DQRID : D050726.4
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
PYE/MWR/M1 - Reprocessed: Calibration corrected
DataStreams:pyemwrtipM1.a1, pyemwrlosM1.b1
On May 28 1:30 GMT the NFOV radiometer was placed in the field of view of the MWR tip 
calibration. Almost immediately calibration of the MWR was compromised resulting in incorrect 
brightness temperatures and overestimation of both PWV and LWP. 

On July 15 the NFOV radiometer was moved away from the MWR and the instantaneous 
calibration values jumped back to normal. The median values returned to normal on July 17 around 

The LOS data were reprocessed using interpolated values for the calibration coefficients.  
The reprocessed data are available from the ARM Archive effective December 7, 2005.  
NOTE: the format of the reprocessed data are slightly different than the format of the 
original data and the data available before and after the reprocessed data period.  The 
quality of the data are not affected, just the format.

The MWRTIP data can not be reprocessed and should be used with caution.
Reprocessed data have a brightness temperature RMS error ~ 0.3 K.
  • Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd31)
  • 31.4 GHz sky signal(sky31)
  • Total water vapor along LOS path(vap)
  • Temperature correction coefficient at 23.8 GHz(tc23)
  • Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 23.8 GHz(tnd_nom23)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Mean 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31)
  • Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd23)
  • 23.8 GHz sky signal(sky23)
  • Temperature correction coefficient at 31.4 GHz(tc31)
  • Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 31.4 GHz(tnd_nom31)
  • Mean 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23)
  • Temperature correction coefficient at 31.4 GHz(tc31)
  • Correlation coefficients for tip curve at 31.4 GHz(r31)
  • Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 23.8 GHz(tnd_nom23)
  • Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd31)
  • 23.8 GHz sky signal(tipsky23)
  • Temperature correction coefficient at 23.8 GHz(tc23)
  • 23.8 GHz goodness-of-fit coefficient(r23)
  • Total liquid water along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(liqtip)
  • Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 31.4 GHz(tnd_nom31)
  • Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz derived from this tip(tnd23I)
  • Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz derived from this tip(tnd31I)
  • 31.4 GHz sky signal(tipsky31)
  • Total water vapor along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(vaptip)
  • Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd23)

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