DQRID : D120606.2
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
TWP/QCRAD/C2 - Reprocess: Incorrect calibration coefficients
DataStreams:twpqcrad1longC2.s2, twpqcrad1longC2.s1, twpqcrad1longC2.c1, twpqcrad1longC2.c2
Incorrect calibration coefficients were used for downwelling shortwave and longwave 

The following calculation method should be applied to correct the data, 

For the downwelling shortwave(PSPG) (DS)
Old Calibration coefficient [W/m2\mV] =119.68
New Calibration Coefficient [W/m2\mV] =125.94
DS(new_value)[W/m2]=( DS(old_value)[W/m2]/ 119.68 [W/m2\mV] )* 125.94 [W/m2/mV]

For the longwave irradiance (PIRG):

If the .a0 and .b1 data set available the following procedure should be applied for the 
downwelling LW
1) Obtain the following variables from the 20s datastream for each one minute of the 
affected time range:
  inst_down_long_hemisp1_dome_resist (Rd)
  inst_down_long_ hemisp1_case_resist (Rc)
  inst_down_long_ hemisp1_tp (tpDIR_mV)
2) Using the 20s tp voltage in mV convert to uV.
  tpDIR[uV] = inst_down_long_hemisp1_tp [mV]*1000[uV/mV]

3) For each 20s data entry, convert Rd and Rc to temperature
  Td =1/ (a0 + (a1*LN (Rd*1000) + (a2*LN (Rd*1000)^3)))
  Tc = 1/ (a0 + (a1*LN (Rc*1000) + (a2*LN (Rc*1000)^3)))
  Where a0 = 0.0010295 
	a1 = 0.0002391
	a2 = 0.0000001568

4) Apply for each 20s data entry: (correct k1=0.2755)
  WinDIR(W/m^2)= [0.2755*tpDIR] + Sigma*Tc^4 -4*Sigma*(Td^4 - Tc^4)
	WinDIR = Corrected down_long_hemisp1 (W/m^2)
	Sigma = 5.6704E-8 (Stefan-Boltzman Constant)

5) Generate new 1 minute average from the three 20-second measurements

For the longwave irradiance (PIRD):

If the .a0 and .b1 data set available the following procedure should be applied for the 
downwelling LW
1) Obtain the following variables from the 20s datastream for each one minute of the 
affected time range:
  inst_down_long_hemisp2_dome_resist (Rd)
  inst_down_long_ hemisp2_case_resist (Rc)
  inst_down_long_ hemisp2_tp (tpDIR_mV)
2) Using the 20s tp voltage in mV convert to uV.
  tpDIR[uV] = inst_down_long_hemisp2_tp [mV]*1000[uV/mV]

3) For each 20s data entry, convert Rd and Rc to temperature
  Td =1/ (a0 + (a1*LN (Rd*1000) + (a2*LN (Rd*1000)^3)))
  Tc = 1/ (a0 + (a1*LN (Rc*1000) + (a2*LN (Rc*1000)^3)))
  Where a0 = 0.0010295 
	a1 = 0.0002391
	a2 = 0.0000001568

4) Apply for each 20s data entry: (correct k1=0.2786)
  WinDIR(W/m^2)= [0.2786*tpDIR] + Sigma*Tc^4 -4*Sigma*(Td^4 - Tc^4)
	WinDIR = Corrected down_long_hemisp2(W/m^2)
	Sigma = 5.6704E-8 (Stefan-Boltzman Constant)

5) Generate new 1 minute average from the three 20-second measurements

This issue was also described in instrument DQR D031007.3.
  • Downwelling longwave hemispheric irradiance, pyrgeometer(down_long_hemisp)
  • Down-welling unshaded pyranometer voltage(down_short_hemisp)
  • Quality check results on field: Best Estimate Global Downwelling Shortwave
    Hemispheric Irradiance(BestEstimate_down_short_hemisp)
  • Downwelling longwave hemispheric irradiance, pyrgeometer(down_long_hemisp)
  • Quality check results on field: Best Estimate Global Downwelling Shortwave
    Hemispheric Irradiance(BestEstimate_down_short_hemisp)
  • Downwelling longwave hemispheric irradiance, pyrgeometer(down_long_hemisp)
  • Quality check results on field: Best Estimate Global Downwelling Shortwave
    Hemispheric Irradiance(BestEstimate_down_short_hemisp)
  • Downwelling longwave hemispheric irradiance, pyrgeometer(down_long_hemisp)
  • Quality check results on field: Best Estimate Global Downwelling Shortwave
    Hemispheric Irradiance(BestEstimate_down_short_hemisp)
  • Down-welling unshaded pyranometer voltage(down_short_hemisp)

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