DQRID : D080829.3
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SGP/RL/C1 - Degraded sensitivity in WFOV channels
DataStreams:sgprlprofmerge1turnC1.c0, sgprlC1.a0
The sensitivity of all the wide field-of-view (WFOV) channels was abnormally low due a 
malfunction of the filter wheel. The filter wheel for the WFOV channels did not rotate into 
position properly and thus partially obscured the return light.
Be aware that all derived data products may exhibit increased noisiness at low altitudes.
  • Glue coefficient (slope) for low water vapor channel(water_counts_low_glue_coef_slope)
  • Glue coefficient (slope) for low elastic channel(elastic_counts_low_glue_coef_slope)
  • Solar background in the low channel water channel(solar_background_water_low)
  • Number of photons counted in the low water vapor channel(water_counts_low)
  • Glue coefficient (slope) for low nitrogen channel(nitrogen_counts_low_glue_coef_slope)
  • Fit parameters for the low nitrogen channel(parameters_nitrogen_low)
  • Solar background in the low channel nitrogen channel(solar_background_nitrogen_low)
  • Number of photons counted in the low elastic (aerosol) channel(elastic_counts_low)
  • Fit parameters for the low water vapor channel(parameters_water_low)
  • Glue coefficient (offset) for low elastic channel(elastic_counts_low_glue_coef_offset)
  • Glue coefficient (offset) for low nitrogen channel(nitrogen_counts_low_glue_coef_offset)
  • Glue coefficient (offset) for low water vapor channel(water_counts_low_glue_coef_offset)
  • Fit parameters for the low elastic channel(parameters_elastic_low)
  • Solar background in the low channel elastic channel(solar_background_elastic_low)
  • Number of photons counted in the low nitrogen channel(nitrogen_counts_low)
  • Number of photons counted in the low water vapor channel(water_counts_low)
  • Summed analog signal in the low water vapor channel(water_analog_low)
  • Summed analog signal in the low nitrogen channel(nitrogen_analog_low)
  • Number of photons counted in the low elastic (aerosol) channel(elastic_counts_low)
  • Summed analog signal in the low elastic channel(elastic_analog_low)
  • Number of photons counted in the low nitrogen channel(nitrogen_counts_low)

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