DQRID : D130924.2
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
10/01/20040000Open Ended-1
SGP/RLPROF/C1 - Metadata/Data Type Inconsistencies
DataStreams:sgp10rlprofbe1newsC1.c1, sgp10rlprofbe1newsC1.s1
The cmask, temperature, and pressure fields are using improper metadata for the long_name 
variable attribute. In each of these fields, the long_name changes depending on the 
sourceused for each field. This creates a conflict with the DOD version listed in the global 
attributes for these datastreams, as the long_name should be static for a specific DOD 
version. This VAP is listing a single DOD version despite these differences.  This creates a 
problem with the metadata stored in the Archive databases, which also expect the 
long_name for a field to be constant over time.  

As a result, the long_name listed for the temperature field in the "Extract Specific 
Measurements" option of the Archive Data Discovery ordering interface is "Temperature from 
sgpaeriprof3feltzC1.c1".  When you actually examine the data files, the temperature field 
for this product may have one of the following long_names:

temperature:long_name = Temperature from sgpaeriprof3feltzC1.c1; 
temperature:long_name = Temperature from sgplssondeC1.c1; 
temperature:long_name = Temperature from sgpsondewnpnC1.b1; 

Likewise, the long_name listed for the pressure field in the "Extract Specific 
Measurements" option of the Archive Data Discovery ordering interface is "Pressure from 
sgpaeriprof3feltzC1.c1".  When you actually examine the data files, the temperature field for this 
product may have one of the following long_names:

pressure:long_name = Pressure from sgpaeriprof3feltzC1.c1; 
pressure:long_name = Pressure from sgplssondeC1.c1; 
pressure:long_name = Pressure from sgpsondewnpnC1.b1; 

Finally, the long_name listed for the cmask field in the "Extract Specific Measurements" 
option of the Archive Data Discovery ordering interface is always "Cloud mask from 
depolarization VAP".  The user will need to check the long_name in the individual data files to 
determine if the long_name is actually "Cloud mask from depolarization VAP" or "Cloud 
mask from ASR VAP".	In addition, the data type of the cmask field changes depending on the 
source.  If the long_name is "Cloud mask from depolarization VAP", the data type is "int". 
 If the long_name of the cmask field is "Cloud mask from ASR VAP", the data type if "float".
  • Temperature used for calculation(temperature)
  • Cloud mask from depolarization VAP(cmask)
  • Derived pressure(pressure)
  • Cloud mask from depolarization VAP(cmask)
  • Temperature used for calculation(temperature)
  • Derived pressure(pressure)

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