Data Quality Reports for Session: 108556 User: jzb Completed: 10/23/2007


DQR IDSubjectData Streams Affected
D020615.2SGP/SMOS/E15 - Reprocess: Wind speed calibrationssgp1smosE15.a0, sgp30smosE15.a1

DQRID : D020615.2
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/SMOS/E15 - Reprocess: Wind speed calibrations
DataStreams:sgp1smosE15.a0, sgp30smosE15.a1
EDITOR'S NOTE:  The earliest portion of the period of time covered
by this DQR occurred prior to the begin date of regular ARM data.
Those data are not readily available from the ARM Archive but are
available by special request.  The actual period of time covered
by this DQR is 930401-930824.1530.

Practically all of the information in this DQR is derived from
P930723.1 and C930830.1, both of which were submitted by Dick Hart. 

The calibrations initially used for wind speeds on SMOS systems at 
Coldwater (E8), Ashton (E9), the central faciality (E13), Ringwood (E15),
and Meeker (E20) were originally "generic"values, but analysis of the 
N.I.S.T traceable calibration data reveals that use of these "generic" 
calibrations produces data with insufficient accuracy. The calibrations 
for the wind speed sensor associated with the instrument must be used 
in the datalogger program in order to obtain data with a 1% uncertainty.
For the worst case, one wind speed sensor underestimates the wind speed 
by 1.1 m/s at 30 m/s when the "generic" calibration is used.  This is 
on top of the 1% calibration uncertainty.  

No unreported data loss occurred as a result of this calibration question, 
but users of the data should adjust the wind speed values before analysis 
involving these wind speed values.
  • Mean Wind Speed(wspd)
  • Wind Speed (vector averaged)(wspd_va)

  • Standard Deviation of Wind Speed(sd_wspd)
  • Mean Wind Speed(wspd)
  • Wind Speed (vector averaged)(wspd_va)

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