DQRID : D000330.4
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/OKM Overview of Automated QA - January 2000
DataStreams:sgp05okmX1.00, sgp05okmX1.b1, sgp15okmX1.b1, sgp15okmX1.a1, sgp05okmX1.a1, sgp15okmX1.00
Below is an overview from Chris Fiebrich, the Mesonet QA manager
of the automated quality assurance results for the January 2000
Oklahoma Mesonet data.

Date    Station  Parameter(s)       
----    -------  ------------   
1/07    BBOW     WS2M            Completely calm conditions 
                                 at this site caused the wind 
                                 speed at 2 m to stay at 0 m/s 
                                 all day.  Although the data was
                                 flagged by the persistence test, 
                                 it is ok.

1/12    BUFF     TAIR            Cold air drainage caused this 
                                 site to be much colder than 
                                 neighboring sites.  Ignore
                                 the flags.

1/13    BUFF     TAIR            Cold air drainage caused this 
                                 site to be much colder than
                                 neighboring sites.  Ignore
                                 the flags.

1/26    BBOW     WS2M            Completely calm conditions at 
                                 this site caused the wind speed 
                                 at 2 m to stay at 0 m/s all day.  
                                 Although the data was flagged by 
                                 the persistence test, it is ok.

1/27    CHIC     TA9M        ---|  
        ELRE     RELH           |  Continuous light snow 
        GUTH     RELH           |  caused the parameters at these
        MARE     RELH           |  sites to stay constant 
        MARS     RELH           |  all day long.  They failed our 
        PERK     TA9M           |  persistence test.  You can 
        SPEN     RELH           |  disregard the flags.
        STIL     TA9M           |  
        ACME     TAIR           |
        ACME     TA9M        ---| 


       for the month of January, 2000

       Based upon observations taken at 1800 UTC each day

       Prepared by Chris Fiebrich (qamgr@redrock.ocs.ou.edu)


The Preston site was removed on 20 January due to repeated 
vandalism that has occurred there. 

Other vandalism incidents:
4 January:  A149 TAIR and RELH sensor damaged 
16 January:  CHIC WS2M stolen and datalogger damaged

Many improvements were made in January to our soil moisture 
data.  6 stations had their faulty sensors replaced or repaired 
during the month.


TAIR    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None 

RELH    Current:        None 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None
WDIR    Current:        #4338 MARS Sensor reporting 180 degrees 
                              out of phase on numerous 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None   

WSPD    Current:        None 
        Added:          #4832 EUFA Sensor consistently 1-2 m/s
                              slower than WS2M and is local
                              minimum compared to neighbors
        Resolved:       None

PRES    Current:        #4118 CHEY No barometer hole drilled, 
                              sensor is detecting pressure 
                              inside enclosure
                        #4680 BBOW Observed 32 barometer 
                              errors, probably a lose wire
                        #4801 MTHE Observed 75 barometer errors,
                              probably a lose wire
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

SRAD    Current:        None
        Added:          #4831 MIAM PM SRAD is consistently
                              50 W/m^2 higher than neighbors
        Resolved:       None

RAIN    Current:        None
        Added:          #4830 ANTL Site received double the 
                              rainfall as neighbors in 
                              January.  Gauge may be double-
                              tipping again.
        Resolved:       None 

TA9M    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

WS2M    Current:        None
        Added:          None 
        Resolved:       #4769 CHIC Replaced stolen sensor

TS10    Current:        #4818 STIG Sensor has 15 C warm bias
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None        

TB10    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS05    Current:        None
        Added:          #4834 FORA Sensor does not agree with
                              other soil levels
        Resolved:       None

TB05    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS30    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #3147 TIPT Corrected wiring problem

                                ARS QA REPORT

TAIR    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4670 A149 Replaced vandalized sensor

RELH    Current:        None 
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       #4669 A149 Replaced vandalized sensor

SRAD    Current:        #3836 A130 Mesocomp found sensor 7% low
                        #3837 A151 Mesocomp found sensor 7% low
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

RAIN    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None
TS05    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS10    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS15    Current:        None
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None

TS30    Current:        None  
        Added:          None
        Resolved:       None


TAIR    Air Temperature measured at 1.5 meters
RELH    Relative Humidity measured at 1.5 meters
WDIR    Wind Direction measured at 10 meters
WSPD    Wind Speed measured at 10 meters
PRES    Pressure
SRAD    Incident Solar Radiation
RAIN    Rainfall
TA9M    Air Temperature measured at 9 meters
WS2M    Wind Speed measured at 2 meters
TS10    Soil Temperature measured at 10 cm under native sod
TB10    Soil Temperature measured at 10 cm under bare soil
TS05    Soil Temperature measured at 5 cm under native sod
TB05    Soil Temperature measured at 5 cm under bare soil
TS15    Soil Temperature measured at 15 cm under native sod
TS30    Soil Temperature measured at 30 cm under native sod
  • solar radiation(srad)
  • average wind speed at 2m(wspd_2m)
  • standard deviation of wind speed(wspd_sigma)
  • Relative Humidity (hybrid-b grid)(rh)
  • vector average wind magnitude(wvec_10m)
  • air temperature at 1.5m(tdry_1_5m)
  • accumulated rainfall since 00GMT except at 00 GMT, the number given is the total
    accumulation for the past 24 hours(prec_amt)
  • standard deviation of wind direction(wdir_sigma)
  • vector average of wind direction measured at 10m(wdir_10m)
  • average wind run (arithmetic average speed) at 10m(wspd_10m)
  • air temperature at 9m(tdry_9m)
  • maximum 3-second wind speed within the 5-minute averaging period(wspd_max)
  • Retrieved pressure profile(pres)
  • accumulated rainfall since 00GMT except at 00 GMT, the number given is the total
    accumulation for the past 24 hours(prec_amt)
  • vector average wind magnitude(wvec_10m)
  • Retrieved pressure profile(pres)
  • standard deviation of wind speed(wspd_sigma)
  • vector average of wind direction measured at 10m(wdir_10m)
  • air temperature at 1.5m(tdry_1_5m)
  • average wind run (arithmetic average speed) at 10m(wspd_10m)
  • average wind speed at 2m(wspd_2m)
  • maximum 3-second wind speed within the 5-minute averaging period(wspd_max)
  • Relative Humidity (hybrid-b grid)(rh)
  • air temperature at 9m(tdry_9m)
  • solar radiation(srad)
  • standard deviation of wind direction(wdir_sigma)
  • (Raw data stream - documentation not supported)
  • soil temperature at 10cm beneath bare soil(tbare10)
  • soil temperature at 30 cm beneath natural sod cover(tsoil30)
  • 10 cm soil temp(tsoil10)
  • soil temperature at 5 cm beneath bare soil(tbare5)
  • soil temperature at 5 cm beneath natural sod cover(tsoil5)
  • soil temperature at 5 cm beneath natural sod cover(tsoil5)
  • 10 cm soil temp(tsoil10)
  • soil temperature at 5 cm beneath bare soil(tbare5)
  • soil temperature at 10cm beneath bare soil(tbare10)
  • soil temperature at 30 cm beneath bare soil(tbare30)
  • (Raw data stream - documentation not supported)

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