DQRID : D960426.2
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/GPS - Gaps in Available Data
Subject: Gaps in Available Data 9/26 - 11/01/95 

Date Submitted: April 26, 1996
Submitted By: Joyce Tichler           ___  Instrument Mentor
                                      ___  EST Member
                                      ___  Science Team Member
                                      __x_  Other _____________________________
Discussion of Problem:

FSL has provided us with data for the above period. However, there
are gaps in the data because of the experimental status of the
instruments during this time period.  The data are made available
as ascii files, one daily file per station. The gaps in the data are
documented below.
There should be seven stations. However on the dates shown below
some or all of the stations are missing.

Station Codes:
denc - denver
hbrk - hillsboro
hklo - haskell
lmno - lamont
pltc - plattsville
vcio - vici
wsmn - white sands

The data columns in the files represent:

YY JJJ.DDD Total-delay sigma-err drydelay pwv press temp

Date  Julian Day  missing stations
950927      270         hbrk
950928      271         hbrk, lmno
951006      279         pltc, vcio, wsmn
951007      279         pltc, vcio, wsmn
951011      284         all
951021      294         denc
951022      295         denc
951023      296         denc, hbrk
951024      297         denc, hbrk, pltc
951025      298         denc
951026      299         denc
951027      300         all
951028      301         denc
951029      302         denc
951030      303         denc, vcio
951031      304         denc

Each file contains data for 1 day for one station. Normally
there are 49 lines in a file because the data are taken
every 30 minutes and run from day i, hour 0 to day i+1,
hour 0.  However, the files shown below are missing 
some data.

Number of   station     year_julian day
       43   denc  95_269 (9/26)
       18   denc  95_270 (9/27)
       30   denc  95_271 (9/28)
       44   hbrk  95_269 (9/26)
       34   hbrk  95_272 (9/29)
       47   hklo  95_269 (9/26)
        8   hklo  95_270 (9/27)
        9   hklo  95_271 (9/28)
       34   hklo  95_272 (9/29)
       45   lmno  95_269 (9/26)
       36   lmno  95_270 (9/27)
       34   lmno  95_272 (9/29)
       44   pltc  95_269 (9/26)
       18   pltc  95_270 (9/27)
       31   pltc  95_271 (9/28)
       34   pltc  95_272 (9/29)
       45   vcio  95_269 (9/26)
        4   vcio  95_270 (9/27)
       10   vcio  95_271 (9/28)
       34   vcio  95_272 (9/29)
       30   vcio  95_282 (10/09
       42   wsmn  95_269 (9/26)
       28   wsmn  95_270 (9/27)
       17   wsmn  95_271 (9/28)
       34   wsmn  95_272 (9/29)
  • (Development raw data stream - documentation not supported)

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