DQRID : D000517.1
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SGP/TWR/C1 - West-side 25m RH replacement
DataStreams:sgp1twr25mC1.a0, sgp1440twr25mC1.a0, sgp30twr25mC1.a1
I have reviewed the T/RH data from the 25 and 60 meter levels and find that all sensors 
were working, but that the 25m RH did not compare favorably with the 60m RH, SMOS RH, EBBR 
RH, or BBSS RH data.  An error in the sensitivity of the 25m RH can be seen for RHs less 
than 90%.  Above 90% there is good agreement with the other systems.

A comparison of data (25m and 60m tower, SMOS, and BBSS) for two weeks showed that 25m RH 
was typically about 5% to 9% too high, and thus calculated vapor pressures were about 
0.05 to 0.09 kPa too high.

Temperatures from the 25m and 60m levels continue to be consistent with expected 
temperature gradients and with the BBSS data.  When the temperature was rising, the 60 meter 
temperature was usually lower than the 25 meter temperature.  When temperature was dropping, 
the 60 meter temperature was usually higher than the 25 meter temperature.  That is the 
expected pattern.

On March 19, 1996, the 25m RH probe was replaced.
  • Relative Humidity (hybrid-b grid)(rh)
  • Relative Humidity (hybrid-b grid)(rh)
  • Standard Deviation of Relative Humidity(sd_rh)
  • Minimum Relative Humidity(min_rh)
  • Daily maximum relative humidity(max_rh)

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