total_optical_depth_filter5 (Total optical depth direct narrowband filter 5)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Narrowband diffuse hemispheric irradiance, filter 1, offset and cosine corrected)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter4 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 4, offset and cosine corrected)
- diffuse_correction_broadband (Cosine correction of broadband diffuse, assuming Rayleigh sky at 45 deg zenith angle)
- direct_diffuse_ratio_filter2 (Ratio of direct_normal_narrowband_filter2 to diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter2)
- nominal_calibration_factor_filter6 (Nominal calibration factor, applied to filter6 data)
- cosine_correction_sn_broadband (Cosine correction, south to north, broadband channel)
- wavelength_filter1 (Normalized filter function data, filter 1, wavelength value obtained during bench calibrations)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter4_raw (Diffuse narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 4)
- normalized_transmittance_filter6 (Normalized filter function data, filter 6, measured transmittance value obtained during bench calibrations)
- Rayleigh_optical_depth_filter5 (Rayleigh optical depth adjusted for surface pressure for filter 5)
- direct_normal_broadband (Direct normal broadband irradiance, cosine corrected, broadband scale applied)
- time_offset (Time offset from base_time)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter2 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 2, offset and cosine corrected)
- Io_filter1 (TOA direct normal irradiance corrected for earth-sun distance from robustly filtered Langley regressions for filter 1)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter6 (Narrowband diffuse hemispheric irradiance, filter 6, offset and cosine corrected)
- diffuse_hemisp_broadband (Diffuse hemispheric broadband irradiance, offset subtracted, cosine corrected, broadband scale applied)
- alltime_hemisp_narrowband_filter5 (Alltime narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 5)
- offset_filter1 (Offset subtracted from hemispheric and diffuse filter1 data)
- Rayleigh_optical_depth_filter1 (Rayleigh optical depth adjusted for surface pressure for filter 1)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter2_raw (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 2)
- diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter6_raw (Diffuse narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 6)
- direct_diffuse_ratio_broadband (Ratio of direct_normal_broadband to diffuse_hemisp_broadband)
- nominal_calibration_factor_filter2 (Nominal calibration factor, applied to filter2 data)
- wavelength_filter2 (Normalized filter function data, filter 2, wavelength value obtained during bench calibrations)
- Io_filter5 (TOA direct normal irradiance corrected for earth-sun distance from robustly filtered Langley regressions for filter 5)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter5_raw (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 5)
- cosine_correction_sn_filter5 (Cosine correction, south to north, filter5)
- Rayleigh_optical_depth_filter2 (Rayleigh optical depth adjusted for surface pressure for filter 2)
- cosine_correction_sn_filter3 (Cosine correction, south to north, filter3)
- hemisp_narrowband_filter1 (Narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 1, offset and cosine corrected)
- total_optical_depth_filter3 (Total optical depth direct narrowband filter 3)
- cosine_correction_sn_filter1 (Cosine correction, south to north, filter1)
- lat (North latitude)
- normalized_transmittance_filter2 (Normalized filter function data, filter 2, measured transmittance value obtained during bench calibrations)
- direct_diffuse_ratio_filter6 (Ratio of direct_normal_narrowband_filter6 to diffuse_hemisp_narrowband_filter6)
- cosine_correction_sn_filter2 (Cosine correction, south to north, filter2)
- cosine_correction_we_filter3 (Cosine correction, west to east, filter3)
- alltime_hemisp_narrowband_filter3 (Alltime narrowband hemispheric irradiance, filter 3)