DQRID : D110118.2
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
GRW/ECOR/M1 - Effects on ECOR CO2 Flux and Concentration by Aircraft
Aircraft landings, departures, and running aircraft on the airport pad were found to 
produce spikes in the half hourly CO2 flux and small spikes in CO2 concentration on many days 
during the entire deployment of the AMF1 at GRW. This influence sometimes occurred 
multiple periods in a day; this was typical of the year of data.  The spikes range from only 
several micromoles s-1 m-2 to one hundred or more for flux (a typical spike was in the 
twenties) and near zero to 1.0 mmoles m-3 for CO2 concentration (typically around 0.15).

Occasionally an influence on water vapor density was detected, but this was fairly rare 
and usually of very small magnitude.
no work around is possible
  • variance of c(var_c)
  • CO2 flux(fc)
  • Rotated covariance wc(cvar_rot_wc)
  • covariance vc(cvar_vc)
  • Covariance wc(cvar_wc)
  • Rotated covariance vc(cvar_rot_vc)
  • Covariance tc(cvar_tc)
  • rotated covariance uc(cvar_rot_uc)
  • Covariance uc(cvar_uc)
  • mean co2 concentration (c)(mean_c)

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