DQRID : D000330.3
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time Data Quality Metric
12/01/1999000012/31/19992359Does not affect quality
SGP/OKM Overview of Automated QA - December 1999
DataStreams:sgp05okmX1.00, sgp05okmX1.b1, sgp15okmX1.b1, sgp15okmX1.a1, sgp05okmX1.a1, sgp15okmX1.00
Below is an overview from Chris Fiebrich, the Mesonet QA manager
of the automated quality assurance results for the December 1999
Oklahoma Mesonet data.

There are a few special events in the December Mesonet data 

Date    Station  Parameter(s)       
----    -------  ------------   
12/06   BUFF     TAIR           Thin band of snow cover caused this site
                                to be much cooler than neighboring 
                                stations.  You can ignore the automated 
                                QA flags.

12/09   LAHO     PRES           Meso-low moved very close to this site 
                                during heavy thunderstorms.  You can 
                                disregard the flags.

12/11   BBOW     WS2M           Absolutely calm conditions all day caused
                                this site to fail our persistence test.  
                                You can ignore the flags.

12/16   CALV     RELH           Localized cold-air drainage occurred at 
                                this site.  You can disregard the flags.

12/17   SALL     TAIR           Again, cold-air drainage
        WIST     TAIR           Again, cold-air drainage

12/29   CHEY     TAIR/TA9M      Station poked above inversion layer, 
                                ignore the flags
        MEDI     TAIR           Station poked above inversion layer, 
                                ignore the flags

12/30   WIST     TAIR           Cold-air drainage.  Disregard the flags.

       for the month of December, 1999

       Based upon observations taken at 1800 UTC each day

       Prepared by Chris Fiebrich (qamgr@redrock.ocs.ou.edu)


Wintry weather caused the barometer tubes to freeze shut at MARS on
12/5 and at ALV2 and BUFF on 12/10.  The problem resolved itslef
when temperatures warmed above freezing.  The observation times 
affected were flagged in the Qualparm database.

A thin band of snowcover over the northwestern part of the state from 
12/5-12/7 played havoc with the spatial automated QA.  For instance,
on the morning of 12/6, stations within the band of snowcover cooled
to as low as 10 F, whereas adjacent sites outside of the band stayed
in the upper 20s.    


TAIR    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4376 GOOD Replaced sensor damaged by bull

RELH    Current:        None 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4375 GOOD Replaced sensor damaged by bull
WDIR    Current:        #4338 MARS Sensor reporting 180 degrees out of
                              phase on numerous occassions
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4378 MTHE Replacing nose cone corrected WDIR     

WSPD    Current:        #4651 JAYX Sensor reporting 2 m/s lower than
                              WSPD at 9 m
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4377 MTHE Replaced bad nose cone          

PRES    Current:        #4118 CHEY No barometer hole drilled, sensor is
                              detecting pressure inside enclosure
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

SRAD    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #3361 ALTU Replaced pyranometer that was
                              biased low

RAIN    Current:        #4361 HOLL Gauge tipped 66 times instead of 50 
                              times during drip test
        Added:          None 
        Resolved:       #4339 TAHL Replaced bad switch
                        #4370 RING Removed 4 spider webs clogging gauge

TA9M    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

WS2M    Current:        #4342 PRES Sensor stuck at 0.0 m/s
        Added:          None 
        Resolved:       #3670 MEDI Sensor moved to proper height
                        #4296 PORT Replaced sensor with electrical

TS10    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #3003 HOBA Replaced bad sensor              
                        #4486 WOOD Corrected wiring problem
                        #4490 SLAP Corrected wiring problem

TB10    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4487 WOOD Corrected wiring problem

TS05    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2604 HOBA Replaced sensor stuck at -273.1 C
                        #4488 WOOD Corrected wiring problem

TB05    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4489 WOOD Corrected wiring problem

TS30    Current:        #3147 TIPT Sensor stuck at -273.1 C
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #2391 HOLL Replaced bad sensor
                        #4491 SLAP Corrected wiring problem

                                ARS QA REPORT

TAIR    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4647 A145 Replaced sensor failing mesocomp

RELH    Current:        None 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4648 A145 Replaced sensor failing mesocomp

SRAD    Current:        #3836 A130 Mesocomp found sensor 7% low
                        #3837 A151 Mesocomp found sensor 7% low
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

RAIN    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4504 A168 Replaced bad switch
TS05    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS10    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS15    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS30    Current:        None  
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None


TAIR    Air Temperature measured at 1.5 meters
RELH    Relative Humidity measured at 1.5 meters
WDIR    Wind Direction measured at 10 meters
WSPD    Wind Speed measured at 10 meters
PRES    Pressure
SRAD    Incident Solar Radiation
RAIN    Rainfall
TA9M    Air Temperature measured at 9 meters
WS2M    Wind Speed measured at 2 meters
TS10    Soil Temperature measured at 10 cm under native sod
TB10    Soil Temperature measured at 10 cm under bare soil
TS05    Soil Temperature measured at 5 cm under native sod
TB05    Soil Temperature measured at 5 cm under bare soil
TS15    Soil Temperature measured at 15 cm under native sod
TS30    Soil Temperature measured at 30 cm under native sod
  • srad
  • wspd_2m
  • wspd_sigma
  • rh
  • wvec_10m
  • tdry_1_5m
  • prec_amt
  • wdir_sigma
  • wdir_10m
  • wspd_10m
  • tdry_9m
  • wspd_max
  • pres
  • prec_amt
  • wvec_10m
  • pres
  • wspd_sigma
  • wdir_10m
  • tdry_1_5m
  • wspd_10m
  • wspd_2m
  • wspd_max
  • rh
  • tdry_9m
  • srad
  • wdir_sigma
  • Raw data stream - documentation not supported
  • tbare10
  • tsoil30
  • tsoil10
  • tbare5
  • tsoil5
  • tsoil5
  • tsoil10
  • tbare5
  • tbare10
  • tbare30
  • Raw data stream - documentation not supported

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