DQRID : D940105.8
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/EBBR/E20 - Reprocess: Questionable data in soil heat fluxes at E20
DataStreams:sgp30ebbrE20.b1, sgp15ebbrE20.b1
Soil heat flux probes #4 had been indicating soil heat fluxes that were
higher than the other four probes.  It was decided to replace it.
On November 24, 1993 Soil Heat Flux probe #4 was replaced, resulting in
outputs more similar to the other four probes.  This PIF does not
invalidate previous measurements by the old probe #4, but only indicates
data that is bad as a result of the replacement procedure.  This procedure
resulted in some bad data for the adjoining soil heat flux probes #3 and #5
also.  Bad data for #3 includes the 1600 GMT half hour, and 5 and 15 minute
periods between 1530 and 1600 GMT.  Bad data for #4 includes half hour
times of 1600 through 1900 GMT, with 5 and 15 minute data inbetween those times
being invalid as well.  Bad data for #5 includes half hour times of 1630
and 1700 GMT, with 5 and 15 minute periods inbetween those times being
invalid as well.  Corrupted 30 minute values of shf4, c_shf4, g4, ave_shf, h,
and e, and corrupted 15 minute values of mv_hft4 resulted.  The quantities
shf4, c_shf4, g4, and mv_hft4 are bad data values and are not recoverable.
The other quantities can be recalculated using the remaining functioning
set(s) of soil sensors.

Use the following equations:

ave_shf = (gs summed)/n,

    where n is the number of probes functioning

e = -(q + ave_shf)/(1 + bowen)   where q is net radiation, and bowen is
                                 Bowen Ratio
h = e * bowen
Use the given equations for the average soil heat flux (ave_shf), 
and latent (e) and sensible (h) heat fluxes.
  • Surface soil heat flux, average of fluxes 1-5(surface_soil_heat_flux_avg)
  • Surface sensible heat flux(sensible_heat_flux)
  • Surface soil heat flux 4(surface_soil_heat_flux_4)
  • Surface soil heat flux 3(surface_soil_heat_flux_3)
  • Soil heat flow 4, corrected for soil moisture(corr_soil_heat_flow_4)
  • Soil heat flow 3, corrected for soil moisture(corr_soil_heat_flow_3)
  • Surface latent heat flux(latent_heat_flux)
  • Soil heat flow 5, corrected for soil moisture(corr_soil_heat_flow_5)
  • Surface soil heat flux 5(surface_soil_heat_flux_5)
  • Soil heat flow 4(soil_heat_flow_4)
  • Soil heat flow 5(soil_heat_flow_5)
  • Soil heat flow 3(soil_heat_flow_3)
  • Soil heat flow 4 (mV)(soil_heat_flow_4_mv)
  • Soil heat flow 5 (mV)(soil_heat_flow_5_mv)
  • Soil heat flow 3 (mV)(soil_heat_flow_3_mv)

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