DQRID : D940708.1
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time Data Quality Metric
06/30/1994062807/02/19940628Does not affect quality
06/30/1994022107/02/19940221Does not affect quality
SGP/TWR21x/C1 - Aspirator values affected by sudden T/RH changes
DataStreams:sgp1twr21xC1.a0, sgp30twr21xC1.a1
During 30 June and 02 July, 1994 a meteorological condition occurred that resulted in one 
minute and 30 minute aspirator values to be below acceptable levels.  As has happened 
before, during times of rapid change in temperature and relative humidity (the former is 
mostly responsible) the aspirator value can fall below acceptable levels, even though there 
is no evidence in the T/RH data that aspirator flow has been reduced.

However, under such rapid change conditions it is virtually impossible to tell if T or RH 
have been affected.  I know from my past experience with the flow sensor in the aspirator 
unit that during rapid temperature decreases, the heater in the flow sensor cools off 
and does not respond rapidly enough to warm up to the acceptable temperature that would 
indicate proper flow.  The flow sensor determines flow by sensing the temperature of the 
heater; if the temperature is within an acceptable range, which is calibrated to flow, the 
unit indicates proper flow.  If the flow is too small (such as from a failed aspirator 
fan) or if the heater cools off from a rapid ambient temperature decrease, the flow sensor 
indicates an improper flow condition.  The latter is the culprit during the specified times.  

There is a tremendous variation in raw output of the flow sensor as a result simply of 
very small fluctuations in aspirator flow; the flow sensor is a very sensitive device.  
Therefore, there are periods such as those below when aspirator flow will be indicated as 
incorrect, when the the aspirator is probably functioning properly and all other data values 
are correct.

The affected aspirator values are (times are GMT):

                1 minute       30 minute

30 June 1994   0221-0224
02 July 1994   0547-0551       0600-0630
  • aspirator
  • aspirator

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